Kjell and Teresa make big news

Started by Rudy Taylor, January 21, 2009, 04:55:04 PM

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Rudy Taylor

It's really not my place to post this, but I really think the people of Elk County should be proud of Kjell and Teresa for the announcement which was made nationally this week on "CNN Money." Kjell's Down Range Television has been purchased by the Outdoor Channel --- and it's a really big deal. We'll carry a story in next week's Prairie Star, but there's a partial story on the website today (taylornews.org). Congratulations, Kjell and Teresa!
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

Oh Ho!  That's great news. Thanks Rudy


Kudos, you two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You hit the jackpot on that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Congratulations to both of you, you have obviously done a great job filming and presenting and worked hard at it. I know you are well respected in the NRA/Gunowners circle.

Clubine Ranch

Way to go. Can't wait to hear all about it. Barbara


So, Teresa...dish it...how did this come about? ;D


Thanks everyone.  We both appreciate the kind words.
It has been lots of hard work and Kjell (most everyone knows him as Marshal Halloway) has worked so hard for the past 2 years on building and making Down Range. He started out with a blank piece of paper on the computer screen and created what you see today. He is a 'genius marvel' in the industry and I am very proud of him and all he has done.
( I have just helped.. ;)
I think ( and I can brag here a bit......... ;) )  that Marshal Halloway will be a name most everyone in the gun world will know before too long... if they have a computer...

Because of Kjell and also me.. and what we can do and they way we do it.. we have a  working contract with Outdoor Channel to keep giving the gun and shooting world continued coverage of the sports and news in articles and online videos. Our partner, Michael Bane, host and producer of Wednesday night Cowboys, Shooting Gallery and Personal Defense Shows will also be working with us so that Down Range stay on top of the charts for internet TV..

If you are a person who wants to stay on top of the 2nd amendment issue,  enjoys watching Shooting competitions and local matches of all kinds.. interested in all kinds of personal defense plus tons of other gun and shooting  issue related items, then Down Range is the place for you.

The online TV and the Television business is a very competitive market. For us, it has been and still is a lot of hard work.. but it is work that we both love doing and believe in 200%, so that makes it fun.
I appreciate the encouragement.
Thanks again everyone.  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Great news, Teresa and Kjell! Congratulations. I don't know anyone who works harder or deserves it more!

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