Started by flo, October 02, 2008, 10:39:13 AM

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Quote from: dnalexander on October 02, 2008, 05:51:15 PM
Quote from: ELK@KC on October 02, 2008, 04:50:41 PM
The all time nasty was when someone said a person was "Raping the People" because they worked in the Oil and Gas Industry.

I must have missed that post. Alright now be nice to the oilman;  even though I know he can take care of himself.


I think they are referring to a conversation between Frank and myself. However I certainly did not say that Frank was raping the people. I do recall saying that BIG OIL was raping the american people. If this instance occurred in another conversation, and I was not involved, I apologise for the intrusion.  ;)


Quote from: indygal on October 02, 2008, 06:41:57 PM
I have never "hid" behind my onscreen name in order to say things I otherwise wouldn't ... and won't. Plenty of folks know who I am and plenty of others don't ... just as it is in the offline world.

EXACTLY INDY!!!! That is so true. It's just "silly" to think there needs to be justification for the selection of a screen name. 

Ya'll take yourselves much too seriously.  Life is way too short for that.  The Forum is a free exchange of words, ideas and opinions isn't it?  Good, bad, and indifferent.  There will be intelligent input, stupid input, silly input, informative input, happy and sad input.  I hope there's a dash of common sense tempered with a bit of humor occasionally (thank you PEP).  We cover the whole gamut of emotions from sympathy, empathy, sarcasm to irony and beyond.  And which category the words and thoughts fall within are strictly within the mind and translation of each individual reader. Not much different than if we all sat down, face to face, at a round table to discuss the subjects posted here. Each one of us is a unique personality, each one of us has a unique style of communication.  I'm not going to like or agree with every word that is posted nor is everyone going to like or agree with everything I might post.  So what?!  That's life and what makes this world the interesting place it is.  I am like everyone else I like to know who is posting.  But if I don't know, in the grand scheme of life it isn't going to impact the course of my day.  I appreciate this forum because it is one more way to keep me connected to Elk County.  To me, Howard is home.   Everyone that posts here with any regularity, I don't care where you live...represents a slice of Elk County.  There is somethng to be learned from EVERYONE.


Quit your whining....


Roma Jean Turner

Nice bike Sunflower.  If I lived in a smaller community I would want one again.  The traffic is insane here.


I resent the Flo commet about those of us that do not want people to know who we are. We pay taxes in Howard and own land and pay taxes on it. I and my sister think Howard on the whole if full of people fighing among them selfs and nothing is getting done. You are setting on this forum and not doing a thing about the betterment of Howard.
How many of you on this forum making comments pay taxes in the city or county. We pay taxes in both a I feel I can say anything I want with in the guide lines Teresa and Khelli  have set.
If Teresa says she will not tell, then that is the end of the subject.
Maude and Maxine.


Ma and my sister and brother-in-law all pay taxes and own property in elk county. My mother is involved in many things,if there is somthin needs doin that she can do she'll be there with bells on. She is also not afraid to say what she thinks where people know who she is, kinda like the rest of us  :P I don't live in elk county so I don't comment on stuff to do with Elk county. Just in case you don't know who I'm talkin about it's Flo, Maude.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


She wasn't sayin anything about what people said lol. just about doin it incognito instead of out in the open! So mellow out for cripes sake.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I am thinking of changing my member name to Incognito. Sounds like a mysterious super hero. :laugh: If I do you can bet I would still sign my name at the end.



This is what we mean. If you do not go along with something you all become defensive, so why would any one want to let you know who they are if they go against the grain. As far as paying city and county taxs, we have not heard from them. We were there for the Festival and we know a lot of people and what we saw was a lot of people not talking to people they know. In fact we saw pepelect sitting by himself, we also saw Julie his wife and no one was going out of there way to talk to her and they have done a great service for Howard. Any one that does not go to the store and buy grocery or other things they need should buy from Walmart to we can keep China in the money. If Howard is going to grow they have to all get together instead of not getting along.
Maude and Maxine.

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