Obama’s Gun Ban List Is Out

Started by Warph, March 20, 2009, 08:28:33 AM

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Quote from: Tobina on March 23, 2009, 03:41:21 PM
How many times do you go out deer or squirrel hunting with any of the AK's? 

   I'm glad you want to learn, that's the first step to gaining knowledge.  First: The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting. The founding fathers never even dreamed that hunting would ever be under attack. The 2nd amendment was put in the constitution to protect the other amendments and to insure that we would never be subject to a tyrannical government or a government that over taxed the people. The American revolution was spawned over taxation and the first shot of the revolution at Concorde  was fired because the British were coming there to disarm the populace.

Second: The AK 47 and any other assault rifle has been illegal to own since the 30's without first obtaining a special license for an automatic weapon. It is very controlled and hard to get.  The news media are constantly calling rifles that look like assault rifles as assault rifles when in fact they are not assault rifles or AK 47's, M-16's etc.  It's a play on words to make the uninformed public think that the streets are full of assault rifles, when in fact it is a lie.

Third: It really doesn't matter if you or I or anyone else feels that there is no reason for an individual to own a certain firearm. I personally don't think anyone needs a Hummer to drive around in, but I certainly wouldn't deny them that right to own one if they want it. And lastly, remember, a firearm is completely harmless until a person fires it, just like any other tool, automobile or big boy toy, they can cause injury if not handled properly.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Sarge, that says it as good as it can be said. I have had one occascion travelling where my gun may have saved my family. Several years agon we left Midland, Texas to come to Kansas, we got as far as Lawton Oklahoma and stopped for the night and got a room at the Holiday Inn. There was Myrna, me, my two sons who were probably 11 and 13 and my daughter who was 4 years old. We just got to bed and someone started beating on our door, I got up, grabbed my pistol and without opening the door I asked what they wanted, the guy said"open this BLANK, BLANK door or I am going to kick it open. I asked him again and he said open this door now or I am going to kick it open and I am not telling you again. I told him I had my pistol with 9 shots in the magazine and if he kicked the door open I would shot him and to make no mistake about it. He said my wife is in there and I am coming in, I told him there was noone in the room but my wife and I and our three children and I would not hesitate to shoot if he came in. He said, I think I got the wrong room. All 3 of my children are excellent shots, all 3 have hunted since they were big enough to walk and go with me, my grandson shot his first deer at 7 years of age and has shot one every year, he is 10 now, my granddaughter is 5 and she targets shoots with us. I firmly believe that giving up our weapons in this country would be a big mistake and I also firmly believe that the American people will not give up their weapons without a fight. The present Administration in Washington is splitting this Nation right down the middle and it is going to get pretty nasty before this is all over.


(QUOTE)I wonder how many are reluctant to participate for fear of being unloaded on. I suspect the number is more than would be thought from the postings in most of the political threads.(END QUOTE)
WOW, this is the pot calling the kettle black. The reason we don't put out there who we are is because of you and how verbally rude you can be when you don't agree, and I know other people that think the same thing.


I did not know that I addressed any kettles unless of course that is your handle.  >:(


Quote from: ELK@KC on March 29, 2009, 12:23:52 PM
QuoteI wonder how many are reluctant to participate for fear of being unloaded on. I suspect the number is more than would be thought from the postings in most of the political threads.
WOW, this is the pot calling the kettle black. The reason we don't put out there who we are is because of you and how verbally rude you can be when you don't agree, and I know other people that think the same thing.

Lol I don't remember SDM ever being any ruder than anybody else on here! Not near as rude as some, probly includin me! I'll tell you what I think if it's important enough to me and I don't CARE if you know who I am cause I would'nt say it if I didn't have the guts to say it in person! That's why I use my name  ;D If I feel I've been rude I will apologize for gettin carried away but it don't change my opinion unless somebody actually brings me some enlightenment which HAS happened a time or two ;D

Frank. that is a VERY good example of what I was tryin to tell Diane.....
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Diane Amberg

Pam, I do get it.... honest.  But I've seen the other side too, the part that police officers see. That complicates it for me. Heck, if someone was pounding on my door, I'd say what Frank did even if I DIDN'T have a gun at hand! Yes, Al and I have traveled with guns, mostly for varmits (no, not that one ;D) out in the mountains. Besides, a gun won't always take down a violent drugged out person as easily as one might think! Scary stuff. No, I don't have any answers. If I did, I'd have won the Nobel Peace prize by now.


Thanks for taking up for me Pam, for some reason, I really yank on this persons' chain. I just looked back through their 26 posts and a very large part are accusing me of rudeness, lying, etc, etc. Oh well, can't please 'em all! I too get passionate about some issues but I do try to retain a little decorum. Diane, I too noticed that the gun wasn't a real part in Franks' little mishap at the motel, although I am certain it made him feel better. It would me too; I don't have anything against guns per se but we have some problems in the gun culture that they are unable or unwilling to address. Number one being, how to get and keep guns out of the hands of gang bangers, and number two where are all the guns coming from that are being smuggled into Mexico for illegal activities? Is it possible that some of our gun support organizations are involved in some way? Manufacturing or in another way? Have gangs infiltrated these organizations to support the drug culture? Anyone?


Quote from: sixdogsmom on March 29, 2009, 05:54:28 PM
Where are all the guns coming from that are being smuggled into Mexico for illegal activities? Is it possible that some of our gun support organizations are involved in some way?

I sincerely doubt that the NRA is involved in any way with the illegal drug activities of the Mexican cartels.  It would be highly noticable if anyone started being pro-drug dealer in any organization, not only the NRA. 

W. Gray


You were traveling with guns in the mountains and was looking for varmints?

Were you after Big Foot?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Hee, hee... let's stir up the kettle / pot again...   ;D

So, what's everyone think about this idea... you can own these types of semi-automatic, military grade weapons... but only IF you have been in the military.

My thought is that way you've got proper training on how to handle these guns, what they're supposed to be used for, and if you've been shipped overseas maybe you know what damage they can do to a human body.  Maybe it will get more people to enlist in the military so they can understand what it means to actually DEFEND a country and DEFEND people you don't even know... and have a little respect for guns, bloodshed, and Country.

The rest of us will just have to defend our homes from skunks, possums, and intruders with shotguns, pistols, and rifles.

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