What Are You Reading?

Started by sixdogsmom, March 27, 2009, 01:30:31 PM

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Larry & warph,
You boys ever read "Once an Eagle" by Antone Myrer ? I "made" Sarge read it and he liked it.


Nope, I haven't read that one.  I am currently reading Andrew Cross "The Blue Zone" and not too fast, cuz it is kinda boring.  But, I will get through it.  Still reading my "Army manual of arms."    :laugh:

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


There is also the Rita Mae Brown and Sneaky Pie Brown, co-written by Rita and her cat, Sneaky, series.  Haven't read one of those in a while, but Daughter has provided me with a bunch of them.  Then there is the Feline P.I. Midnight Louie series by Carole Nelson Douglas.  I like The Cat Who because the mystery is always solved by the male Siamese of the house.

Currently I am reading the latest of Sara Paretsky's, but my eyes don't let me read very long and I like to finish what I start, especially when it is a book.


They sound interesting Wilma! I have a tomcat who thinks he is a feline PI; anyway he investigates everything going on in this neighborhhood! More than once I have had to ask David Brace to unlock the museum garage, as Little Man goes in there to investigate when the door is open and doesn't always come out when the door is being closed. He was locked up somewhere a few winters back; it was bitter cold, and I thought that the coyotes had gotten him since they come into town at night to hunt. He came home 10 days later, not hungry, but very thirsty. So hunting must have been good where he was, but there was no water. He is a neutered silver/black tabby; they are incredible hunters, so mousing must have been good then. I haven't heard you talk about Bud for a long time--- is he okay? Isn't Sneaky Pie Brown just the greatest name? I wish that I were that clever.


Quotebut my eyes don't let me read very long

Jim listens to a lot of audio books.


Odd that you should mention Bud and cats being locked up.  Bud got shut in the closet last night and I didn't miss him until I was ready to go to bed.  This is a little thing he does.  If the door is open he goes through it.  It doesn't make any difference where it leads to.  He has been shut in all of the bottom cabinets in the kitchen, under the lavatory in both bathrooms and in the bedroom that I keep shut all the time.  Sometimes it is quite some time before I go looking for him.  He never utters a sound while he is shut in, but he is quite vocal when he isn't.  The reason I missed him last night is that when I am ready to get into bed and turn out the light, he goes into his goodnight song and dance and it isn't silent.

Ms Bear

I am glad Bud is doing okay.  It amazes me that they have their bedtime ritual.  My inside dogs knew when it was bedtime and let me know if I wasn't ready when they were.


Larry, You get a chance I think you'd like "Once An Eagle" Follows an Army (yes, I read about Army too :) ) officer from WW-I until Vietnam. It was made into a mini series back in the mid 70's for TV. Ladies might not like the book but most would have loved the mini series because the star was Sam Elliot back when he was a pup. I can see Teresa  swooning now just thinking about a young Sam Elliot. :) It is a fictional book.


On the  Bond issue thread you quoted Bill Cosby. I would have replied there but didn't want scolded for getting off subject. Did Cosby say that on the LP "Why is There Air" or "To Russel My Brother Whom I Slept With " ? Think I have about all Cosby's old LP's but aint had a turn table to listen to them for years


I'm a big Nicholas Sparks fan. I have read all of his books except two, the latest one and the one before that. I am currently working on his next to last one, The Lucky One. A good mix of romance and mystery. Yes, I am a softy.

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