Started by flo, December 15, 2008, 10:05:57 AM

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People, if you have outside pets, PLEASE let them inside during weather like this.  The dog that perished last night in Wichita should not have.  Come on ! a heat lamp in a dog house?  Maybe they aren't housebroken, but what is a pile to clean up next morning compared to the life of your pet? Maybe I pamper my Lucy but by damn she's warm 24/7 and  ;) she knows I'll put a sweater on her before she has to go out in the cold to potty and she likes her sweater.  Believe you me, it don't take her long, either. LOL 


My 2 cats.. Sheeba and Tiger are in all night and most of the day. They want to go out.. and then are wanting back in 5 minutes later.
Toot.. my newest addition calico.. is still just taming up.. so we have put her bed and blankets in the shed.. and she gets in there out of the weather and wind.

Make sure everyone keeps lots of fresh water for your pets too. They drink just as much in the winter as the summertime.  It freezes fast.. but just change it more often or put a heater element in it. You can buy them at the hardware store.. just make sure you keep it full and don;t let it evaporate.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Judy Harder

I know my Scooter is very fast when he has to go out. He wants to explore his home area and
usually is letting me know 3 or 4 minutes later he has changed his mind.

Believe me at 3 this morning it was no picnic to take him out. I have to tie him as I am never sure if he
will stick around or if I have to chase him down.......and in my nightgown and robe it was pretty drafty and
I just didn't have the will.

I feel so sorry for all the critters that are out there and the 2 legged critters who have to go tend them. Isn't this about
calving and lambing time, too.

God help us all.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


My rat terrier and 2 cats are outdoor animals.  They have a closed garage they can get in, and dog house/cat carriers w/ plenty of blankets and towels.  We've also put a heat lamp out there; hanging from the ceiling out of the way.  No, it's not Miami in there, but it does keep the water from freezing.  Unless it's really windy like it's been the last couple nights, we see the cats out cattin' around even in the dead of winter.  Most of the time, Chuck will walk out of the door in the morning and be greeted w/ a fresh mouse or rat!


Our cats do fine. Everyone stays in the big tractor shed. We have 2 Australian Shepherds and with their thick, furry coats they manage to stay warm. They actually love the cold weather and are in seventh heaven when it snows.

The heat lamp did go out in our chicken coop and so we were out there fixing it last night in our coveralls and coats. Our poor rooster was in the coop shaking like a leaf!


Well Toot( who I think is pretty much grown ,( but just a runt)  was at the door wanting to be fed again yesterday evening, so I fed her again. Warm milk with canned and dry food mixed.  while she ate I took a huge chance on getting scratched again, I just grabbed the bowl and her and stepped back into the house. The little thing was so cold she from being out that she let me kinda pick her and her bowl up ( while she was eating)and slip in the door.
But the inside of the house scared her to pieces, so for about 20 minutes I sat on the floor and slowly /gently calmed her down and got her used to be handled. This was about 7:00 and I had to do this in every room. The heater kick on would send her into flight . Kjell coughing would send her under the table.. Him working on the computer typing sent her scattering.  etc etc
I took her in the back room and showed her the litter box, food, water. She ate.. sat in the litter( didn't do anything) and curled up in a fuzzy blanket by my computer and sang and purred like a warm house cat. LOL I continued to talk to her and reach down and pet her while I worked.

Took a chance and left her in last night. Woke up this morning, and she was in her blanket and let me pick her up and love on her like she had been here forever. Guess the little stray has found a home.

One question.
My 2 cats are inside and outside cats. They prefer outdoors most of the time if the weather permits, but like to be in at night to sleep. They use the litter box fine and I've never had a problem with them. Sheeba is 16 yrs and Tiger is 4.
I continue to set Toot in the box..and take her paw and scratch the litter. she will set there in in and purr and look at me. then slowly get out and either go eat a bite or lay down on her blanket.
I went around on my hands and knees this morning to check ( like a bloodhound on a trail) and found nothing anywhere, so she must have been on her blanket all night ( I went to bed at 2:30)
I hate to put her out right now, cause I want her to know to use the litter, IF and WHEN she is in. But I don't want any cat messes either.
((I like outside cats the best, cause I have to vacuum 3 times a day cause I am so anal about cat hair.)) ::)

All in all after that windy dissertation, am I doing it the right way introducing her to the litter box? How long does it take before she will go?  My other cats just seemed to go after I set them in it one time.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on December 16, 2008, 09:16:20 AM

All in all after that windy dissertation, am I doing it the right way introducing her to the litter box? How long does it take before she will go?  My other cats just seemed to go after I set them in it one time.

If I were betting, I'd bet that she found the liter box after you went to bed. 


good question and I don't have an answer.  I've only had one inside cat, a siamese named King Louie, and raised him from a kitten to old age.  He took to the litter box right off by, just as you've done, being introduced just once.  I don't remember what brand we used, but he was quite finicky about his litter and you didn't dare change the brand.  Plus he only ate 9-lives Liver&Chicken.  Drank from the faucet and would NOT drink from a dish.  Never got on the cabinet or the table.  When he wanted a drink, he jumped up on the divider between the double sinks.  I sometimes think he thought he was human.  LOL.  Good luck with Toot.  


No, she didn't use the litter box Linda..  I get the clumping litter and every time one uses it. I clean it. ( They are in and out too, so it isn't used everyday.
But it has nothing in it. But the other cats wanted out, so when I let them out, I set her out too.. and she blinked a few times, shook her paws ( like..'s cold out here)
But the little dickens went out in the back.. dug a hole in the snow.. settled her little bottom in it and pottied. then she covered that all up and went to another spot, dug through the snow and did her other duty. Covered that up and walked back up to the deck and stood by the door. haha.
I think she will be fine.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

It may take her a little longer if she has been on the streets awhile.  I had a cat that went outside like the dogs, while the rest of the cats used the litter box.  I guess, just like us, they have their own issues at times and you wonder what in the world can you do?  Good luck.  If anyone can communicate with the little dickens, you can.

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