Obama shows his class

Started by srkruzich, March 06, 2009, 06:53:10 AM

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I have to say i am so embaressed by this!  What lack of thought, what low class could his choice in gifts could be to the First dignitary meeting with him at the white house!  Gordon Brown put some real thought into those gifts he gave.  Sigh
Wow the thought that went into Browns gifts.  The pen holder from the timber of the anti slave ship Gannet, then the commisssion paper from the resolute in which the US rescued that ship and the partnership between the two nations. An last the biographys of Churchill.  Those gifts showed that he took a lot of time to think about what to give! 

QuoteObama's Blockbuster Gift for Brown: 25 DVDs
While the British prime minister presented Obama with uniquely historic gifts symbolizing America's relationship with England, the president gave Brown a set of movies.

Obama and Brown at White House

Mar. 3: President Obama is seen alongside British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. (Reuters)

President Obama on Thursday gave British Prime Minister Gordon Brown a set of 25 classic American movies to mark his historic visit to the White House.

Brown, the first European leader to visit Obama since his Jan. 20 inauguration, was presented with a "special collector's box" of DVDs during his two-day visit to Washington.

Downing Street, which reportedly tried to keep the present a secret, declined to say what movies were included in the set.

"One reason for the secrecy might be that the gift seems markedly less generous and thoughtful than the presents taken to Washington by the Prime Minister," London's Evening Standard newspaper reported.

The Daily Mail, however, reported the movie set included ET, Star Wars and The Wizard of Oz and was produced by the American Film Institute on "special request" from the White House.
Brown, who is not known to be a movie buff, gave the president and his children several uniquely historical gifts.

The first of which is a pen holder fashioned from the oak timber of HMS Gannet, a Navy vessel that served on anti-slavery missions off Africa.

Another treasure given to Obama is a framed commissioning paper for the HMS Resolute, a Royal Navy ship that came to symbolize British-American goodwill when it was rescued by the U.S. from icebergs and given to Queen Victoria. It is the sister ship of the HMS Gannet.

Finally, Brown gave Obama a first edition of Martin Gilbert's seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill, whose World War II partnership with President Franklin Roosevelt symbolized the U.S.-Anglo alliance.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I have to agree, Steve...This shows a true lack of sophistication on O's part.  Say what you like about Bushy...At least he would have known what to do in this instance.


Quote from: Catwoman on March 06, 2009, 07:20:19 PM
I have to agree, Steve...This shows a true lack of sophistication on O's part.  Say what you like about Bushy...At least he would have known what to do in this instance.

President Bush Gave the prime minister his leather flight jacket from his service.  It was personal, had meaning to president bush. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Steve.... I think you probably meant to title this thread, "Obama shows his ass!"

I must say, my sincerest apologies to our British friends!  I was stationed in England and made many friends.  I know the Brits will take this as a slap in the face.  It's still beyond me why the world clamors for this man.  His facade is beginning to crack and it will be interesteing to see how long it takes for his enamored followers to see his true character (or lack thereof).

We in the United States who take elections seriously and research the background, experience and philosophy of the candidates, are not surprised by Obama's disrespect of our principle ally and, perhaps more importantly, the nation from which a lot of Americans draw our ancestry and heritage.  Frankly, I don't understand why we did not also anticipate it.  I suspect that the media in Great Britain is to blame but I will leave that judgment to you.  There are those who will make light of this clear signal of disrespect, suggesting that it was a mere error.  Make no such mistake, however.  Obama does nothing that is not completely preplanned.  If it looks like an insult, it is.  This slight is a message that Obama does not need Great Britain.  He is turning the United States' foreign policy at right angles to decades of carefully nurtured relationships.  In less than two months he has shown support for Hamas by sending financial support to them that he knows will be subverted to military use, (no matter what Hillary has to say about how the $900 will be spent), disrespected Israel, opened his arms to Syria, embraced Iran, prepared to abandon Iraq, and now has shown complete disdain for Great Britain.  Does anyone else see a philosophy emerging?

You should take comfort, however, knowing that his foreign policy is a rousing success (for terrorist abroad) compared to his domestic policy.  His "War on Capitalism" is causing the largest economic downturn in the US since the 1930's, and I promise you, it will get worse.

Also, I should add that my golfing buddy, Slappy, had this to say at the 19th Hole.  It went something like this..... "Hey, what would you expect, this guy is a Socialist, he doesn't normally give anything to the wealthy or influential, he takes from them.  Besides, whoever said he has any class?!  When you elect a community activist, you should expect no more.  This guy couldn't even pass the Secret Service background check to be his own bodyguard, with his checkard past.  I'm just happy not to hear that he gave him a collection of RAP CD's!!!"
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


It would be funny if the DVDs Mr Obama gave Mr Brown were Region 1 NTSC and therefore not compatible with the UK where DVDs are region 2 and video format is PAL.

I can see it now.....  I have a vision of the Browns, Gordon and Sarah, settling down at the PM's country retreat (Chequers) this weekend.  The children have been put to bed and Mr Brown heads in the direction of the DVD player:

GB: "The Obamas bought us some films on DVD. That was very thoughtful."

SB: "Not that thoughtful..."

GB: "What shall we watch?  ET? Star Wars?  Psycho, Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia?

SB: sighs... "Seen them all."

GB: "I'll try The Wizard of Oz, it's the version in which all the colours have been restored to the original quality.  We can stop and try something else if you don't like it.  Where's the remote control?" (GB fiddles with the DVD player for several minutes) "Right, I think it's going to start." (Nothing happens, machine displays a notice saying 'disc loading error').

SB: (examining DVD cover) "They're Region 1, they won't play in the UK."

The Browns sit in complete silence for several more minutes reflecting on what this means.

Also.... good thing that Gordon didn't stop by the White House Gift Shop.... the two Marine One choppers that Obama gave to Gordon's sons cost $15 bucks a piece. 
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The sad part of all of this is... Obama is too  classless and stupid to even be embarrassed.  ::)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


My eyebrows went up considerably when I heard about this new endeavor on O's part.  I could see a need for that in Iran or Iraq but not here in the US.  Besides that, if our prez thinks that this will remove the glass ceiling that hangs over most workplaces, he's woefully mistaken.  What on earth is the man thinking...


It is no bad the people that voted for "O" did not feel like we do, because things might be different now?
Maude and Maxine  8)


It is a hard pill to swallow, I'm sure...It is no easy thing to do, having to take a second look at what had held so much (and many, many) promise(s).  But, we've all been there...Whether it was a President, a friend, or a spouse...That second look (that so often comes as a rude shock) always comes.  The trick is to find something there that makes you glad you took the second look.  I just am waiting to be glad, I guess.

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