Bible Pathways

Started by Judy Harder, April 03, 2009, 07:52:16 AM

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Judy Harder

Read Numbers 5 – 6

Laws concerning cleansing, confession and restitution, jealousy;the Nazarite vow

The Nazarite vow committed an individual to a life set apart to God for a specific period of time or even for life. One who made the Nazarite vow was forbidden to drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried. . . . he shall come at (touch) no dead body. . . . All the days of his separation he is holy (consecrated) unto the Lord (Numbers 6:2-8).

The Nazarite's separation to God was expressed in several ways including abstinence from grape juice and eating fresh grapes or raisins, representative of the best of physical satisfaction, and by refusing to be defiled by the dead, representative of spiritual deadness (vss 1-12). However, the Nazarite still was responsible for offering all the usual sacrifices, such as the sin offering. This points out that even in doing our very best to separate ourselves from the world we still fall far short of being free from all spiritual defilement.

Only two people in the Old Testament are recorded as lifelong Nazarites. One was Samson (Judges 13:7) who failed in his separation from the world and, consequently, did not fulfill his opportunities to lead the Israelites to victory over the Philistines. In contrast, Samuel's dedication to the Lord (I Samuel 1:28) led him to free the nation from Philistine domination and unite the 12 tribes in preparation for a united kingdom. Although the Nazarite vow no longer applies, our personal consecration and dedication is vital to our fulfilling the will of God.

There was nothing sinful about eating grapes, for God created the fruit of the vine; but, often, we allow even the "good" things of life to take the place of Christ. Those who have a desire to dedicate their lives to Christ will abstain from pleasures that interfere with serving Him as well as abstain from all appearance of evil (I Thessalonians 5:22).

The Apostle Paul was led to write: I beseech (beg) you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present (offer) your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove (approve) what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:1-2).

Thought For The Day:
To think that one is not accountable because he is a spiritual leader is foolish deception.
Word Studies:

5:7 recompense, make restitution; 5:13 neither . . . be taken with the manner, not caught in the act; 6:3 moist, fresh; 6:4 vine tree, grapevine; 6:6 come at, go near. Christ Revealed: Nazarite is the transliteration of a Hebrew term meaning "dedication by separation" (Numbers 6:1-8). Jesus dedicated Himself to do only the will of His Father even unto death: Thy will be done (Matthew 26:39,42).

Pray for Internet Radio sponsored by Thursday Morning Prayer • Staff: Pam Murton • Country: Fiji (813,000) in the southwestern Pacific • Major languages: English and Fijian • Religious freedom • 41% Hindu; 40% Protestant; 9% Roman Catholic; 8% Muslim • Prayer Suggestion: Pray and praise God that the answers to your prayers are granted through the grace of God (Isaiah 30:19).

Optional Reading: Luke 1

Memory Verse for the Week: Hebrews 4:14

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read  Numbers 7

The princes' offerings for the dedication of the Tabernacle

And it came to pass on the day that Moses had fully set up the Tabernacle, and had anointed it, and sanctified it (set it apart for, dedicated it for sacred use), and all the instruments thereof, both the altar and all the vessels thereof, and had anointed them, and sanctified them; That the princes of Israel, heads of the house of their fathers, who were the princes of the tribes, and (who) were over them that were numbered, offered: And they brought their offering before the Lord, six covered wagons, and twelve oxen; a wagon for two of the princes, and for each one an ox: and they brought them before the Tabernacle. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Take it of them, that they may be to do the service (used in the work) of the Tabernacle of the congregation; and thou shalt give them unto the Levites, to every man according to his service (Numbers 7:1-5).

Although all the gifts were identical, each prince was recognized for his gift. From this we learn that every gift and act of service to our Lord is faithfully remembered. Mount Sinai is sometimes associated with the severity of the Law. But the Tabernacle that was built there illustrates the loving concern of God to communicate and fellowship with His people and to direct them through life. All the princes revealed their gratitude through their generous freewill gifts. All responded equally to the need.

These gifts were not equally divided among the Levites. The family of the Gershonites received two wagons and four oxen for their duties (compare 4:25-26; 7:7). The Merarites, who had much heavier burdens to bear (4:31-32; 7:8), received four wagons and eight oxen. But the Kohathites received none. They were required to carry the Tabernacle furniture: Unto the sons of Kohath he gave none: because the service of the Sanctuary belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their shoulders the Candlestick of Pure Gold, Table of Shewbread, Altar of Incense, Brass Laver, Brasen Altar, and Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Lord's Covenant (7:9; see also 3:29-31; 4:1-15). These were all symbolic of Jesus Christ.

Giving always benefits the giver. Your gift to missions can lift burdens, provide happiness, answer prayers, and save a soul from eternal hell. God has said: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete (measure) withal it shall be measured to you again (Luke 6:38).

Thought For The Day:
Notice the importance that God places on each sacrificial gift. Word Studies: 7:13 charger, large dish; 7:21 bullock, young bull; 7:44 spoon, bowl.
Christ Revealed:

Through the voluntary offerings of the leaders which were sufficient to meet the needs (Numbers 7). Jesus gave His life to meet our very need. My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

Pray for Our Nation •Bible Pathway Printer Ambrose Printing • Country: Finland (5 million) in northern Europe • Major languages: Finnish and Swedish • Religious freedom • 91% Protestant; 1% Eastern Orthodox; 1% Roman Catholic • Prayer Suggestion: Give praise to God that His Word will stand forever (Isaiah 40:8).

Optional Reading: Luke 2

Memory Verse for the Week: Hebrews 4:14

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Numbers 8 – 9

Cleansing of the Levites; observance of the second Passover;the Lord's guiding presence in the cloud and the fire over the Tabernacle

Released from the cruel slavery of Pharaoh in Egypt meant that now the Israelites were free to follow the leadership of the One True God through Moses, His chosen leader.

The Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year . . . Let the children of Israel also keep the Passover at his (its) appointed season. In the fourteenth day of this month, at even (evening), ye shall keep it in his appointed season . . . and according to all the ceremonies thereof, shall ye keep it (Numbers 9:1-3).

The Israelites gained their freedom from Egypt and the control of Pharaoh after they observed the first Passover. This included, among other things, the blood of a lamb being placed on the doorpost of every home. Inside the home on that night the Israelites were also required to roast and then eat that same lamb. This lamb was symbolic of Christ whose blood cleanseth us from all sin (I John 1:7) and who said: Whoso eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day (John 6:54). As we read (eateth) His Word, it becomes part of us and sustains our lives (I Peter 2:1-2).

The Passover was a reminder of how the Israelites had gained their freedom. Keeping the Passover at the required time was not an option; it was an obligation.

Today the Christian observance of the Lord's Supper is an acknowledgment of our sins being forgiven. Then, as we read His Word, He becomes our Way of Life. Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us (I Corinthians 5:7). Paul bears witness to Jesus' words (Luke 22:19) by saying to the Church: For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till He come (I Corinthians 11:26).

Just as the Lord determined the journey of the Israelite tribes, He has a plan for us as we journey through life. Our supreme aim should be to accomplish His purpose for creating us. God has provided a reliable threefold Guide for direction throughout life – His perfect Word, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the power of prayer. It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).

Thought For The Day: The Lord's Supper replaced the Passover as a time to remember the One who by His death paid for our freedom.
Word Studies:

8:2 over against, in front of; 8:11 execute, perform; 8:18 for, instead of; 8:26 keep the charge, assist in the duties; 9:13 forbeareth, neglects.

Christ Revealed:

The Passover serves as a beautiful illustration of the redemption Christ accomplished at Calvary as the Lamb of God (Numbers 9:2; compare John 1:29; I Corinthians 5:7).

Pray for Our Nation• Staff: Ben Wallace • Country: France (59 million) in western Europe • Major language: French • Religious freedom • 74% Roman Catholic; 5% Muslim; 2% Protestant; 1% Jewish • Prayer Suggestion: Wait upon the Lord and He will renew your strength (Isaiah 40:31).

Optional Reading: Luke 3

Memory Verse for the Week: Hebrews 4:14

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Numbers 10 – 11 

Hebrews 4:15 - For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin


Two silver trumpets; the Israelites leave Sinai; complaint of the people; the 70 elders chosen; the Lord sends a plague.

The Lord commanded Moses to make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole piece shalt thou make them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps (Numbers 10:2). The trumpets were long, straight tubes of silver with bell-shaped mouths. They could not be made from inferior metal, nor from silver fragments; instead they were to be fashioned from one whole piece of silver. Regardless of how far away one was from the Tabernacle, the clear tones of the silver trumpets would communicate various messages: They shall blow an alarm for their journeys. But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm. . . . And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the Lord your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies. Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn (appointed) days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings (10:6-10; also Leviticus 23:24; II Chronicles 5:12-14; 7:6; 29:26-29; Ezra 3:10; Nehemiah 12:35,41).

Whether they worshiped, went to war, or journeyed, every move of the people was to be in obedience to the various sounds of trumpets. The two silver trumpets represent the truth of God's Word and remind us that both the Old and the New Testaments are each a part of the whole Word of God. God's people are to be fully dependent upon and subject to the will of God as revealed in His Word. If our hearts are accustomed to hearing the true silver trumpet, His voice through His Word, we will then be in harmony with the Holy Spirit's prompting as to what we should or should not do. Truth revealed in His Word will keep us from missing the will of God.

Our Lord assured us that, when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come (John 16:13).

Thought For The Day:

When we live according to God's truth, we can be transparent without fear.

Word Studies:

10:10 solemn days, appointed feasts, fasts, and Sabbaths; 10:21 against they came, before their arrival; 11:6 our soul is dried away, dissatisfied and discouraged.

Christ Revealed:

The two trumpets were made of silver (Numbers 10:2). Silver in the Bible stands for truth. Christ is The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6).

Pray for Our Nation • Country: French Guiana (168,000) on the northern coast of South America • Major language: French • Religious freedom • 88% Protestant • Prayer Suggestion: Pray and depend upon the Lord when in need for He will not forsake you (Isaiah 41:17).

Optional Reading: Luke 4

Memory Verse for the Week: Hebrews 4:15

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Numbers 12 – 13

Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses; Miriam stricken with leprosy; Moses prays; 12 spies sent to Canaan; their report.

Miriam was the sister of Moses and of Aaron the high priest. She was honored above all the women of Israel, had a prophetic anointing, and was gifted in music and singing (Exodus 15:20; Micah 6:4).

Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian (Cushite) woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman. And they said, Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? hath He not spoken also by us? And the Lord heard it (Numbers 12:1-2).

Suddenly, the Lord demanded to meet with Miriam, Aaron, and Moses. Miriam may have been delighted, thinking that God was just as displeased with Moses as she was, and would agree with her crit-icism. Undoubtedly, she experienced an overwhelming shock when God said to her: With him will I speak mouth to mouth . . . wherefore (why) then were ye not afraid to speak against My servant Moses? And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them. . . . and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous. And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned (12:8-11).

Covetousness and pride are never satisfied. Even the possession of spiritual gifts can lead to pride which, in turn, can lead to jealousy if others with similar spiritual gifts appear to be competitors. When someone we have known as less qualified is promoted above us in our office or given recognition, we may be tempted to fall into Mir-iam's sin of criticizing. Pride reveals itself in many forms. It may be based on physical beauty, wealth, education, or talents; but pride is a self-destructive and self-deceptive sin.

Miriam succeeded, as many others have, in making it appear that her concern came from a "spiritual" motive. But God saw through her jealousy, envy, pride, and hurt feelings. It was the God-ordained leadership of Moses, not his choice of a wife or what he was teaching, that was being questioned. God has clearly declared: Touch not Mine anointed, and do My prophets no harm (I Chronicles 16:22; Psalm 105:15).

Thought For The Day:

Those who condemn another believer will be condemned by God.

Word Studies:

12:8 in dark speeches, difficult to understand proverbs; similitude, visible form, which does not imply likeness; 13:20 fat or lean, fertile or barren.

Christ Portrayed:

By Moses, who was very meek (humble), above all the men which were upon the face of the earth (Numbers 12:3). Jesus said: I am meek (gentle, mild) and lowly in heart (Matthew 11:29).

Pray for Internet Radio sponsored by Marie Bradbury• Staff: Dan Murton • Country: Gabon (1 million) in west-central Africa • Major language: French • Religious freedom • 66% Roman Catholic; 30% Protestant; 3% animism and ancestor worship • Prayer Suggestion: Amidst uncertainty, seek the guidance of God (Isaiah 42:16).

Optional Reading: Luke 5

Memory Verse for the Week: Hebrews 4:15

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Numbers 14 – 15

Moses interceded in prayer for the Israelites; Israel's wasted life; laws concerning offerings, sins, and the Sabbath

Leaving the wilderness of Sinai, the Israelites were led northward until they reached Kadesh-barnea where, for the first time, the people could actually see the promised land lying before them. The march from Egypt, including the 12-month stay at Mount Sinai (Horeb), had taken about 16 months. Now they stood on the threshold of that glorious promised land. A leader from each tribe had taken 40 days to spy out the land. When they returned carrying a single cluster of grapes so large it took two men to carry it, the Israelites were assured by all of them that Canaan floweth with milk and honey; and this is the fruit of it (Numbers 13:27). The grapes were a confirmation of its extraordinary fruitfulness. Caleb, one of the 12, was quick to say: Let us go up at once, and possess (take, occupy) it; for we are well able to overcome it (13:30). However, ten of the spies discouraged the people, saying: The people be strong that dwell in the land, and the cities are walled, and very great (13:28,31). And all the congregation lifted up their voice (made loud lament), and cried; and the people wept that night. And all the children of Israel murmured (grumbled) against Moses and against Aaron . . . Would God (We wish) that we had died in the land of Egypt! or would God (we wish) we had died in this wilderness! (14:1-2). This marked the end of their journey to the land of promise and the be-ginning of 38 years of wilderness wanderings.

The Israelites who wept that night remind us of Esau who had grown up disregarding his holy calling and who had sold his birthright. God reveals that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears (Hebrews 12:17). Esau's prayers were not heard because his only interest had been in what he had to gain not in how he could be used by the Lord.

Satan's objective is that your decisions be like Esau's or the unbelieving Israelites and not like Caleb's. Satan seeks to divert a Christian's thoughts from trust in the Lord. Such diversion is in opposition to the single eye that takes God at His Word and that puts the Lord first and foremost above all other considerations. Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith (Hebrews 10:22).

Thought For The Day:
Choosing a path contrary to God's will always bring evil results.
Word Studies:

14:33 bear your whoredoms, suffer for your un-faithfulness; 15:30 doeth ought presumptuously, is guilty of a deliberate sin; 15:34 in ward, in custody; 15:38 ribband of blue, thread or cord of blue.

Christ Revealed:

As God's glory (Numbers 14:22). Jesus Christ is the brightness of His (God's) glory, and the express image of His person (Heb. 1:3).

Pray for Staff: Beth Carlton • Country: Gambia (1 million) in West Africa • Major languages: English and Mandinka • Religious freedom • 87% Muslim; 10% animism and ancestral spirit worship; 2% Roman Catholic; .7% Protestant • Prayer Suggestion: Seek the Lord in prayer, turn from your sinful ways, and God will have mercy and pardon for you (Isaiah 55:6-7).

Optional Reading: Luke 6

Memory Verse for the Week: Hebrews 4:15


Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Numbers 16 – 18


Korah leads a rebellion against Moses and Aaron; plague sent by God; Aaron's rod; duties for priests; the tithe offering

Korah, Dathan, and Abiram rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown. . . . And Korah gathered all the congregation (Numbers 16:2,19).

Once again, Moses was confronted with opposition, this time from his own cousins and key leaders of the 12 tribes. Two hundred fifty of the leading men of Israel were influenced by Korah, Dathan, and Abiram to rebel against Moses and Aaron. They accused Moses and Aaron of assuming too much authority, and their argument seemed very convincing: They gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take (assume) too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord? (16:3). They refused to recognize that Moses and Aaron were appointed by God to lead the people and that they were actually gathered together against the Lord (16:11).

Korah did not just make a mistake; he committed a serious sin, as recorded by Jude, who wrote: I will therefore put you in remembrance . . . how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. . . . Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying (rebellion) of Cor'e (Korah) (Jude 1:5,11).

Korah was a believer in God from the priestly tribe of Levi. The Kohathites were responsible for bearing the Sanctuary on their shoulders (Numbers 7:9) and later would be set over the service of song in the House of the Lord (I Chronicles 6:22,31) and over the Shewbread, to prepare it every Sabbath (9:31-32). However, it appears that Korah would serve the Lord only if it resulted in bringing recognition to himself. Self-willed people need to recognize that God has said: Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls (Hebrews 13:17).

Thought For The Day:
Spiritual jealousy destroys one's effectiveness for the Lord.
Word Studies:

16:31 clave asunder, split open; 17:10 testimony, Ark of the Covenant; shalt . . . take away their murmurings, put an end to their complaints; 18:15 Every thing that openeth the matrix, Every firstborn; 18:30 heaved, offered.

Christ Portrayed:

By Aaron and his sons who were responsible for making proper atonement for all of the sins of Israel (Numbers 18:1). Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5); He gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity (lawlessness) (Titus 2:14).

Pray for Staff Rita Guerra • Country: Georgia (6 million) west and central Transcaucasia between Asia and Europe • Major languages: Georgian and Russian • Religious opposition to Christianity • 57% Georgian/Armenian/Russian/Syrian Orthodox; 21% Muslim; .8% Catholic; .5% Protestant; .5% Jewish • Prayer Suggestion: Pray and call upon the Lord with assurance that He will answer if you pray with a godly spirit free from sin (Isaiah 58:9-11).

Optional Reading: Luke 7

Memory Verse for the Week: Hebrews 4:15

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Numbers 19 – 20

Red heifer sacrifice; Miriam's death; Moses strikes the rock twice; Edom refuses Israel passage; Aaron's death

The red heifer sacrifice was instituted and only practiced for a limited time in the wilderness of Paran at a time when all Israel was under the sentence of death. The Law required that whosoever toucheth the dead body of any man that is dead, and purifieth not himself, defileth the Tabernacle of the Lord (Numbers 19:13).

The blood of the red heifer was burned, and then its ashes were mixed with "running water" (19:5,17) and sprinkled upon the defiled ones in order to restore them to the Holy God (19:18-19). The Hebrew word for "running" also means "living" – implying not only cleansing from sin but renewal of life. The water of purification was made from the ashes of only one heifer for all the people.

Through the red heifer ordinance, God gave a new revelation of the importance of cleansing from defilement of our thoughts, conversations, the books we read, associations with unbelievers, or whatever else we may do that defiles our minds or bodies. The necessity of holiness is made in both the Old and New Testaments. Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God (Leviticus 20:7). So be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy (I Peter 1:15-16).

The red heifer sacrifice is symbolic of Christ who cleanseth us from all sin (I John 1:7). Through His death on the cross, He has given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having es-caped the corruption that is in the world through lust (II Peter 1:4). The plan of God is that Christ's own life be reproduced in Christians.

As we pray for Christ to live out His life in us, we will express His character. Paul said: I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me (Galatians 2:20).

Thought For The Day:

God is the righteous judge. It is His place, not ours, to judge His people.

Word Studies:

19:6 hyssop, a bushy plant used for cleansing; 20:3 chode, argued; 20:12 sanctify Me, uphold Me in reverential honor; 20:13 strove, contended; 20:14 travail, hardship; 20:15 vexed, afflicted; dealt harshly with.

Christ Revealed:

Through the rock that Moses struck (Exodus 17:6; Numbers 20:8-11). Christ, our Rock, who was struck once through His death on the cross, does not need to be struck again. That spiritual Rock (Petra) that followed (accompanied) them . . . was Christ (I Corinthians 10:4). For in that He died, He died unto sin once (Romans 6:10).

Pray for Staff: Ilene Wallace • Country: Germany (82 million) in north-central Europe • Major language: German • Religious freedom • 37% Protestant; 36% Roman Catholic; 3% Muslim; .7% Greek/Serbian/Russian Orthodox • Prayer Suggestion: Confess and forsake all sin (Isaiah 59:12-13).

Optional Reading: Luke 8

Memory Verse for the Week: Hebrews 4:15

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Numbers 21 – 22


Fiery serpents; brass serpent; Israel defeats King Arad, Amorites, Moabites; Balaam hired to curse the Israelites

The Israelites were near their last encampment and would soon cross the Jordan River to enter into the promised land. Some of them had been children when, with their parents, they had left Egypt; others had been born in the wilderness. The soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way. And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore (Why) have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loatheth (detests) this light bread (manna) (Numbers 21:4-5). At this point, the Lord sent fiery serpents . . . and much people of Israel died (21:6). When they repented, Moses prayed for the people (21:7).

The response to Moses' prayer was immediate. The Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live (21:8). The brass serpent was a sym-bol both of God's judgment against their sin and of His loving mercy for all those who repented; like the cross, the brass serpent was for all but effective only for those who truly believed in Him.

Many centuries later, in His conversation with Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews (John 3:1-21), Jesus said that the serpent which had been lifted up by Moses in the wilderness illustrated Himself as the One who would be lifted up on the cross as the only way for sinners to be saved from eternal death (3:14; also 12:32-33). Jesus did not tell Nicodemus how he should live to have eternal life, rather He told him how to be made alive. Jesus replied to Nicodemus: Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God (3:5). Being born again is far more than just changing one's way of life, giving up bad habits, or turning over a new leaf. All mankind, with the One exception (Jesus), was dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1). Each of us was born with our parents' human nature but, when we receive Christ as our Savior, we are "born again" and receive His spiritual nature: As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name (John 1:12).

As children of our Heavenly Father, we are reminded: Let not sin therefore reign (rule) in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts (evil desires) thereof. . . . but yield yourselves unto God (Romans 6:12-13).

Thought For The Day:

Our God still works miracles. Pray and trust Him for your need.

Word Studies:

21:4 compass, go around; 21:11 toward the sunrising, eastern border; 21:23 suffer, permit; 22:1 this side, eastern side; 22:4 lick up, defeat in battle, consume; 22:5 over against, in front of; op-posite; 22:6 wot, know.

Christ Portrayed:

By Moses who was faithful to pray to God for the people (Numbers 21:7). Christ Jesus; Who was faithful to Him that appointed Him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house (family, i.e. the Israelites) (Hebrews 3:1-2).

Pray for Internet Radio sponsored by Lt. Col Walter and Penny Swanson • Country: Ghana (19 million) in western Africa • Major languages: English and African languages • The government permits freedom to churches and missionaries that do not get involved in politics • 31% belief in spirits and witches; 22% Protestant; 17% Muslim; 11% Roman Catholic • Prayer Suggestion: Pray and rejoice in the Lord for all His spiritual blessings (Isaiah 61:10).

Optional Reading: Luke 9

Memory Verse for the Week: Hebrews 4:15

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Numbers 23 – 25

Prophecies of Balaam; Israel sins; the plague stopped because of the intercession of Phinehas

The last encampment of the Israelites on the eastern side of the Jordan River was on the Plains of Moab northeast of the Dead Sea near Mount Nebo, a few miles south of today's Amman, Jordan (Numbers 22:1; 33:49; Joshua 2:1; 3:1). Everything seemed peaceful, with no apparent danger. But once again Israel ignored the Word of God who said: Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works (Exodus 23:24). And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. And Israel joined himself unto Baal-peor: and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel (Numbers 25:1-3; Exodus 23:31-33; 34:14-16).

The friendliness of the Moabite women led the Israelite men to be-come involved in sexual immorality and idol worship, thus breaking their covenant vow of allegiance to the One True God (Numbers 31:16; Revelation 2:14). This disobedience resulted in a plague of death that swept through the tribes of Israel and those that died in the plague (pestilence) were twenty and four thousand (Numbers 25:9). Some say that we should not be judgmental, that we should be tolerant of the immoral (alternative) lifestyles that are increasing in popularity. But if we are committed to Jesus as Lord of our lives, then we will bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (II Corinthians 10:5). Sexual sins are still an outrage against God: Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost (Spirit) which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glo-rify God in your body (I Corinthians 6:15-20).

The Apostle Paul was led to describe true Christian conversion as turning from idols to serve the living and True God (I Thes-salonians 1:9). Turning from idols is far more than merely professing that we are Christians. The Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed: Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve (Matthew 4:10). Jesus warned that the way of eternal life is a narrow . . . way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (7:14). Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in Heaven (Matthew 7:21).

Thought For The Day: Those who allow greed to control their way of life reap misery and judgment to themselves.

Word Studies:

23:3 peradventure, perhaps; 23:10 dust, descendants; 23:22 unicorn, wild ox; 24:5 goodly, attractive, lovely; 25:3 kindled against, aroused against; 25:7 javelin, spear; 25:18 wiles, treacherous deceit (compare Ephesians 6:11).

Christ Revealed:

As the prophesied Star and Sceptre (Numbers 24:17). Christ is coming to reign in great glory, not only over Israel, but over all men (Rev. 19:15-16). Unto the Son He saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of Thy Kingdom (Heb. 1:8). I Jesus. . . . am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star (Revelation 22:16).

Pray for Staff: Jennifer Palafox • Country: Greece (11 million) in southeastern Europe • Major languages: Greek and English • Government restrictions on witnessing to others about Christ • 97% Greek Orthodox (2% churchgoers); 1% Muslim; .4% Roman Catholic; .1% Protestant • Prayer Suggestion: Pray persistently (Isaiah 62:6).

Optional Reading: Luke 10

Memory Verse for the Week: Hebrews 4:15

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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