Are Our freedoms In Toruble?

Started by Diane Amberg, November 06, 2008, 10:05:54 AM

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Diane Amberg

Being involved in public safety all these years, and teaching at 3 police academies, (National Guard too) I hear it all on all sides. I know lots of police, law enforcement officers and people from agencies with 2 and 3 initials. A number are retired now so they tend to talk more openly. They make it pretty clear that they'd like to be able to out gun the bad guys with more fire power than they have, and they are very concerned about "civilians" waving around their weapons after calling 911. I've had a number of times myself when some drunk who has called the ambulance answers the door with a gun in his hand. Oh, joy! Now I have to protect me first and try to get the weapon secured before we can do our job. Usually I've been successful, but a few times we've had to back out. People in red rages are scary! Al had one where a drugged out drunk threw a hot water tank out through the front storm door!
Some people are just going to be in harms way more often because of what they do. But do they need to encounter a nut with an assault rifle? I don't know, and I'll admit to not having all the "facts," nor any of the answers., But what do you tell  a city resident  who loses a child to an accidental street shooting?....I sure don't have the answer. I can't even keep drunk drivers off the road or keep teens from texting while driving. I have no doubt the NRA will be lobbying as strongly as ever. Yes, Al was a member for many, many years. Somehow I don't think the writers of the second amendment had today's sophisticated weapons in mind. Maybe I think dealing with who you think you need to protect yourself from is more of an issue than how you do it.  Many small town people talk about never locking their doors, but yet are armed to the teeth in case "they" come.  Sometimes it seems to be a tempest in a teapot.  I'd like to wait awhile and see if what Obama thought on a state level is different from what may be appropriate on a national level.


Well give him the chance to prove himself then Im not sitting here asking anyone to be a loyal supporter...Ive been called a idiot a antiAmerican been told to drive without my lights on at night just because I was a Democrat on here so i will take back the studitity comment and leave it as just your pride getting in your way on giving him a chance...I said I do believe in the right to own a gun and to be able to protect yourself regardless I am just saying once again Blah Blah Blah  its been said over and over and over again. we know where you stand we know you have knowledge and experience its been said... there are alot of smart experienced people on here that are republican democrat independent etc.......And I did stand behind Bush while he was in office did I like him Hell No did I share his believes No but he was my President did I bash him No but I did make fun of his speech alot cause it was funny thats all....SO there you go thats all for now


Okay, here is my two cents worth. Gun rights are like other rights, fraught with responsibilities. Lots of gun owners no doubt think it is an attack on their rights to not be allowed to own a machine gun without special permits etc. I for one, cannot think of a single reason for a private citizen to own an Uzi or AK47. A shotgun is about the best there is for home defense, but of course that is my own opinion. Guns have become a problem on the street, there is just no denying that. What is the solution offered by the NRA? Is there one? I would be interested to hear that solution.


Quote from: Howell4ever on November 06, 2008, 01:58:13 PM
I actually like you alot Pam I find you very interesting in a good way. :laugh: :P ;D
Ooooook lol.

QuoteGuns have become a problem on the street, there is just no denying that. What is the solution offered by the NRA? Is there one? I would be interested to hear that solution.

I agree there are responsibilities attached to gun ownership. Instead of lockin em up and tellin my kids don't touch I educated them EARLY. Same as my Dad did me. But one thing I truly believe is that outlawin guns is a HUGE exercise in futility. Any gang-banger with some money can buy whatever they want from somebody who doesn't give a crap what they are gonna do with it. The only people laws confine are law-abidin people. Same as lockin your's only gonna keep honest people out. The other guy is gonna kick it in and do what they want. It's just common sense to me....but like I've said before that's just my opinion
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: sixdogsmom on November 06, 2008, 03:23:17 PMmachine gun

That's the error in your thinking right there. The previous bans and issues are not on machine guns (which mean fully automatic). No, they banned semi-automatic "assault" rifles. They are no different from any other semi-automatic gun out there. All of them can kill equally as well.

Another big beef of mine is with "sniper" rifles. There is no such thing as a sniper rifle. A sniper is a person with exceptionally accurate shooting skills. A sniper would be able to take most any rifle and hit their target with great accuracy (within the limits of the gun of course). All of the popular hunting rifles could most definitely be "sniper" rifles. That is another big issue with some politicians out there.

QuoteI for one, cannot think of a single reason for a private citizen to own an Uzi or AK47.

The AK47 is an excellent choice in that they are very, very abundant making them generally inexpensive. On top of that, the ammunition they use is also very inexpensive. It makes stocking up cheap, sport shooting cheap, hobby shooting cheap, etc. They generally are rather reliable and very simple. Those are big reasons why they are popular. On top of that... seriously, how many murders have you heard of with an AK47 or similar assault rifle compared to handguns. I guaranty the number of deaths by handguns will far outweigh that of assault rifles, here in the U.S.

Then of course the fact still remains, like Pam said above... if you outlaw them, only outlaws will have them. Gun laws DO NOT keep guns out of criminals' hands, only out of the law abiding.

Quote from: sixdogsmomA shotgun is about the best there is for home defense

I absolutely agree with you there. I love shotguns, especially for home defense. Aiming them is very simple and the regular bird shot type shells are much less likely to penetrate walls, going into other rooms. One problem though... size. Generally shotguns are rather long, like rifles of course, making them difficult to use indoors in case of emergency. This could be easily solved with very short shotguns but naturally... those are banned. You can, in some states, get a simple $5 "stamp" that allows you to buy a shotgun with a barrel length of less than 18" but last I checked Kansas doesn't allow those at all. They don't allow any gun classified as an AOW (any other weapon, which is what short shotguns were put in to).

I do personally have a short shotgun with an 18.5" barrel and a pistol grip, which would greatly improve indoor use but still believe a very short one would make it much easier, similar to a handgun.

Regardless, I love shotguns for home defense. What's also cool about them is you can empty the shot from the shell and put some rock salt in them to make for a very painful but non-lethal shot just in case you're only looking to temporarily maim. ;D


Quote from: Kjell H. on November 06, 2008, 12:06:14 PM
Now if you or anyone else can guarantee me and the rest of the 80 million gun owners that when Obama enters the White House in January, the warrior of change will automatically change his mind about his definition of the Second Amendment, I will rest my case.[/b]

Always is possible Kjell, he changed his mind on a number of issues.....Public financing, Iraq surge, etc....

Damn...laugh a little people.  I haven't visited this area of the forum for a while but it would appear some perspective is needed.  Information is awesome and informative, but opinions are like a^*holes, everyones got one and they all smell the same.  It is good to vent those opinions, but without the blood pressure raising!


Dan makes  a couple of good points. Perspective is needed. This forum allows us to vent our fears, I think it also let's us explore our beliefs\ideas etc. Sometimes we go overboard, sometimes there is not enough space to really discuss an issue. I think most of us forget that on occasion. What I do know is I can depend on each and everyone of you. That is the most important point. We are lucky we have the freedom to argue, hurt each others feelings unintentionally, have fun, you all get my point. What I am saying is I appreciate you all and I think this forum is a special place.



Quote from: Howell4ever on November 06, 2008, 03:15:17 PM
Well give him the chance to prove himself then Im not sitting here asking anyone to be a loyal supporter...Ive been called a idiot a antiAmerican been told to drive without my lights on at night just because I was a Democrat on here so i will take back the studitity comment and leave it as just your pride getting in your way on giving him a chance...I said I do believe in the right to own a gun and to be able to protect yourself regardless I am just saying once again Blah Blah Blah  its been said over and over and over again. we know where you stand we know you have knowledge and experience its been said... there are alot of smart experienced people on here that are republican democrat independent etc.......And I did stand behind Bush while he was in office did I like him Hell No did I share his believes No but he was my President did I bash him No but I did make fun of his speech alot cause it was funny thats all....SO there you go thats all for now

OMG...I can't even put a JOKE on here without someone taking offense...which is why I tried to put disclaimers on things that were JOKES!! Jeez people, put your thinking caps on and your "big girl" panties and DEAL WITH IT!! Quit trying to make "CRAP" out of NOTHING!!




Crap out of nothing thats all anyone does on here lately :-*Id put my big girl panties on but I dont wear panties binds me up and my thoughts are restricted!!!  LOL! LOL!  LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Quote from: dnalexander on November 06, 2008, 07:11:27 PM
Dan makes  a couple of good points. Perspective is needed. This forum allows us to vent our fears, I think it also let's us explore our beliefs\ideas etc. Sometimes we go overboard, sometimes there is not enough space to really discuss an issue. I think most of us forget that on occasion. What I do know is I can depend on each and everyone of you. That is the most important point. We are lucky we have the freedom to argue, hurt each others feelings unintentionally, have fun, you all get my point. What I am saying is I appreciate you all and I think this forum is a special place.


I agree David :)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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