The Art of Male Bashing

Started by Warph, January 08, 2009, 12:37:00 AM

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Male bashing essentially started after WWII (1940's) when the women began to find their social Independence. But this type of bashing became the norm and magnified greatly in the 60's with the hippie movement along with the feminist special interest groups and their lawyers and promoted family law to be drastically changed. Many men are basically chivalrists due to the fact that they have been programmed as such by our societies. So the bashing trend continues as they are open targets with women knowing the fact that other men will not come to their defense. By men not sticking up for their own gender when they see a victim being bashed has caused a great downfall in our westernized societies. Unfortunately this trend will never change and will become worse as time progresses. ---

The economy is in tatters and folks are sour.  Thank goodness there's always one thing to cheer us up: male bashing.

Why do men mow the lawn with electric mowers? So they can find their way back to the house.

How did the man lose 95 percent of his smarts?  His wife died.

What do you call a man with half a brain?  Gifted.

Such jokes are readily available on the Internet -- with good reason.  Women tend to be a little angry at men.

Came across this book by Guy Garcia, (don't ask me why or how) author of "The Decline of Men: How The American Male Is Tuning Out, Giving Up, and Flipping Off His Future."  The Author writes, "Whereas women have successfully moved into traditional male roles, men aren't sure what to do.  Women work hard at their jobs -- sometimes earning more than their husbands -- yet when they get home, they often do the cooking, clean the house and put the kids to bed.  Who can blame them for being angry?  Thus, women think we're lazy, as illustrated by the following:

How do you get a man to do sit-ups?  You put a remote control between his toes.

How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?  No one knows.  It never happened before."

The book goes on:
"The fact is women are doing better than men at all levels of education -- and receiving nearly 60 percent of all college degrees.  They're gaining rapidly on men as small-business entrepreneurs.  In the large metros, they're already earning more than their male counterparts.  As women excel, men are stumbling.  They're dropping out of school at a far greater rate than women.  They're seeing their income stall or decline -- even men with college degrees.  They're much likelier to die early from not taking care of themselves.
As women thrive, marketers are targeting them.  Television programming is designed to draw them in so advertisers can sell to them.  And few things draw them in more, as evidenced by television shows and advertisements, than bumbling, idiot males who screw everything up."

Garcia said the male bashing trend is also a result of the pent-up anger women still hold for men.  The fact is, it wasn't long ago that it was a man's world -- that women had limited opportunities and options.  For some women, male bashing is a form of payback.

But Garcia likens the continued assault on the faltering male to an army that has been all too successful.  Armies that keep winning don't always know when to stop fighting.  That sentiment is reflected in another interesting trend: the male bashing greeting card, as reported in The Washington Times.

The card, designed for men to give to women, reads, 'Being humble and apologetic does not come easy for me.  Unfortunately, being stupid does.  Please forgive me.'

"As men have lost economic and social power, they are adapting," said Garcia. "Making themselves attractive to women is a way of compensating.  The irony is that men aren't fighting women.  Most are bending over backwards to accommodate women.  Gone are the days when a bald, chubby fellow could win the heart of a lovely lady, so long as he had a CPA.  As women out-earn men, they want from us what we thought we wanted from them: charm and good looks.  Thus, even the burliest fellows are down at the hair salon having goop put in their hair -- they're fussing over their figures and their high-fashion duds -- with hopes of pleasing their female counterparts."

Garcia also argues that, " in the most extreme cases a significant social trend has occurred -- that as men stumble and fall behind, they are dropping out and giving up.  He says we're in a state of denial -- that the faltering male doesn't do anyone any good. The shrinking pool of educated, eligible males only adds to the perception that men are clueless deadbeats, a downward spiral that could affect generations to come," he said.

But then again Garcia is a male, so what can he know about anything?  There's a reason blonde jokes are so short, you know:  so men can remember them. 

I had better not mention this book at the 19th Hole..... what was I thinking??

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Personally, I try to steer clear of too much male-bashing around here; it slows down the progress on the Honey-Do list.  Ha!  I guess I've done my share though.
Thanks Warph, I enjoyed reading it!


It seems that our entertainment has deteriorated into a sorry stew of degrading the father in the family. He is always the buffoon, the butt of jokes, and mother always knows best. No wonder young men check out early; why would they stick around where they don't get any respect? Too bad that we cannot be entertained without degrading somebody, jokes included. Buuuttt---- the one liner will probably remain alive and well be it blonde or male. And lets face it, some of them are funny even the ones that could be applied to myself.  :P :P



Well, it would be easy to say that turnabout is fair play, but two wrongs never make a right. Still, the passages you shared by Mr. Garcia lead me to think he is full of foo. He insinuates that women no longer face discrimination because of their gender and in fact are guilty of reverse discrimination. It's true in some instances, but to give the impression it is pervasive is disingenous.

According to a study conducted by the American Assocation of University Women, income levels for female college graduates, from the years 2003-2005 were still below those earned by men. The study shows the state coming closest to equal pay for equal work was West Virginia (89 percent) and the lowest was Louisiana (64 percent). Kansas ranked at 70 percent.

I agree that our entertainment culture plays up the bumbler, but it also has banked on the ditzy woman for comic relief. Few TV programs portray couples as equal partners, probably because the writers can't think of anything humorous about a functional relationship. But for Mr. Garcia to impart that women are wielding some sort of gender-power over men in our culture is myopic. It's my belief (based on years of observation) that men rarely leave relationships because they feel undervalued or threatened -- they walk away because they can. Our culture has always held men and women to different standards regarding familial responsibilities, and not much has changed in recent years.

As I stated earlier, women who degrade men are no better than men who do it. For both genders to earn respect, they have to show some. As long as secretaries are still referred to as "my girl" by male bosses, as long as equal work does not reap equal wages, as long as women are left to raise children that didn't get there by immaculate conception....I'm not going to feel very sorry for the guy who can't figure out how to replace a roll of toilet paper.


Guys can change the roll of toilet paper ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Wow........ when did that happen?

hahahahahaha  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Oh, come on, Warph...I love men...completely adore them...I believe every woman ought to have at least two or three! lol  The only male bashing that I will probably ever be caught doing concerns only one man...and I find him to be competely suspect at best.  Luckily, I'm in good company when it comes to bashiing that particular one! lol



Ha...what it needs is a Time Out! lol ::)


Come on, now.  If we aren't bashing men, we might be bashing old people.  Let's stick to the men.


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