Have you planted your Tomatoes yet????

Started by frawin, April 05, 2009, 04:24:27 PM

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I grow "ugly ripe". sweet 100's, and early girl. It is 70 degrees here today and we can grow tomatoes almost all year here in California. I grow some very good tomatoes, but I have never been able to replicate the tomatoes that I had in Howard that my Aunt Velda used to grow. That is my gold standard. I have only two recipes that I want for my home grown tomatoes; eating them like an apple with a little salt and a BLT with Miracle Whip on homemade bread. I have never ever had a tomato better than the ones from Kansas when I was a kid. :P


Jo McDonald

We had such wonderful tasty tomatoes last summer in our small garden at the Elk City State Park.  The middle of October (last) Fred planted seeds and we took nice healthy tomato plants to Texas with us, and planted them on the east side of the small storage building that we had on our space.  When he was in the hospital my daily duty was to make sure they were watered ( things really dry out in the sandy soil down there).  Each day he worried about how they were doing, and it wasn't long before we had beautiful ripe tomatoes.  They produced many, and we made our friends happy by sharing them.  They were going strong when we left in March, and each day, I wish I could step outside and pick some.  In my estimation there is not many things any better than a vine ripened tomato, unless of course it is fresh corn on the cob- fresh asparagus, fresh blueberries, nice green onions, fresh green peppers...Good Lord, I am starving and here it is only 10:37 AM
Now just look what you all have done ~~~~~~~~~`````Sigh  guess I will just have to wait until later on.  I do hope it is a good garden year.


Good Morning Jo and Fred, I think Myrna thinks I get in a hurry planting some times but it is a challenge to see how early I can have the first Tomatoe. Besides I thought Tomatoes and Gardening would be a good topic break from the worrisome political threads. Know you are both pleased to be back enjoying your family. There are times we are ready to head back to Texas to be closer to ours. I am ready for  warmer weather. My guess is Fred will be planting Tomatoes and Garden before much longer, you are right there is nothing like Garden fresh fruits and vegetables.

Dee Gee

It is still too early for me to plant tomatoes but I do have my potato, onion, lettuce and radishes panted and up. Now a question for anyone when is the correct time to pick rhubarb, this is my first time in trying to grow it, this is the second year for the plant.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

Diane Amberg

Frank and David, do you start your toms from seed? I've got Early Girl and Early Girl  Bush ( not a republican... ;D),  Patio Princess, Ultimate Opener, Park's Whopper and Cupid doing well under the lights. Dee Gee we pick rhubarb when the leaves have just opened up fully. Pick off any flowers as they appear and don't take too many stalks until next year. It likes lots of sun and is a heavy feeder.


Dale, the outside temperature here is 46, the windchill is 40. I have a thermometer inside my tomatoe cages, the temperature is 72 , and the plants have a gallon waterjug over them inside of the cage. My guess is the temperature inside the jug and the soil under the jug is around 80 degrees.


I put a few tomatoes and peppers out about a week ago, then put more out yesterday... guess I'd better put on my mud boots & see if they survived the storm last night.
Some of the things we planted are coming up, but so far they're not "up" very far.  I've got a lot more to plant... but it's not as much fun in the mud  :(


Mine are setting my trays under lights, their about 1' tall right now.  Guess i ought to get them in the ground soon.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Mine that were under lights are hardening off and will go out soon, with protection. My Bush Early Girl is in a big pot on my deck and I put Pixie in a hanging basket on the front porch. I've got a Cupid Grape tom. to put out soon. I have to put it in a big cage right on my property line so my neighbor to the rear can swipe some as he mows his yard.  ;D


I love the roma grape tomatoes.  I have also planted some bush goliath this year...can't wait to see how they turn out! :laugh:

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