Presidential Debate : McCain vs. Obama

Started by Teresa, October 07, 2008, 07:02:36 PM

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In terms of facts and style, who did better tonight and why do you believe what you believe?  (Voting closes: October 10, 2008, 07:35:31 PM)

10 (62.5%)
4 (25%)
1 (6.3%)
Don't Care - Just Shoot Me!
1 (6.3%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Voting closed: October 11, 2008, 10:24:23 AM


Since I started they thread I didn't want to be some of the first ones to post.. so I will now.

To be unbiased ( and I tried to be when I watched it this time) as far as a debate goes... I thought it was close to a tie, but simply because of the energy part of the debate...and the fact that I think he had some good honest points,  I will give McCain the vote....  And I absolutely can't vote for Obama even though he is a very silver tongued gifted speaker...and it all sounded good.( too good) but because he is a liar.
But if you didn't know either candidate and just listening to it without any other information...and was coming into it cold? It was closer to a tie in my opinion.
I was looking for a knock out punch from McCain and all I saw was some polite jabbing. And Obama is like a mechanical robot with no feelings showing what so ever.
I got so disgusted by the debates that I actually went to the other room for awhile and worked...and only listened.
But honestly?
It was the same ole thing from McCain.. and the same old thing from Obama. At one point I looked over at Kjell and said" Where in the world did they find this panel of people ? The questions were droll and without any substance and even about the economy, I think that they could have had more meat to them. How many questions can be ask about the same stuff ..with a different way of asking?  :-\

I agree with Pam.. If McCain would have said My Friends one more time I would have screamed. I quit counting at 16. ::)

If Obama would actually ever tell the whole truth at one injunction I would have keeled over. To hear him talk HE has always been and is the chief instigator of drilling on all that untouched land ::) and HE was the one who knew waaay ahead of all of this about Fred & Fan.. and tried to warn the people. (yeahhh whatever  ::) ) ( would that be before or after he took all that money from them)   And HE is going to flood our pocketbooks with cash and still pay for all the peoples health care...  ::)
McCain could have power slammed him in several areas but just kept struggling along trying to make his point.  :(
Drove me nuts!
I most people were.. ready to see some passion and emotion..but neither one did.
McCain's message is getting muddled.  He has needed a comprehensive plan similar to the Contract with America that Newt Gingrich developed in the mid-1990's.  He really needs a specific and clearly understandable plan on how he will address the economy. Maybe he can do better this next round...and I hate to be negative.. but I don't think he can get the message crafted fast enough to make a difference between now and the election.

Saying he left the campaign to help with F&F was the wrong thing to say last night. I mean, I'm glad he left to try to help
( Obama hid under the sink and stayed silent)  and McCain did change the bill some and got some others to help back the changes.. but it still passed the Democratic congress and so he took the brunt of it.   For whatever reason people seem to be blaming the economic issues on the republicans even though the democrats used the lending practices as a social program.  People got loans that shouldn't have qualified. That is actually the bottom line.  Now we're in a big mess.

Hell, Obama voted for the "bail out" gift last week too ; but he condemns it, stated in his speeches and ads that "when he gets in the Oval Office" he will study the bill and abandon it; and he had Biden claiming in the debate that Obama did not vote for it  ??? Typical Obama /Biden....When you have a dog in front of you.. you try to convince the people it's a cat.  ::)
And if it gets too hot in the corner you have painted yourself in.. then change your mind and swear you thought this way all the time. *sighhhh it wears me out*
In  the  VP  debate  the 3 responses  to  the  gay  marriage question.
Biden answered  absolutely.... heard  Palin 's response  then did a TOTAL flip-flop.. That  is  a perfect  contrast  of strong  beliefs (Palin) vs  political  rhetoric (Biden).
To see  Biden's  defining  moment  listen  to  his  Supreme Court  appointment view. You can  kiss  your  2nd Amendment rights  good-bye.   As  for  last  night..Obama showed  his  true  self  on  health  care . He  DOES NOT  view the 2A as  a right (check  the  record  not  the rhetoric) but free drugs health care and  & hospital  stays are. >:(

He has no foundation of any value at all!  I'm not saying that we have any perfect or even above average options, but that is no reason to elect a mouth piece for the liberal elite.  My opinion is that he is nothing but a talking head that will do the bidding of those that own him.  My biggest fear is that we may someday find out who all really owns him  :'(

McCain and Palin were interviewed on Fox tonight and McCain said that taxes will have to go up if you expect to pay for everyone to have free heath care.. ..well duhhhh.. I mean a 3rd grader can do the math on that one.

But Obama swears that he will NOT raise taxes.. ( said the same thing in Illinois too ..but after he got to be a Senator he ignored all those promises and voted to raise taxes a lot more than once. )
I swear, Obama could look Jesus straight in the eye and lie to him and make it sound believable. I guess if you lie enough and base your whole life on lies.. you get to be pretty danged good at it. And he has the gift of mixing some truth in all of that web of fabrications and promises of the outer structure of the house..all the time eluding to how you are going to furnish it and build the inside.   ??? ???

oh and why my fingers are flying over the keyboard.. I want to say some more things.

When Obama stated he'd go into Pakistan after Osama Bin Laden without approval of the government with troops, isn't that just the legal definition of invading another nuclear armed country ???
If everything about this war is wrong, and we supposedly entered it illegally, and we have no rightful reason to be at war, and we need to get out of this war ASAP (all Obama's stances during speeches over the last year); how can our invading Pakistan with or without permission (another Obama stance) be any different ???

After listening to them last night..Obama has made it very clear he is a central planning socialist and he intends to carry this country in that direction. For example, he mentioned how deregulation of the markets has led to this collapse and that we should... and watch this, "coordinate our economies with those in Europe."
What he and the media fail to mention is that coordinating economies from different economies has been tried before,...... (European Union) and they are in worse shape than we are right now. Oh I almost forgot, their markets are far more regulated than ours and we all see how all that worked out too.

I  do NOT  like  being or  thinking  negatively  but  for  the  first  time  in my  lifetime  I  honestly am literally frightened about our freedoms. I  can foresee a socialist state  that is  dependent on  foreign  labor, incapable & unwilling to defend itself  with a  population  that  expects & can not function without  a womb-to-tomb  BIG BROTHER  govt calling  ALL  the  shots.
I hope and pray that I'm  wrong.

Ohhhhh sorry. I guess my reason I voted the way I did got a bit carried away.........

sorry everyone.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


An Open Letter To John McCain from a friend of mine

Americans want to vote for you, they really do.  But you are proving to be your one worst enemy.  Republicans and Conservatives are trying to make your case for you on the internet, in blogs, in videos, print and other media.  But we cannot do it all.  You need to step up and speak out for yourself.

We all release a collective groan when you tell the media you will turn to people like Al Gore, who we defeated in a presidential election because we think he has terrible ideas on where this country should go.  We do not believe his fantasy of man-made global warming.  We believe he is heading up a money-making scheme which has so far helped him to add millions, possibly billions, to his own bank account. 

You hurt yourself by turning away from true Conservatives and pandering to the far left wing of the Democrat party.  They do not want you as president.  They mock you behind your back and openly in the main stream media who are all in the tank for your opposition, Barack Obama.  Why would you do this?  Do you have a death wish for your campaign? 

On the far left,  liberal actor Alec Baldwin admits that Barney Frank was the one who let us down in Congress.  It was Barney Frank, and associates who got Americans in this financial mess.  There is video of their own comments in Congress, check it out for yourself.  Surely somebody on your staff can make you sit down and watch this.  Americans know the truth, so name names Sen. McCain.

Americans are tired of the fox guarding the hen house.  Barney Frank is the cause of our situation and now he will be investigating what happened.  Surely Senator McCain, you can see the irony in this.  Americans, Republicans, Conservatives are pulling our hair out.
You need to come out swinging and expose the folks that are responsible for the financial situation, specifically Fannie and Freddie.  Name names, McCain!!!!

You are supposed to be the candidate that will keep this country safe from terrorists.  Are you aware that the "Federal Reserve extended an $85 billion loan to American International Group to be paid back as AIG sells off some business in the biggest government takeover so far in the ongoing credit crisis" and AIG is continuing to expand its Sharia finance business?

The main stream media is not only using Democrat talking points, they are using Arab talking points, thus spreading the Islamization of America.  This leaves Republicans with the great responsibility of getting their own message out correctly.  It's up to you Sen. McCain.  Step up and speak out.  The MSM does not support you and neither does the Arab world.  It is your opponent Barack Obama who received financing from the Palestinians.  Name names, McCain!!!!

Surely you can see why Barack Obama is bad for America.  If you truly believe this, then we want you to tell us WHY he is bad, say it, tell Obama in the upcoming debate.  Point out all the reasons why he should NOT be the next president of the United States.  He wants to redistribute income, take from the rich, give to those he chooses to give to. He wants to sit down with our enemies.  He wants to defer to the 'world' rather than make decisions himself to protect America.  Point the finger at these issues Mr. McCain.

You need to name names!  You promised American people this is what you would do.  We take you at your word, don't disappoint us.

You need to be naming names about Sen. Barack Obama's friends and associates.  The group includes terrorists, America-haters, who want to destroy this country, who want to ruin her any way they can.  Name these names Sen. McCain:  Rezko, Wright, Ayers, Meeks, Pfleger, ACORN, and now ... The FBI visited the offices in Joliet, Ill., of a Will County auditor to ask questions about Larry Walsh, a longtime friend of Mr. Obama's, and his chief of staff Matt Ryan, concerning the millions of dollars in earmarks provided by Obama.  Name these names, McCain.  Share this information with the world on television during your last upcoming debate.

Let Gov. Sarah Palin be who she is -- a true Conservative.  Do not send her out on the campaign trail parroting your "maverick" talking points.  Let her name names and point fingers at your opponent.  She knows who the enemy is and can share this with the people who love her and who she connects with.

Enough with using the term "maverick".  This appeals to no one who will vote for you.  We don't want mavericks, we don't want someone who turns his back on his base in order to ingratiate the opposing party.  We value someone who shares our beliefs and isn't afraid to stand up for those beliefs.  Can you be this person Sen. McCain?  Voters are wondering.  It's up to you to convince us that you will represent Conservatives if we elect you.  We await your reply and will be watching the last upcoming presidential debate.  You have one more shot at Obama.  Don't let us down.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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