Super O strikes again...

Started by Catwoman, December 02, 2008, 07:40:24 PM

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Mr. Obama is going to try sell the US down the drain in his efforts to become a "world leader".


According to David Bossie, President of the group 'Citizens United for American Sovereignty', based out of Merrifield Virginia , website: the above- mentioned Senate Bill (S. 2433) is a piece of legislation in the works that all Americans need to know about and know now!

This bill, sponsored by none other than Sen. Barack Obama, with the backing of Joe Biden on the Foreign Relations Committee, and liberal democrats in Congress, is nothing short of a massive giveaway of American wealth around the world, and a betrayal of the public trust, because, if passed, this bill would give over many aspects of our sovereignty to the United Nations.

The noble sounding name of this bill, 'The Global Poverty Act' is actually a Global Tax, payable to the United Nations, that will be required of all American taxpayers. If passed in the Senate, the House has already passed it, this bill would require the U.S. to increase our foreign aid by $65 BILLION per year, or $845 BILLION over the next 13 years! That's on top of the billions of dollars in foreign aid we already pay out!

In addition to the economic burdens this potential law would place on our precarious economy, the bill, if passed in the Senate, would also endanger our constitutionally protected rights and freedoms by obligating us to meet certain United Nations mandates.

According to Senator Obama, we should establish these United Nations' goals as benchmarks for U.S. spending. What are they?
n       The creation of a U.N. International Criminal Court having the power to try and convict American citizens and soldiers   
         without any protection from the U.S. Constitution.
n       A standing United Nations Army forcing U.S. soldiers to serve under U.N. command.
n       A Gun Ban on all small arms and light weapons --which would repeal our Second Amendment right to bear arms.
n       The ratification of the ' Kyoto ' global warming treaty and numerous other anti-American measures.

Recently, the Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Relations (where Sen. Joe Biden sits) approved this plan by a voice vote without any discussion! Why all the secrecy? If Senators Obama and Biden are so proud of this legislation, then why don't they bring it out into the light of day and let the American people have a look at it instead of hiding it behind closed doors and sneaking it through Congress for late night votes.

It may be only a matter of time before this dangerous legislation reaches a floor vote in the full body of the Senate.
Please write or call, email your representatives, the White House, the media, or anyone you think will listen, and express your opinions regarding this Global Tax giveaway and betrayal of the American people at a time when our nation and our people are already heavily burdened with the threats to our freedoms and economic prosperity.
Please get this news out to as many folks out there in your networks as you can.  And ASAP!

So...if the preceding is to explain to our grandchildren that our good American public, of their own volition, elected the person to the Presidency who sold us down the river...


It is only just beginning. 
Sarah Baby cheering for the great things done in electing these two weasels   
Is this the point when we can start saying that the gun grabbing slim ball is out of the closet??

Of course this isn't really a surprise to some of us.....
It would only be a surprise to the gun owners who was drinking the Koolaid and voted for the Obamanation.
Whatever happened to all the campaign crap of....... "He don't care about your guns"... "He isn't going to mess with the 2nd amendment." Yeaaahhhh Riiight........ >:(

Here's their marching orders.

A) Tighten ownership restrictions...anyway for any reason.
B) Start a database to track all guns.
C) Ban something.   Or at least ban new ones, and grandfather in existing ones. 
D) Expand the ban list. 
E) Repeat D) as many times as possible until;
F) Total ban and confiscation.

Lord..I wish this was the time the "I told you so" wasn't  true.............. :'( :'(

Early Brady Plans Revealed - Push to end all private sales first on the agenda..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The database has already been established...I heard on the news earlier that the O-man's regime is going to be putting all of the names and email addresses (of those who donated to His Excellency online) into a sort of 'book'...whatever happened to good ol' fashioned American annonymity?????????


I have just read this bill several times and nowhere, I repeat nowhere does it say anything like you have posted such as:

According to Senator Obama, we should establish these United Nations' goals as benchmarks for U.S. spending. What are they?
n       The creation of a U.N. International Criminal Court having the power to try and convict American citizens and soldiers   
         without any protection from the U.S. Constitution.
n       A standing United Nations Army forcing U.S. soldiers to serve under U.N. command.
n       A Gun Ban on all small arms and light weapons --which would repeal our Second Amendment right to bear arms.
n       The ratification of the ' Kyoto ' global warming treaty and numerous other anti-American measures.

Could you please explain to me CW?


SDM...This wasn't anything I wrote.  I, too, didn't find it anywhere in the bill written exactly as it is listed there...I copied this post from an email that I received earlier, after I had read the bill thoroughly and could see where these suppositions could be drawn, thanks to the generalized wording of the bill.  Of course, you can twist a lot of that legal-eze in whichever way you want and con.  My main concern here, which is why I went ahead and posted this, is that our President-elect is already taking steps toward an end which involves money...our money...and I don't like the end to which it seems we're being herded.   


This bill was introduced some years ago. Currently Barack Obama and Joe Biden cannot introduce any legislation as they have both resigned from the US Senate. As you may have heard, they both have other fish to fry. I knew that you had not written that CW, we can get emails that say anything; absolutely anything. Just like juicy gossip, it is our lot to figure out what is worth listening to and what is not.


Kind of moot if you ask me cause we ain't gonna be able to increase ANYTHING for quite a while....hell we may be signin up for a handout from it before this current mess is over.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: sixdogsmom on December 02, 2008, 09:09:56 PM
I have just read this bill several times and nowhere, I repeat nowhere does it say anything like you have posted such as...

Its there... but hidden. Where it is hidden is in the UN Millennium Development Goals and those goals are listed in the UN Millennium Declaration where it clearly lists said BS listed above:


There is no reason to believe that O' and Biden will not support the bill or another like it.

In 1960, it was Nixon who said that he and his opponent (JFK) had the same goals, the differences between the them were how to get there.  Looks like we're still headed that direction with the differences being how to achieve it.  The Democrats move at a faster pace than Republicans, towards the "goals".  Otherwise, there seems to be not much room allowed for debate and maybe most of the public likes it that way.

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