Are Our freedoms In Toruble?

Started by Diane Amberg, November 06, 2008, 10:05:54 AM

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Your neighbor's vision is as true for him as your own vision is true for you.
       - Miguel de Unamuno


Quote from: Howell4ever on November 11, 2008, 07:32:15 PM
what I meant by the IM DONE WITH NEGATIVE THINGS was that I am not going to get involved in any more back and forth comments to anyone on here anymore..... Didnt say anything was racist or negative out of anything said sorry..THATS ALL!  I believe what I believe in you believe in what you do Im not going to change your mind and your not going to change mine at all. You believe your well informed I believe Im well informed... You have issues that are more important to you and I have issues that are more important to me.  So its not a whatever syndrome its a Im done getting into it for nothing syndrome..  ;D

No. You're trying to run away from the discussion. You said:

QuoteBLahblahblahblah they are going to take our guns away blah blah blah what about our guns  its the same thing over and over  give it a rest the man just got elected President of the United States people.... Your pride or your stupiditiy wont even give the man a chance at all.....  Its old find something new to bitch about people something we havent heard over and over and over..

I posted that the man whom isn't even President yet is already wanting to start taking guns away then I posted why those were horrible decisions. Then you come in saying what I posted is negative and you won't be a part of it... instead of submitting that you were indeed incorrect.

Now, I'm in no way trying to pull a "I told you so" deal. What I AM trying to do is to make sure everyone knows of his poor plans for this country. You may call it "negative", but if NOTHING gets posted about poor plans and ideas for the country... they'll go on and get passed and people will potentially suffer if those decisions do end up being poor. At least if people know about it, something can potentially be done about it or people can at the very least prepare for it.

Take the assault weapons bans for instance. It is a completely stupid idea. It will do nothing but take the assault weapons out of the hands of law abiding citizens. What a person can do about it, is be sure to write to their state's US congressmen/women and tell them to vote against the worthless ban. Granted here in Kansas our congressmen will likely do the right thing but elsewhere that may not be the case. I would write them regardless just so they can reaffirm Kansans' stance on the issue.

To make it a little closer to home, what about his plan for a Classroom Corps? Do you want the government to require your children to serve 50 hours of community service per year when they hit middle school? How do you think that would affect you? Say they only do 1 hour each week for 50 weeks per year... doesn't seem bad but what if maybe they have to do something out of town? Around here, out of town means you're going to be doing some driving and if fuel prices spike again that could potentially hurt your wallet. Just something "negative" to think about...


QuoteTake the assault weapons bans for instance. It is a completely stupid idea. It will do nothing but take the assault weapons out of the hands of law abiding citizens. What a person can do about it, is be sure to write to their state's US congressmen/women and tell them to vote against the worthless ban. Granted here in Kansas our congressmen will likely do the right thing but elsewhere that may not be the case. I would write them regardless just so they can reaffirm Kansans' stance on the issue.
That's true. Passin laws against ANYTHING never works...congressmen out here in the heartland WILL try to keep a lid on stupid's both coasts that see this as a good idea. In a perfect world people wouldn't shoot other people, on purpose OR by accident, but it ain't a perfect world and I have a RIGHT to protect myself and my family and my home by whatever means neccesary. But out here we are still independant enough to know urban areas they expect somebody else to do it for em. Sorry if that offends any of the city folks on here but it's true.

QuoteTo make it a little closer to home, what about his plan for a Classroom Corps? Do you want the government to require your children to serve 50 hours of community service per year when they hit middle school? How do you think that would affect you? Say they only do 1 hour each week for 50 weeks per year... doesn't seem bad but what if maybe they have to do something out of town? Around here, out of town means you're going to be doing some driving and if fuel prices spike again that could potentially hurt your wallet. Just something "negative" to think about...

My kids are pretty much raised but I didn't need the government involved in raisin them at all and I have 3 grandkids that I'm pretty sure we can get raised just fine too.

These are just SOME of the reasons I couldn't convince myself to vote for Obama no matter how good a game he talked...I am NOT a ward of my government, in my mind THEY work for me and I tell THEM what I want THEM to do NOT the other way around. I've spent a lot of time on here tryin to stay in the middle ground and that's pretty much where I am on everything but the government period....Government needs to be MUCH smaller and MUCH less powerful, we let a monster grow out of a good idea and it needs it's ears trimmed back.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Dont tell me Im running from a discussion when I am not.... And I am not incorrect whatsoever, I believe I am right just as you believe you are right. I  choose not to go into it with anyone anymore there is no point in it ......My views are totally different from yours!!! We will never agree on anything  because our believes and our views are so different.I voted for and I am for President Obama and  I am at peace with the decision of the American people .You obviously are NOT!!!!  And once again  I said Guns are a bigger issue for you ok I get . when I said BLAH BLAH BLAH it was because it was the exact same discussion over and over and over about guns.I grew up with guns also like everyone else in elk county. And i said you havent even given the man a chance because you havent and you probually wont...So once again Im not running from a discussion just chose not to get into it with someone that I wont agree with ever and with someone who will never agree with me so its useless to me..So cookson  you can keep it going with someone who possible may agree with you or is on the fence of believing you but theres no need for us to discuss anything because  I never will have the same views as you..                                Im about PEACE from here on out ;D




 ;D ;D  Peace and love people Peace and love ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Wow... so, let me get this straight...

Quote from: Howell4ever on November 12, 2008, 12:46:31 PMDont tell me Im running from a discussion when I am not....

Quote from: Howell4everIm over and done

Quote from: Howeel4everAnd I am not incorrect whatsoever, I believe I am right

You say "give Obama a chance" after we claim him and his people are going to start taking guns away as if they won't do it... then I show that they are going to start taking them away and you believe you're still correct? I'm sorry, but your logic is flawed.

Quote......My views are totally different from yours!!! We will never agree on anything  because our believes and our views are so different.I voted for and I am for President Obama and  I am at peace with the decision of the American people. You obviously are NOT  !!  And once again  I said Guns are a big issue for you ok I get that we all get that. when I said BLAH BLAH BLAH it was because it was the exact same discussion over and over and over about guns.I grew up with guns also like everyone else in elk county.
So once again Im not running from a discussion just chose not to get into it with someone that I wont agree with ever and with someone who will never agree with me so its useless to me..So cookson  you can keep it going with someone who possible may agree with you or is on the fence of believing you but theres no need for us to discuss anything because  I never will have the same views as you..
I  choose not to go into it with anyone anymore there is no point in it anymore

This is running because there is most certainly a point to continue doing it. Its called debate. Obama does something I don't agree with, I show why I don't agree with it and why I believe it is a bad idea. To keep the debate going, instead of running, you could have come back and said something along the lines of "I agree with Obama's decision in this matter as doing this and this could bring such and such results" and from there you could show info or data as to why you agree with it or you could even agree with what I posted or parts of what I posted or whatever you feel. That's the lovely part of debate. Show what you feel is right, even if its "negative" and even if others don't agree with it, because that's what debating politics is all about. By sticking around and debating what you believe in while backing up what you believe in, you could potentially change someone's mind... and that's what I'm trying to do with this stuff. I posted what's happening and why it is a bad decision with extra info to back it up in the hopes of maybe showing someone the truth of the matter... so that maybe we don't make the same mistake again.

QuoteAnd i said you havent even given the man a chance because you havent and you probually wont...

I didn't have to give him a chance... he's already said what he's going to do and his history shows what he's likely going to do. Its that simple and I'm just giving proof.



Thank you to everyone here, I am enjoying all your replies whether they agree with mine OR NOT!!   this is what my family has been American troops for since the 1600s.


My logic is flawed wow!!!!! Guns are important to you good have at it sleep with your guns I dont give a rats ass what you do with your guns as long as you are responsible in what you do with your guns..LIke no drinking and doing drugs for example while messing with guns...THats Bad  or playing games with guns thats bad too....Or showing off with guns like some do thats bad also... Being Responsible is the key to being a gun owner..You just wont stop will you even after I explained to you mtcookson that there is no reason for me to debate anything with you because it wont matter The issues that we find important are different...  We all can come up with information that justifies both our believes and IM not even against Guns I have never ever ever said I was Against Guns NONONONONO  all I said was BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH   repeatrepeatrepeat because it was the same shit over and over and over that people were saying...........I would protect my family with a gun if it came down to it also......  Just because I am a Democrat and I voted for and stand beside Obama doesnt mean there are a few issues that I dont agree with him on.....It happens you know... I justdont believe in almost everything else that you believe in....   So Peace to you and your family and your guns ;D ;D ;D   So Im ending this with a Goodbye Peace and Im heading to the political Humor its fun there..


 go to political humor Ill be on that forum being silly and having fun with people..Its funnier over there anyways!!! 8) 8) :o ;) ;) :D

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