Local pictures

Started by Teresa, November 26, 2008, 06:41:31 PM

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These 2 pictures were given to me by Bob Nungessor and taken by a man in Grenola, KS.
He said they were taken with one of  those new night cameras you leave in the woods.
The date was October 2008 at about 10PM according to him.
The area was South and East of Mulvane, KS.

Game wardens have always said to all the locals here that there ARE NO long tails in this area. ( I know different cause we saw one a long time ago  in the rocks while deer hunting) Lots of guys have seen them .... but no pictures..

G Wardens also said it is against the law to shoot them too ( why are they worried about anyone shooting if  they claim that there aren't any ::)  )  Said there aren't any wolves in these parts either.. but there darn sure is.. Mark and Danny had 2 of them right in front of them out on Raders land while hunting.

But these pictures pretty much proves it once and for all..that the cougars are alive and well in our area...

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I believe you, Teresa.  I have had several trustworthy people tell me that they have seen cougars in the northwest part of the county and these are people that wouldn't lie about it.


The other night when we were coming home from Wichita, we were on 99, we saw something on the side of the road that had just crossed in front of us.  Jason said "that looks to big to be a coyote.  I would swear that was a wolf."  I'm betting it was too.

Janet Harrington

I have seen the cougars at night, too.  Coming back from the northwest side of the county one night after checking out a pasture fire, one crossed the road in front of me.  I had to really ask myself if I saw what I saw.  I did.


See, told to me by people that wouldn't lie?


Although I do not doubt there are cougars in this vicinity, I do have to wonder about these photos however. I have done a lot of trekking through Kansas wilderness and I don't think that I have ever seen a wild pine sapling like that in the photo. It just makes me wonder about the area that these were taken in? We have lots of cedar, but no wild pine that I know of. Unless the area is a planted one.

Marcia Moore

     Sixdogsmom, we agree with you on the pine saplings, but can honestly say that we both definately saw a huge long-tailed cat one mile west of Cresco Cemetery about 4 years ago.  Looked just like the ones in the picture.  


I too have seen cougars in SE Kansas! That is why I said I do not doubt there are cougars in the vicinity. I saw one just last year as we were returning from Kansas City. It was here in Elk county, standing on a bluff that overlooked a creek. Perfectly silouetted against the sky. I just don't want to meet one in my back yard!  :o :o :o


Teresa said the area was south and east of Mulvane.  The pine seedling is possible.  Lots of pine trees have been planted in developments in the area.  I am not going to ask her who took the pictures, but if she knows and vouches for his veracity, I am not going to doubt it.  Southeast of Mulvane isn't that far from Elk county.


We have a few pines at our farm.. possibly planted there.. but non the less ..they are there.

And yes Wilma.. I'll vouch that they are exactly what they are said to be...by the person who said that they were......

((WHAT.....  did I just say....

sometimes I soooooo confuse myself.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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