Update on Fred

Started by Jo McDonald, November 10, 2008, 02:24:35 PM

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Jo McDonald

I am so pleased to read of the prayers that were sent up for Fred and his family.

  We just arrived back home at 1:45 PM  -- the cath went well, except for the fact that the artery was easy to inject, but the vein was buried very deep, and it took quite a while and a lot of "jabs" to find it.  They even went so far as to prep the left side of the groin, for the vein injection there, when the Dr. found the right one, so they could start the procedure.  When the Dr. came out to talk to me, he was very encouraging about Fred's health -- good BP - oxygen level - heart rate - and his arteries are strong, clear and clean. !!! Good news..so that cleared the worry we had about possible blockages.  As Teresa posted, the valve is tight - and has a calcium buildup, measures 1.6 and should be at least 2.  So a replacement is a definite thing that he will have to have done.  When??? Not sure.  He has a follow up appointment with the cardiologist on Dec. 3rd and from that to the surgeon and the scheduled time will be done then.  I was told this morning that hospital time will be 2 days in ICU and 3 to 4 days in the hospital after that - and recovery time will be 6 to 8 weeks.  We are confident the Drs. are all excellent in their fields and we have great confidence in those that will be in command.  Right now, he is following orders and is sound asleep in his recliner.

  If the ole boy will behave, I see bright happy trails ahead for him and me and the family.  Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.

  Blessing to each of you.
Jo and Fred

Bonnie M.

Good to have that report, Jo.  I'm thinking of you!

With Love,


Glad it was a good report!  :)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Diane Amberg

Sounds right to me. Will it be a porcine valve? Some day way down the road we'll learn to use our own cells and just grow a new one.

Roma Jean Turner

Glad to hear good news.  I just missed you guys.  I stopped at the park on my way to Wichita Halloween weekend to say HI, but they told me you guys had left two days before.  I'll catch you in the spring.


It sounds like a good report Jo. All the best for you guys.  ;)

Judy Harder

Good to hear.

I understand what you mean about doing what the doctor says.
We all want to do what we know we are able to do,  but nevertheless
our bodies say, 'uh uh uh, you just can't do that" and then we try to
do that anyway and then pay for it.

Keep the faith Jo and when you need help (prayer) let us know and altho
we will keep you in our prayers, we will make them a little louder if that will

Hugs, judy
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Ms Bear

My prayers are with both of you.

Ms Bear


Jo and Fred, you must be so relieved with the doctor's report. Just remember, the hardest but most important part is the rehab after surgery. Follow doctor's orders and you'll soon be running foot races! Best wishes to you both.


Glad to hear thing are going good......now Fred just has to mind you Jo!!!

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