
Started by Wilma, January 12, 2009, 11:46:14 AM

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"Hate is misguided love. "

Heard this once and it struck me it totally applies to this question.......The Israelis and Palestinians are textbook examples of this.
Israelis, Palestinians, Jew, Arab, Muslim, Christian....they all Hate each other because they Love their own. Till that's over the mess will never be over.........this whole WORLD-WIDE mess will never get better till we ALL learn you don't have to hate another to love your own.

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


wow warph, your ideas seem very misguided to me.  I recognize that i'm probably not going to be able to change your mind on the issue, but perhaps i can open your eyes to a few basic facts that you've missed.

First of all, people seem to have this strange idea that all Palestinians are Muslims, and all Muslims are terrorists, therefore all Palestinians are terrorists.  This frankly isn't true and it's really a pretty racist and ignorant thing to say.  One must understand that many ancient Christian cities are in the West Bank.  Before Israel came into existance, the christian population of these areas was close to 30%.  The Christian population has been dwindling since that time because of the Israeli policies against Palestinians, whether they be christian or muslim.  You seem to argue for the extermination of the Palestinian people, including women and children, do you also then advocate for the extermination of the Christian populations of bethleham and nazereth?  because they happen to be palestinian too.  A few years ago, Henry Hyde wrote a letter to Bush on behalf of the christians of the west bank.  He said in his letter "the Christian community is being crushed in the mill of the bitter Israeli-Palestinian conflict," and that expanding Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are "irreversibly damaging the dwindling Christian community."

As i've mentioned earlier, The religous population of Palestine (before Israel came into existence) was fairly evenly spread between the three monotheistic religions.  They lived in peace and got along just fine.  They were all arabs, all palestinians.  It's not until European Jews started arriving that things started to get out of hand.  I guess you haven't really studied the creation of Israel, and the acts of terror committed by the European Jews against the British and Arabs in Palestine.

Some people like to excuse the acts of violence by the European Jews against the Christians, Muslims, and sometimes Arab Jews of Palestine on the basis that they are God's chosen people and that Israel is their promised land.  However if you ask an Orthadox Jew about the state of Israel, he will tell you that the people living there are actually very secular people.  The Torah commands the Jews to not enter the holy land.  The old testament says the same thing, but people don't read their books.  When the state of Israel was being created, the Grand Rabbi of Jerusalem pleaded and begged for the Nation not to be created.

I'm not defending acts of terror on the part of the Palestinians, but i'm saying that the Israelis should be held accountable too.  If you prefer capital punishment for palestinian terrorists, fine.  But do the same for Israelis.  There should be no double standard.

Wow warph, i can't believe you suggested what amounts to a second holocaust of christians and muslim palestinians, people who are basically the descendants of those who worshipped with Jesus.  Thats just, inhuman.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quite frankly i don't understand how anyone could support hamas like yall seem to be doing.  Hamas has been launching attacks for years on israel, israel has held back.  I saw how people reacted and blamed israel when they fought off hezbollah.  WHy do yall suppor terrorists and blame israel for defending itself?  What is it yall hate about jews and love about hamas terrorsits? 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Dude if you think I support Hamas or anybody else in this mess other than the innocent women and kids( oh whoops my bad, accordin to you all there ARE no innocent women or kids...the old nits make lice theory) you ain't been readin what I said.
I don't care about jews or arabs either one as anything other than the human beings they are.

As for Israel being poor and defenseless and put upon give me a break, they know and have known for years they have the US in their back pocket so they are like the mouthy little guy in the bar that picks fights cause his big brothers are there and he knows they'll take his side wrong or not.

I don't support terrorists, no matter WHERE they come from. hamas, hezbollah,taliban,al queda,palestinians, jews, muslims, who the hell ever. Those idiots have been killin EACH other since time began and it was just as retarded back then as it is now. Who the terrorists are depends which side you are on anyway.

What I support is people who think it's just about time those (can't use that word) came out of the dark ages and got over it. So if you don't like my position oh well, I'm sick of seein pictures of butchered children no matter WHAT race they are because their fathers are STUPID..

Y'know just the fact I got this out without even one cussin fit is quite an accomplishment for me 8)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


One more thing.....this just illustrates what's wrong with this WHOLE world. This "well you ain't on MY side so you must be on the OTHER side" bull. I'm on the side of the LIGHT the side of LIFE for EVERYBODY not just the "chosen" few.

You don't have to choose a side when they are BOTH wrong, there is nothin that says you HAVE to choose the lesser evil if evil is all there is. You CAN hold out for somthin better.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Good job to you both! Pam you and Anmar make a lot of sense and reflect my feelings exactly. Bravo!  8) 8) 8)


Quote from: pam on January 22, 2009, 05:31:33 PM

You don't have to choose a side when they are BOTH wrong, there is nothin that says you HAVE to choose the lesser evil if evil is all there is. You CAN hold out for somthin better.
Again, You do not make any sense.  Israels damed if they defend themselves and damed if they don't. Sounds like they can't win in any decision they make yet Hamas can do anything they want and get world support. 
Sounds like nothing but antisemitism to me.  Same crap happened in ww2, and its repeating itself
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Whoa there, big guy...where do you get anti-semitism out of what Pam and Anmar said?  I have read and re-read what they wrote...there is nothing there but the belief that there is no one RIGHT faction in this whole mess.  Any side that would willingly be on the side of sending their youth into harm's way, just to satisfy a grudge, is the WRONG side.

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