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Started by Marcia Moore, January 24, 2009, 04:15:59 PM

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Marcia, there are some Bauman postings in the Genealogy Forum, and one post is for  Baumans in Kansas . You might post there and find out something.

Marty Hunter

Frank, I know that Dad attended Excelsior, and I would assume that Aunt Wanda did also.   Grandpa moved to the farm in January of 1930, so I am thinking the other kids would have been in High School.   Marty


Wanda, I had forgotten about her, my older brothers and sisters all talked about spending time with the Hunter kids, when my family lived on the river in the house just South of West Elk. Your Dad was about  the same age as my brother Dwight. Wasn't the other older brother, John???

Marty, Myrna and I were wondering where the name Excelsior came from for a Rural Grade School, I looked up the meaning and it  fits.    Excelsior, a Latin word meaning "superior", "lordly", "ever upward"

Marty Hunter

     Thel oldest child was Wilbur.   He was already attending college when the family moved to Howard.   Grandpa was John, and was always known as J.B.

     I kind of wondered where the name came for Excelsior myself.   Dad referred to it as Hardpan.   
     I remember going in the building.   It still had the blackboards and a lot of the desks in it.   It had a coal shed and outhouses North, and a horse rail to the West fence.   It had a smell to it that was distinctive, but I can't quite place it (some type of cleaner).   Some of the groups met there periodically.   Grandma went to Farm Bureau, and took me with her once in a while.

W. Gray

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

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