What Are You Reading?

Started by sixdogsmom, March 27, 2009, 01:30:31 PM

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Jarhead, I had a beautiful stereo system for years.  When we decided to repaint the family room and change the facing on the cabinets, the stereo was moved around to accommodate the painting and as will happen, the cartridge from the turntable was damaged and then lost.  Replacing it was cost prohibitive.  As I worked for many years in a record store, I have hundreds of vinyl albums.  Then someone came out with a boxy device that plays albums, tapes, CDs, and AM/FM.  You can find it at Walmart and the cost is probably around $100 (here anyway).  Best thing I ever bought.  It sits by my desktop computer so when I am using that computer I listen to my albums or the radio.  It is also great for soft listening when I am reading.  It is pretty neat.  I love Bill Cosby and have some of his videotapes.  The man is a genius.

I noticed recently that the same company that makes the record player/radio player that I bought has come out with one that will transfer your records onto tape and I think CDs.  I don't know if I can talk the missus into letting me buy that one (as if I really need it!).

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Oh yea Larry, you would think Bill Cosby is a genius. Cosby was a Navy Corpsman and all you medic types stick together . :)


Yeah, we do.

Another Cosby line about medics:  "Anybody wanna buy a helmet with a Red Cross on it?"
Or---somebody gets hit and calls out "MEDIC!"  His answer, "Whatcha want?"  "Take two aspirins and call me in the morning."

I am probably not relaying this word for word, but it is close.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Back when I was a teenager I thought Cosby's funniest line was when the Lone Ranger told Tonto to go to town and Tonto replied back, "Go to hell Keemo Sabe" We would laugh our arse off because he cussed saying "hell". Kinda mild compared to what the kids listen to today in that Rap crap.


Back to books . . .

They are so delicious. It's fun to be reading a good book - the kind you don't want to put down, that you look for excuses to take a break from work so you can catch a few pages.

I just finished Grisham's "Ford County" and now I'm reading "The Time Traveler's Wife." Wouldn't have picked that one, but we don't do movies, we read. It's worth it.

Rudy Taylor

Yes, I can't wait to read "Ford County." It sounds so very good.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


I am on the last of the Hillerman books I bought. I will have to find some more or read something else, but Tony HIllerman is just right for me now. That gives me a good reason to shop Ebay anyhow.  :angel: I have read several of Grishoms' books, good writer, but just my genre'. Mom, The Time Travelers' Wife sounds interesting, more like tickling my fancy.  ;)


Rudy - the first chapter of "Ford Country" still has me chuckling.  ;D  ;D  ;D

SDM - "Ford Country" is different than Grisham's other books. Definitely not as "heavy," which is one of my descriptor's for his writing. Don't know if I've read all of Tony Hillerman, but he is good, you're right.

Diane Amberg

Six, I'm so glad you have enjoyed the Tony Hillerman books. I loved them all.


I am reading Eat, pray and Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.  It is really good and I am about done with it.  I had a friend tell me to read it that he thought I would get some good out of it.  He was soooo right.

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