Down the Rabbit Hole: Obuma, You're an Idiot!

Started by Warph, October 09, 2008, 06:45:04 PM

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I must confess that I am spending an awful lot of time thinking about Barack Hussein Obuma sitting here in Wonderland.  I hasten to add that it's not, as is the case with Chris Matthews, because the senator sends shivers up my leg.  Rather, it's because I simply can't figure out how he's managed to convince so many people that he should be the president of the United States.  Now if he were the anti-christ, I could understand.  It's a lot like trying to figure out how Las Vegas magicians make lions and tigers disappear.

To be perfectly honest, I invariably feel that way about the candidates the Democrats try to foist off on us.  But, as a rule, guys like Dukakis, Gore and Kerry, are just typical party hacks.  But at least none of them attended a racist church, they didn't associate with known terrorists and they usually didn't display their contempt for national symbols and the U.S. military quite so blatantly.

Liberals have tried to convince me that Obama is brilliant.  I find that odd because he has said that there are 57 states, that JFK got the Russians to remove their missiles from Cuba by sitting down and chatting with Khrushchev, and that Iran doesn't really constitute an actual threat because they don't spend as much money on weaponry as we do.  Funny, but "brilliant" isn't the first word that comes to mind.  But what do liberals know?  They were also convinced that Jimmy Carter was intelligent. 

As if Obuma's lack of smarts weren't bad enough, he compounds the problem with his arrogance.  The way he's forever tilting his head as if he were posing for a statue and employing the royal "we," I'm never sure if he thinks he's campaigning to be president of the United States or the queen of England. 

Frankly, I'm always surprised when, every four years, the candidate with the (D) after his name is able to muster tens of millions of votes.  When you realize that the party has become increasingly Marxist, I find it mind-boggling that the Democrats can consistently fare better than the Greens or the Libertarians, in a national election.  God, what a party of IDIOTS!

If you listen to Obuma, you'd get the idea that we're a third world nation, tottering on the edge of poverty.  Every word out of his mouth suggests that America is being ground down by corporations when every sane member of the middle class is well aware that the Democrats, who have never met a tax increase they didn't love or an illegal alien they didn't see as a potential vote, and who promote class and race warfare as party policy, pose more of a threat to this country than the Soviet Union ever did.  Hmmmm.. the way wall street is moving know, he might have a point there... naw, he's an IDIOT!

Obuma and his fellow left-wingers keep parroting the line that all the other nations of the world hate us, but I've noticed that they never name names.  And who can blame them? They're not likely to mention that they're referring to the likes of Iran, China, Yemen, Venezuela, Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and North Korea, just as they're not likely to mention that England, France, Germany and Italy, have all elected conservative leaders in the past few years, while dumping the leftist likes of Mitterand and Schroder along the way.

Because the MSM adores Obuma, they continue to promote the notion of Obuma as a great orator, but he is actually no more silver-tongued than your average radio announcer reading ad copy for baby wipes.  The fact is that when asked a direct question, the man turns into a blithering idiot, even though you would imagine that by this late date he would have memorized the appropriate lines.  Perhaps the problem is that this new style politician is so driven by polls that from moment to moment he's not sure exactly how he feels about the 16-month deadline in Iraq, the surge, offshore drilling for oil, election financing or dividing the city of Jerusalem.  Hell, he even changed his opinion about Reverend Wright overnight.  On one notable occasion, during the primaries, he was heard to ask if he could just have a moment to finish his waffle.  We all thought he was referring to his breakfast.  But apparently that wasn't the case because the man hasn't stopped waffling yet.

Even after all this time on the stump, I have yet to hear what he would have done about Saddam Hussein if he'd been president.  After all, his liberal colleagues had spent much of the 1990s insisting that there had to be a regime change in Iraq.  And as Georges Sada, Hussein's air vice-marshal, has stated in his 2006 book, "Saddam's Secrets," Hussein had all the WMD that Kerry, Kennedy and the Clintons thought he had, but had his chemical arsenal airlifted to Syria after the allied invasion began, in the hope of convincing the world that he was the innocent victim of American aggression.

Knowing Obuma as we do, we can only assume that if he'd been occupying the Oval Office he would have sat down with Hussein, and through the sheer power of his personality and his white teeth -- or do I repeat myself? -- would have convinced the Butcher of Baghdad that while it's nice to be important, it's more important to be nice.

In keeping with the times.... I'm Warph and I approve this Message!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


If Obama is an idiot, what does that make a man that doesn't know how many homes he owns?  I'm sure you will have one fine answer.


Yep... I do.  McCain couldn't give a straight answer because it's complicated.  Main reason is because his wife, Cindy Hensley McCain, the multi-millionaire beer distributor heiress (she's a Budweiser gal, btw), is the one with all the money and the the owner of the houses.  They are under holding companies or trusts controlled by Cindy.  Also, she has purchased a couple of condos in the same buildings and in one case, combined them into one property, which also leads to the confusion.  Even media sites are at odds:
New York Times: 11 houses; Politico: 8; The Swamp: 8; Washington Post:  6.

Sen. McCain, being a U.S.Senator, doesn't have the time to dwell into his wife's business affairs.  So, their real estate empire is a bit difficult to sort out.  But, here's an attempt to break it down, state-by-state:
Check 'em out:

(3 properties):

2211 Camelback Rd., Phoenix, AZ
Unit 1105 and 1106
Overview: This is a 12-story luxury condo complex with 90 units in the Biltmore area of Phoenix known as "The Residences at 2211 Camelback." Self-described as "a sanctuary within the heart of the city's preferred cultural district, teeming with couture boutique shopping, exquisite dining, world-class resorts and spas, championship golf, and a liberal array of fine and performing arts venues - heralds Phoenix's newest landmark of sophisticated urban living."
The Scoop: This 7,000-sq-ft home is considered to be the McCain's primary residence. They purchased a high-floor apartment for $4.67 million in October 2006 and then, another unit was purchased for $830,000 in Aug. 2007 and the two units (1105 and 1106) were combined. This combination could add to the confusion as to how many homes the McCains own.

4326 N 25th St, Unit 102, Phoenix, AZ
Overview: Known as the Biltmore Lofts, these are described as "ultra-modern architectural design."
The Scoop: According to property records from Maricopa County, Arizona, the McCains purchased this loft (with cash) for $700,000 in June 2007 for their daughter, Meghan (who writes before they put it on the market for $730,000. It's owned by Wild River LLC, (Cindy McCain's Corp.) and is listed as rental property on McCain's 2008 Senate Financial Disclosure Report.

11455 E Hidden Valley Ranch Rd., Sedona, AZ
Overview: Regarded as McCain's answer to W's Crawford ranch, this retreat is where McCain likes to barbecue, ride ATVs, and generally spend time wining and dining guests.
The Scoop: The McCain ranch poses a dilemma to document since public records for Yavapai County, Arizona, show three adjacent parcels that belong to the "Cindy Hensley McCain Family Trust" including parcel 407-24-004P and 407-24-004H and 407-24-004L. While it is referred to as his ranch in Sedona, many dispute it by saying it's actually located in Cornville, AZ. or Page Springs, AZ

(3 properties):
8263 Camino Del Oro (Unit 379), La Jolla, CA 92037
Overview: This property is held in the Hensley Survivors Trust, according to public records.
The Scoop: This is the property where the McCains ran into tax trouble by failing to pay their tax bill for four years. Our Zestimate values it at $963,000 (as of Aug. 26). According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, the 1,429-square-foot condo has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a two-car garage, and was built in 1972. County tax records indicate Cindy McCain's parents, the Hensleys, bought it new. Also, the condo has an annual tax obligation of $1,574 because it is assessed at $140,855, a value kept low by tax-limiting Proposition 13.

1710 Avenida Del Mundo, Coronado, CA 92118
(Units #802 and #204 — for sale!)
Overview: This monstrous complex, called the Coronado Shores Condominium Association, sits right on the beach and consists of 10 buildings, each 15 stories high with as many as 140 units in each structure.
The Scoop: According to and, the McCains own two condominums in the complex under the name Dream Catcher Family LLC. One unit (#802) was purchased in 2004 for $2.6 million and the second unit (#204) was purchased in March 2008 for $2.1 million. What's interesting is that unit 204 appears to be for sale, with the sale including unit 205, which is owned by the Stephen F. Kasbeer Trust, the same folks who sold unit 204 to the McCains.

(1 property):
1300 Crystal Dr (#1702S), Arlington, VA 22202
Overview: Yes — yet another condo and one would imagine, the place where John McCain holes up when he's in town doing his work on Capitol Hill as a U.S. Senator.
The Scoop: According to public records, this 2,089-sq-ft, three-bed, three-bath condo was purchased by the Cindy Hensley McCain Trust back in 1993 for $375,000. Our Zestimate is $883,000.

7110 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85020
While the McCains no longer own this home, it is worth noting due to its celebrated history. According to an article by Wall Street Journal's Christina S.N. Lewis, this was Cindy McCain's childhood home and the home the McCain family shared for 20 years. The McCains sold it in 2006 for $3.2 million to real estate investor Jane Popple. It is now listed for sale for $12 million. Yowza! Architectural Digest did a big photo spread of this McCain residence back in 2005. In the master bedroom, the initials "MC," for "McCain," were hand-carved into a mantelpiece, which was made in Guadalajara.

So, there you have it, GreatGuns.... 7 homes owned by Cindy McCain with two for sale.  Are you in the market?
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Well Warph Its good to see that you have the answers for him maybe next time he" accidently" forgets how many homes he has he can give you a call....


Quote from: Howell4ever on October 13, 2008, 02:11:27 PM
Well Warph Its good to see that you have the answers for him maybe next time he" accidently" forgets how many homes he has he can give you a call....

Hey, good idea, Howell4ever..... he only lives up the road from me.  Oh, speaking of forgetfulness, you might try straightening out your boy Obuma on this little item:

Which is it,  Muslim or Christian?  Or this.... which is it, 57 USA states or 57 States of Islam?  Talk about memory lapses. 
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Ya he is MY HOME BOY!!!! He lives up the way from me too he probually forgot cause of the beer we had together...  Oh Warph Im giving you a hard time  here because of your whole look out on Democrats thats all,  both of these men seem to be having memory lapse..... What choices we have here... Oh what choices....


Cindy may be the one with all the money, but I'd like to have the pocket change he took in last year.  I live just down the street from Allen Wunderlich.  Just thought I would throw that in since we were telling who our neighbors are.  Have a wonderful evening because this Idiot is going bowling.


Hey ......Allen Wunderlich got me through American History in my Junior year........ ;D ;D

I'd say you are in a smart and privileged  neighborhood..  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, I would say you're so right about that! :) :) :) :)


QuoteYep... I do.  McCain couldn't give a straight answer because it's complicated.  Main reason is because his wife, Cindy Hensley McCain, the multi-millionaire beer distributor heiress (she's a Budweiser gal, btw), is the one with all the money and the the owner of the houses.  They are under holding companies or trusts controlled by Cindy.

You know what somebody MIGHT say don't you? If he doesn't even know what his own wife is up to why should we trust him to know what the other people in his government are up to?  ;)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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