What Kind Of A Bargain Would It Take?

Started by sixdogsmom, December 01, 2008, 08:32:48 PM

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I really think we need a new section entitled ethics; this should go there.

Exactly what kind of a bargain at Walmart could turn several hundred people into murderers? That is the estimated number of people who stepped on the Walmart employee on Friday morning and trampled him to death. Other people were injured in the stampede including a pregnant woman. Other emplyees only escaped injury by jumping atop vending machines it was said. What a pall on the start of the season.  :o :o :o  :'( :'(


Disgusting to the max.. Unbelievable that we as a human race have come to this. >:(
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


It just show the intelligence of the average Wal-Mart shopper.  Run over and kill perfectly good human's to get the lowest price.....ALWAYS.

Just as the entire company tries to kill all the competition.  At any cost. We will have the biggest blood bath.  Lower the price until there is no competition then raise it and keep the quality lowest in the industry.


OH GOODIE!  Do we get to Bash Wal-Mart??? Lovin It!!! 
Let me get my Big List Together..!!!
Proverbs 14:23
All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.


I don't see Walmart as a hero ever, but I do not think that is the problem with what happened on Friday morning. I think it has more to do with raw naked greed, and the retail sector that feeds into that greed. Remember the physical wars between women over Cabbage Patch Dolls back in the 1980s? People were frenzied to get that particular toy for their little darlin' for Christmas and they didn't care how they got it! Now you can find the ruined remains of those same dolls at yard sales for 25 cents. This whole Black Friday thing is getting out of hand, you may get a few things that are priced under the usual price, but great deals? How do you set a price on your integrity? How would it feel to be in a group that trampled a person to death? What could that possibly have to do with the birth of Christ; The Lord Saviour? Just too sad.  :'( :'( :'( :'(


I went to WalMart early Friday morning simply for the doorbuster deals. I have a small child and I knew Christmas would be tight this year, so I wanted to find the absolute lowest prices I could find. I would never fight or trample anyone to get what I wanted. The WalMart I went to (ElDorado) was very calm.

Gander Mountain, however was a different story. It was crazy. I really didn't think it would be that bad. I went there with the intention of buying one thing, but I was so irritated that I left and went to Dick's Sporting Goods. It was a disaster area as well. I did get to buy the gun that I was originally going to purchase at Gander Mountain for much much cheaper.

I think it's very sad that people forget the true reason of the season. I will be perfectly happy if all I get is a handmade card or gift. I don't think it's about getting or giving the best gift. I DO like to save money, but I will not KILL to save $100 on a flat screen tv. I believe the situation has a lot to do with our falling economy. People are scrambling to find the best deals and it's truly become a game of survival.


you want the best prices on your gifts then stay home on Friday and make leftover turkey casserole and wait a couple weeks to do your shopping.  Prices will be much lower than they were on "black" friday.  Gift giving has gotten way out of hand anyhow.  Parents thinking their children all deserve those $200-$500. electronic gadgets that will be obsolete in a couple years and doing whatever is necessary to get those gifts.  Not only do the parents think that but the kids believe they deserve all that stuff.  Good thing I'm not raising mine now days.  A new winter coat, some gloves, pair of jeans and a couple toys and that was it and some years not that much.  They didn't turn out too bad.  Course they were not exposed to a lot of the things kids have today.  Guess that is a difference, but I still think gift giving is out of hand. 


I went shopping on Friday.  Now I didn't trample anyone or shoot anyone.  Every shopper I ran across was quite polite.  By the way I have no little children to overbuy for.  I did buy 2 pair of jeans for my grandaughter.  Why do I go?  Because I enjoy going with my daughter-in-law and shopping and having lunch.  I also make it my annual trip to The Nifty Nut House so I can make peanut brittle.

I'm not exactly sure what it has to do with my intelligence or lack of. 


Since I was off for Thanksgiving and had the chance to go shopping,I stayed home!!! I am sure there were wonderful bargains out there but I could not make myself fight the traffic and the manic women that do this every year. When in the long run if you wait until days just before Christmas they will start marking down the prices anyway to get rid of what they ordered. 
But have you ever noticed that when something like this happens it is at Wal Mart? Not sure what that says about their store or the people they hire to take care of problems before they start.
We probably need to go back to the days of just buying what we need and not trying to keep up with what everybody else has.
Just  my two cents on the subject.
Army Mom :-*


I know this isn't a popular opinion but I refuse to bash Wal-Mart...they have enabled many of my poorer students to live a half-way decent life...Wal-Mart has enabled many of the have-nots to finally be able to have at least a basic level of existence...even if that existence isn't on the same level as the have's, at least they're given a hand up.  You can bash the quality of the merchandise, if you feel the need to do so...but it's there...it's economically feasible...and it is inexpensive enough that, when it shoots craps at the same rate as the expensive stuff, you afford to go out and replace it fairly easily.  I am grateful for every advantage that the place affords my students...and me, who has to manage on a teacher's budget.  Besides that...the original point of this thread was (and I fully agree with SDM here) that the animals who trampled the worker to death were just exactly that...animals who were not concerned with anyone or anything else other than what they wanted...and the fact that their greed caused another person's death.   

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