The Cat & Dog Theory On Voting

Started by Warph, December 14, 2008, 02:01:45 AM

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jerry wagner

It would seem to support what I had stated and believe, that there were no liberal groups involved in the Inquisition.  That was the point of my original post.  I already had much of this information and other sources, both from being a Catholic and from my education in History.  I'm not sure why this post was directed at me, since I questioned Liberals as the perpetrators of the Inquisition.


The post wasn't directed at you in particular...I actually thought that I was supporting your post...I, too, am Catholic...and have taken many courses in History...although, I would venture a guess that there are many other Catholics on here who have studied History, as well...I don't think you and I have any corner on those qualities.  Merry Christmas! :-)

jerry wagner

My apologies, You other post quoted mine, so I took it to mean that you were questioning my post.   I wasn't implying that you or anybody else hasn't had an education in history, merely that the education that I had received led me to my premise that liberals were not the perpetrators of the inquisitions.  I think the whole point of my posts is to illustrate that 'people' in general need to stop twisting everything into a liberal taking a certain action, especially where there is little evidence to support that hypothesis.  To be quite honest, I agree with Pam's OP.  We all have, I would challenge people to truly think this through, I would guess both liberal and conservative ideas depending on the issue.  It would be nice if certain people would stop spending the whole day insinuating that liberals are idiots or cats or whatever the hell the latest rag is.  Rather, lets focus on the ideas.  I have no problem arguing the ideas, but I don't understand where a person posting that liberals are cats is a fruitful use of time or energy.  If that person wants to argue the point of an issue, fine....  But the insults are a waste of time and only continue the line of fruitless discussion.  I have no interested in discussing with someone who spends their whole time insulting my beliefs instead of arguing the issue.  However, that may just be me.  Perhaps everybody finds that useless drivel entertaining.


No, not everyone finds the innuendos and insults entertaining.  But, you have to remember that most people do not dwell in the rarified world of aesthetics and ideas...they dwell within the rather sticky realm of real time environmental (meaning their living space, not the climate, etc.) concerns and related emotions...and, there are a large amount of people who write exactly as they talk, without taking time to pick apart what it is that they've just imparted to the world at large.  I believe Maslow's Heirarchy probably would be the best illustration of what I've just described.   


 Wish more people dealt with ideas instead of dogma.......I have absolutely nothin against Catholics, just used the Inquisition as an example of conservatism run amuck which is what it/they were. There are MANY others down thru history, that was just the one I thought of when I was writin. Uh the crusades, Prohibition, governmental NDN policy, book burnings and the album bonfires in the 70's, I ain't even gonna get into some of my more controversial ideas :P I really have no use for the either/or mentality of either side....y'all just carry on and forget I was even here lol
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


No, I won't forget you were here, Pam...too hard to do! lol  Seriously, you add so much to this wouldn't be the same without you.  I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a wonderful new 2009!!!!!  :laugh:  And, that goes for everyone else on this fantastic it has been to get to know all of you!!!!  :D

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