What Are You Reading?

Started by sixdogsmom, March 27, 2009, 01:30:31 PM

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Mary Lincoln was an interesting person, certainly interesting to read about anyway. There has been a lot written about Abraham Lincoln, but not much about his family. Your book sounds informative anyway.


Time Travelers Wife.............. saw the movie...now I'm reading the book!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


"The Shack"  if you have not read it you will want to.  A great story about our relationship with God.

Rudy Taylor

It truly is "a wonderful life."


Pam, have you read anything by James Alexander Thom, such as 'Follow The River', or 'Children Of First Man"? He has written many others, most deal with the interaction between early whites and the native Americans. Although written in a novel form, they are based in fact; 'Follow The River' is a true story, 'Children Of First Man' is a supposition of how the Mandan tribe of native Americans had red hair. Very, very good reads, both of them. I am going to have to look up some other books he wrote. Good stuff!


 No I haven't SDM but it sounds interestin! I've heard stories about red-haired natives, the theory is either EARLY Irish or Vikings landed here long before the other europeans and stayed and intermarried. I watched a show one time about mummies they had found that dated before any europeans got here and were tall white skinned and blonde or redhaired found in a cave in Tennessee I think I don't remember for sure.
I got a new Dean Koontz book yesterday, Frankenstein, it's about how the mad scientist didn't die and is livin in New Orleans buildin a new "superrace" to replace ordinary humans and they are goin berserk on him, killin people tryin to discover what "ordinary" humans have that they don't. It's creepy and ridiculous at the same time lol but a pretty good read :laugh: I bought that and The Prince of Tides...I saw the movie but never read the book yet.


My very favorite Koontz book was 'The Watchers', outa sight! I have read Frankenstein and it was good, a fun read. In my estimation, Koontz is a less intense Stephan King. Like 'em both, very much!


Watchers WAS a good book, read it a couple of times lol. I have to admit I'm a Stephen King junkie tho, Needful Things and the Stand...Dolores Claiborne, It, The Shining, Pet Semetary, Cujo, Christine,Firestarter,just read one called Liseys story a couple months ago..... geez think I've read em all pretty much, the Gunslinger books were pretty good too.

How about Tony Hillerman? I've read most of his too , I used to read a LOT :P lol


Yes, Stephen King just cannot produce fast enough!  :D I have read all of the above, 'The Stand' was my favorite, read it several times, and looking forward to another visit, maybe this winter. Have not read Tony Hillerman, will look into it. BTW, I think Dolores Claiborne was just about the very best in character study, just how did he learn so much about women anyway? One think that SK cannot write about with any success, is love between a man and woman, aka The Rose (Gunslinger series I think that was the name.) That lovemaking was totally awkward IMHO!  ;D

Ole Granny

Stephen King's "Thinner" was one of my favorites.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

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