what are you thankfull for?

Started by littlelamb, November 26, 2008, 08:37:04 AM

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im very thankfull for my freedom and my family and friends and the little joys in life from day to day

Clubine Ranch

Faith, family and friends and health to enjoy them. This great country and people who do make a difference with the little things that add up to big things. A very blessed Thanksgiving to all.

Judy Harder

My eyes to see and my ears to hear and the wonder of God's world.
Yes, family is very important, but without God it would all just be "Ho HUM
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


You have said it all.  Praise God.


Other than the obvious things - family, health, freedom, and things like that...I'm thankful for - Having the ability to stay home and raise my son. I love being a "stay-at-home" mom. I like taking care of people, so I feel truly blessed that we are able to do this.

I am also thankful for my talent of sewing. I don't know where it came from or how I got it, but I feel so proud of the things I've made.

I'm thankful to have my family all in one place, and also the "extended" family Billy has given me.

I'm thankful for the new friends I have made this year and grown close to, and I'm also thankful for the ones who have walked out of my life - as they have taught me valuable lessons.

I'm thankful for God, of course, and I am so thankful for His unconditional love.

And last but not least, I'm thankful for Spongebob Squarepants and Tivo.


I'm thankful for the one's in front of me then one to my sides and the ones behind me Because I know They're ALWAYS looking out for me :) Happy THANKSgiving
Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.


My family and the fact that we are all  healthy and close to one another.

If I have my kids and grandkids around me.. all else is 2nd...  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I am most importantly Thankful for God!!  He is the one that made me the type of person that I am.  I have had rough times, but thankfully God has taught me meaningful lessons along the way.  I am so very thankful for the wonderful 3 bundles of joy that I have, even though at times they just can push every button in my body!  But God has blessed me so much with my children.  I am also Thankful for Jeff!!  WE have been though it all and God must have wanted us together!!  I am thankful for the gifts that the Lord has given me!!  Also my WONDERFUL Sister and Brother!!!  I love them sooo much!!!

Last but not least, I am very Thankful for all my friends!!  Everyone on this forum included!!  I feel like you all are there if I needed anything.  Some of you are also family!!!  DEEGEE!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I am thankful for my friends on the forum. The ones that let me keep in touch with my midwestern roots. The ones that challenge me to examine my beliefs. The ones that let me find the recipe that my mom used to make. The ones that listen to my poems and jokes. The ones that I can argue with and still know we can depend on each other to defend our unprecedented freedoms. The ability to be me with my good points and flaws and to learn from them to be a better person.

Happy Thanksgiving to my forum family



I too appreciate my forum family! Here at home, we have an especially thankful day! It has been over one year since Ted has been in hospital. Rough at times, but we do seem to be making progress! Now to work on his stamina, if mine doesn't give way first! With a turkey in the oven, my own health, a sunny day, and a husband who loves me what else could I want! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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