I Can Pick A Winner

Started by Wilma, November 03, 2008, 11:04:22 AM

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A couple of weeks ago we watched horse racing.  Having other things to do, I  was able to watch only the last 4 races.  Out of those four races, I picked three (3) winners.

There are certain rules that I follow when picking a winner.  One is that I must make my choice before the gates open.  Not fair to wait to see who is leading.  So, here is how I made my choices. 

One winner was a dapple gray.  Now everybody knows that a gray horse is the fastest and if he happens to be dappled, all the better.

The second one had his tongue hanging out all the way to the gate and it was still hanging out when he crossed the finish line.

The third one just looked like he was happy to be there.

On the fourth one I tried to use some common sense and analysis and picked him for his name.  He came in third.

It would have been a good day for me at the races instead of just being in my living room.  I hope I have picked a winner for the race tomorrow.


I found this to be interesting.

I love Astrology..and I have always been a firm believer that the moon and planets and stars were just not thrown in the Universe by God because they are pretty..  ;)
I believe that every second of every birth and death mean something ( by way of the planet. stars and moon sign)

So... this is an interesting find.:

John McCain: Astrology of a Presidential Candidate

Republic Presidential Candidate John McCain's Horoscope and Astrology Chart John McCain has an almost perfect triad of planets for a world leader. He was born August 29, 1936 in Canal zone, Panama. His Sun is in sensible Virgo, his moon is in practical Capricorn, and his ascendant (or rising sign as it is also sometimes known) is in fair-minded Libra. Put together, this makes an individual that is a bit cold, but would take care to always make the right decision. This is because in these key astrological positions, he has planetary positions that signify someone who is careful, thoughtful, and makes decisions devoid of emotions or prejudices whenever he can.

Virgos make good leaders because they tend to be honest and humble. They are also humble, efficient and notorious for just getting the job done. As President, he is likely to be a stickler for detail and he will keep his staff in line. He also deals in nothing but facts.  There will be no conjectures, suppositions or lies in this administration. Virgos like to get to the bottom of a matter. However, he is also likely to be as hard on himself, as Virgos tend to be a little self-critical.

The drawback of being a Virgo is that sometimes others see you as a little dull, dogmatic or stuffy. You are so helpful and so busy that others will take advantage of you. Some, including the nightly talk show hosts, may see him as being a bit too serious.

He might also have a tendency to focus on the flaws in things rather on the positive, but this comes out of the Virgo compulsion to fix things. There is no doubt that an administration run under McCain will be run fairly and with as little corruption as possible.

That moon in Capricorn also denotes a workaholic, and also someone who is not afraid to take the weight of the world on his shoulders. This is an individual who is not afraid to try and solve problems such as poverty. This is also a very humble placement and he may not often show how much he cares or his deeper emotions to prevent others from perceiving him as being out of control.

This Capricorn moon also probably is what allowed him to survive his trials as a POW.  Rather than cause a crack in his character, this horrible experience probably served to strengthen his character instead.

His sun also trines Uranus. This means that he is not afraid to explore new solutions and ideas and put them into action. He is not as conservative as he seems and does not fear implementing changes.

His Libra ascendant makes him a natural diplomat. This is a reasonable, tolerant and fair individual. He will always agree to disagree, rather than got to war.  He will excel at maintaining harmonious relationships with other countries and world leader. Cooperation, fairness and friendliness are high on his list of values and he could help restore the maligned reputation of the United States.

Donna West is a professional writer and researcher on psychics and astrology.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Barack Obama: Astrology of a Presidential Candidate

Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama's Horoscope and Astrology Chart Barack Obama is a Leo, which is not surprising as it is often the sign of a famous man - and especially a famous politician. He is the Junior United States Senator and the only African American serving in the U.S. Senate. He is, of course, also running for President of the United States. His birthday is August 4, 1961.

Like many famous people, Barack Obama has a stellium in his chart, which means three or more planets in his house or sign. Not only does Obama have the Sun in Leo but also the Lillith, Mars, Uranus and his North Node. This is in the seventh house of social activity so it is not surprising that Barack is such a popular candidate. His ability to swing people over to his way of thinking is completely made apparent by the bulk of these planets in his chart.

Barack Obama is a good public speaker with a natural popularity with others. Having his moon in Gemini indicates this. This man is probably also a great writer. Obama's ascendant is in Aquarius, which bodes very well for a successful career as president. It defines his role as a great visionary.

The planets in his charts are mostly in fire signs, which would endow him with courage, nobility, and also a great deal of energy. He would be an energetic, flexible and likable President.

The weakest part of his chart is the Venus in Cancer. This can mean addiction, jealousy, and oversensitivity to the opposite sex. However, it can also mean a real ability to empathize with others.
Barack Obama is already well known for his addiction to cigarettes.

One of the oddest things in his chart is that he has both Saturn and Jupiter in the twelfth house. This indicates an individual that is destined to be a heavy individual of some sort.  Jupiter is in Aquarius, which can mean certain instability emotionally or mentally, or issues to do with the past. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn, which is not a good omen for anybody. For a Presidential leader, it can mean an assassination or corruption. In the twelfth house, it can mean a slide down the mountain of achieve due to a big humiliation of some kind.

Weirdly, Barack Obama may have a bit of psychic ability. He has Neptune in the ninth house, where it is exalted. This means spiritual abilities. However, it can also mean addiction, codependency and a tendency to be overwhelmed by his feelings every now and then.
Venus in Cancer doubles the impact of this. This is a very sensitive individual who, despite Obama's calm outward demeanor, probably inwardly rages.
That said, he is a bit of an iceberg.
Barack has sensitivities and intuitive beliefs that the general public will never ever see. What we see instead is a well spoken, charming and very organized man.

Donna West is a professional writer and researcher on psychics and astrology.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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