Which candidate is right?

Started by Wilma, September 25, 2008, 10:18:10 AM

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Lol, come in with both barrels blazin next time Jerry!
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

jerry wagner

Sorry, I avoided posting for a long time in the politics b/c I had such divergent views from a good chunk of what is posted.  My last post wasn't just a response to Jo but also to some of the other statements made about democrats or liberals (obviously :D)


Y'mean you do not wear pink underwear? According to some here, if you even look at a democrat candidate you are communist! If you should read a column in DKos you are communist. Never mind if you also visit right wing sites or middle of the road sites, you still are communist. I thought we were all Americans, not just Dems or Repubs, but partisan keeps showing up in every right winger post. Of course that makes any liberal thinking person defensive/offensive, and I have certainly participated in that! Guilty as charged, but anything that I have posted has been respectful for the most part, (I think), and truthful concerning the republican candidate, unlike the continuous flow of bilge coming from the right about Senator Obama. 'Nuff said, and I wear white underwear BTW!


Jo's a nice lady, she's just on the other side from y'all.

There are a lot of people who are scared of Obama, for various reasons and it's human nature to go into defense ! We may be civilized but the ol fight or flight instinct is still VERY alive and well in most people lol.

Personally my butts gettin sore from ridin the fence, but I'm waitin for clover and all I see is johnson grass! lol
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Jo McDonald

Good Lord --- I guess your toes were sticking out farther than I realized and I stepped on all 10 --20  of them, huh?
Sorry -- but I don't think my post "branded " anyone, but if you feel branded, guess that is just the way it struck you.

  We, as free, proud Americans can vote and support whomever we choose.... I as well as youl.

  As as Forrest Gump said " And that is all I have to say about that".



Quote from: jerry wagner on September 26, 2008, 11:41:40 AM
Making assumptions on who I am voting for merely because I agreed with SDM and the fact that the statement appeared to be a talking point?  :o  :o

It is interesting that we can't disagree with the Republican's talking points without being branded a socialist/communist.  And while I am at it, what is wrong with a socialist if one bothered to look up what it actually means instead of running off half-cocked in a very McCarthy fashion after us with an ax screaming Communist at the top of your lungs!

It would be nice if we could have a idea discussion without branding those that we disagreed with "titles" to vindicate our ideas and positions.  Perhaps, we should state our opinion and what we would like to accomplish and justify what we saying with facts, figures, and other methods instead of vilifying the opposite side.  It is interesting that this election has had a lot of posts in this forum screaming for the need to end partisan politics, when in truth a good number of those posting are perpetuating the cycle.

Yes, I am a liberal.  Yes, I typically vote Democrat.  Yes, I am planning on voting for Obama.  This doesn't make me anything other than an American choosing whom is worthy of my vote the same as every other voting American.  This doesn't make me anything else and i refuse to have titles attached to me as a result.

There has been a lot of so-called branding and name calling by both sides. This is a forum and people can post whatever they want, if I see something I don't like I just pass it and go on. I hope everyone will continue to post what they want and not let post like yours ruin the forum. Politics has always been a touchy subject and always will be. I personally think Barack Obama, if elected, will be the worst President ever, that is my right and it is your right to disagree.


Quote from: ELK@KC on September 27, 2008, 07:58:58 AM
Quote from: jerry wagner on September 26, 2008, 11:41:40 AM
Making assumptions on who I am voting for merely because I agreed with SDM and the fact that the statement appeared to be a talking point?  :o  :o

It is interesting that we can't disagree with the Republican's talking points without being branded a socialist/communist.  And while I am at it, what is wrong with a socialist if one bothered to look up what it actually means instead of running off half-cocked in a very McCarthy fashion after us with an ax screaming Communist at the top of your lungs!

It would be nice if we could have a idea discussion without branding those that we disagreed with "titles" to vindicate our ideas and positions.  Perhaps, we should state our opinion and what we would like to accomplish and justify what we saying with facts, figures, and other methods instead of vilifying the opposite side.  It is interesting that this election has had a lot of posts in this forum screaming for the need to end partisan politics, when in truth a good number of those posting are perpetuating the cycle.

Yes, I am a liberal.  Yes, I typically vote Democrat.  Yes, I am planning on voting for Obama.  This doesn't make me anything other than an American choosing whom is worthy of my vote the same as every other voting American.  This doesn't make me anything else and i refuse to have titles attached to me as a result.

There has been a lot of so-called branding and name calling by both sides. This is a forum and people can post whatever they want, if I see something I don't like I just pass it and go on. I hope everyone will continue to post what they want and not let post like yours ruin the forum. Politics has always been a touchy subject and always will be. I personally think Barack Obama, if elected, will be the worst President ever, that is my right and it is your right to disagree.
The problem with democrat now days, is their progressive mantra that they have espoused for several years now.
That mantra is nothing more than communism in sheeps clothing.  Destroy industry through demonizing business and regulation and taxation.   Saw it years ago for what it was and have been against it ever since.  Socialism/communism cannot exist without capitalism and business. So when you demonize and regulate and tax a business to oblivion, you kill them.  I guess we didn't learn from how the USSR imploded on itself.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



The worst president ever----Sorry, Cw but that title has already been won by G W Bush.  :-[ :-[


Uh...that DEregulation thing ain't workin too good either......here's an idea... COMPROMISE, meet in the MIDDLE, but that would be too easy and neither side will go for it, which is why we just keep rollin down the hill like a snowball headed for hell like the song says :P

As for the worst president ever, the world ain't ended yet so that title will still be up for grabs lol
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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