What they're Saying

Started by Warph, March 27, 2009, 03:39:30 PM

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On Barry Obama:
President Barry O'Bama's inability to think without his teleprompter was on comical display again this week during a St. Patrick's Day appearance with Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen. The event took an amusing turn when Cowen realized a few paragraphs into his prepared remarks that the words sounded familiar. Indeed, he was reading Obama's speech all over again. Upon realizing the mistake, Cowen told the president, "That's your speech."
While he may be the leader of the most powerful nation on earth, Barack Obama isn't exactly the king of cool. He laughed, headed back to the podium and proceeded to read from his indispensable teleprompter. Unfortunately, the teleprompter was by that time displaying the proper speech for the Irish prime minister, causing Obama to read, "I want to thank President Obama" before he realized his mistake. Now if we could only find a way to slip our own script onto his teleprompter... Patroit Post

"Barely two months into his Presidency, Obama is wreaking havoc, crippling the nation, oblivious to consequences and monumentally arrogant, believing the timbre of his voice and the manipulation of the media will win public confidence until the socialist utopia he believes in comes to fruition. Who knows how bad it will be in a year, let alone four?" --columnist Lance Fairchok

"Wall Street -- including the banking sector -- is burning itself down. The fire is fueled by panic -- the final stage in a decline of confidence -- and can only be put out by measures that restore confidence. ... But President Obama -- having first claimed that only government can solve the economic problems -- is failing to provide any solutions Wall Street can believe in." --Human Events editor Jed Babbin

"Obama is a great pretender. He repeatedly says he's doing things that he isn't, trusting his powerful rhetoric to obscure the difference." --Washington Post editor Robert Samuelson

"You can't expect people to unite behind you if you're trying to jam a whole bunch of things down their throat" --investor and Obama supporter Warren Buffett

On Pelosi:
"Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is the Jennifer Lopez of congressional travel -- fickle, demanding and notoriously insensitive to the time, costs and energy needed to accommodate her endless demands. On Tuesday, the indispensable government watchdog Judicial Watch released a trove of public records through the Freedom of Information Act on Pelosi's travel arrangements with the U.S. military. As speaker of the House, Pelosi is entitled to a reasonable level of military protection and transport. But it's the size of the planes, the frequency of requests and last-minute cancellations, and the political nature of many of her trips that scream out for accountability. And, of course, it's the double-barreled hypocrisy. There's the eco-hypocrisy of the Democratic leader who wags her finger at the rest of us for our too-big carbon footprints, and crusades for massive taxes and regulation to reduce global warming. Then there's the Bay Area hypocrisy of the woman who represents one of the most anti-military areas of the country soaking up military resources to shuttle her (and her many family members) across the country almost every weekend. ... Apparently, those anti-war protesters have no problem with evil military jets currying Pelosi and her massive entourages to the funerals of the late Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones and Charlie Norwood; foreign junkets to Rome; and politicized stops to Iowa flood sites to bash the Bush administration." --columnist Michelle Malkin
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Amazing...The media sector isn't fawning all over O anymore?  Things must indeed be worse than I thought...I never thought I'd see the day where there was anything but sycophantic behavior regarding our President.


Quote from: Catwoman on March 28, 2009, 07:35:00 AM
Amazing...The media sector isn't fawning all over O anymore?  Things must indeed be worse than I thought...I never thought I'd see the day where there was anything but sycophantic behavior regarding our President.

Lenin famously said of liberals in the West that they were "useful idiots."

A number of really smart people (go ahead, ask them) endorsed Obama only to find out that they have been hoodwinked.  He's not the guy they fell in love with.  It's the morning after, and they've been forced to confront the fact that he's... heaven for bid.... a fraud.  A forgery.  An empty suit.  They fell in love with the IDEA of Obama, the HOPE, the CHANGE he offered them.... his charm, his physical grace and his silver-tongue devilish oratory that blinded them to the reality of the man Obama....  the hard-ass socialist....  the man/community organizer with very, very little management skills....  the man with no knowledge of history....  the man who insults our allies, embraces our enemies, who calls America arrogant toward her European allies ....  the man who's nothing more than a figure-head for the hooligans who Run him. 

Now, as the reality of what they have done is hitting them in the face.... especially the Independents and the blue-dog democrats and, what is hilarious, some of the far-left columnist... are painfully coming to grips with their colossal gullibility.  They are starting to realize that the empty suit is really...... EMPTY!

In John LeCarre's "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" (G-d, I loved this book) master spy George Smiley points out that "the more one has paid for a forgery, the more one defends it in the face of all the evidence to the contrary."  And, these people have paid plenty for their forgery.  Now they have no choice but to defend it.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I'd like to ask them hows that hope and change working out for them?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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