Rush Tells It Like It Really Is..... "Democrates are at Fault"

Started by Warph, September 21, 2008, 01:33:28 AM

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It never ceases to amaze me how a deceitful political party like the Democrats can wreck so much havoc upon hard working Americans.  Then they unflinchingly turn it all around and point the finger of blame on anything and everybody but themselves.  It's just never ending with these people and their serial blame games and finger pointing.  It must be wonderful to be as perfect as they think they are.

In 2006, the Democrats flippantly took control of Congress under the veiled shroud of reform, honesty, and non-partisanship.  Now here we are two agonizing years later and all we've witnessed is extreme FUBAR, political vindictiveness, and empty promises from our incompetent Democrats.  Under the disgraceful and failed leadership of 'His & Her' Clowns, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, this Congress has rightfully earned the lowest ratings ever recorded in the history of opinion polls.  And deservedly so because it's been nothing but down hill since they became the majority.  Especially so with the recent sub prime chaos and the ongoing energy crisis.  It's an extremely safe prediction that should these incompetent CLOWNS reach a veto proof majority in Congress - - China could very will end up being the new world super power with America taking it's humble world standing adjacent to Obama's enlightened European and very, very socialistic friends.

Rush Limbaugh presents an interesting Morning Update today regarding the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  He explains how Bill Clinton put on steroids the Community Redevelopment Act, a well-intended Carter-era law designed to encourage minority homeownership.  And in so doing, he helped create the market for the risky subprime loans that he and Democrats now decry as not only greedy but 'predatory.   

As always, Limbaugh tells it like it really is opposed to what the "Blame Masters" want you to think it is.  Is it any wonder the left in this country wants to legislatively silence talk radio with the ostensible Fairness Doctrine?   
Here's what 'The Rush' had to say.... Warph

"To explain the financial market turmoil, Lord Barack Obama, The Most Merciful, points his skinny little finger of blame at President Bush – but let's review history, here.

Long before the subprime crisis, the Bush Administration not only warned of impending calamity, but they had a plan to avert it. Fannie Mae – under the leadership of Clinton appointee Franklin Raines, now an Obama insider – and Freddie Mac had issued over $1.5 trillion in loans, but their accounting was in shambles, and the agency Congress set up to monitor them had failed to reign them in. So on September 11, 2003, Bush proposed what the New York Times called "the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis." Central to Bush's proposal was creating a new agency to oversee Fannie and Freddie.

But Democrats cried foul. "These two entities – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Rep. Barney Frank, ranking Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems... the less we will see in terms of affordable housing," Rep. Melvin L. Watt, Democrat, North Carolina, agreed, accusing Bush of "weakening the bargaining power of poorer families."

So instead of solving the problem, Democrat insiders kept using Freddie and Fannie as personal piggy banks; Clinton-era policies fueled the giveaway that is now coming home to roost. Democrats fought every effort at reform, folks, and now they're rewriting history. Republicans ought to hang this crisis high around their political necks — we can dream, at least, can't we?"

Check out the full story on how Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae became the lemons that they are today.... can you say Bill Clinton & GREED??  It will amaze you!!!:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Before this is all over with, we're all going to need some heavy drugs to help us cope with the fall-out.

Diane Amberg

I also heard Rush recently being very critical of John McCain too. (I'm never really sure what Rush really thinks.)  Back before the primaries, he was very critical of a tax cut that McCain didn't support. As far as the sub prime loan mess, they can all take a bow on that one. Nobody from any party did anything to put a stop to it back when they should have.  It was clever accounting, sneaky bundling of mortgages, false ratings by the ratings groups and the collapse of housing values that did it. They all let it happen, now they darned well better work together to start repairing it. This is the flop heard 'round the world.

Diane Amberg

His huge ego gets in the way as far as I'm concerned. I don't always disagree with his positions, but I'm really put off by his nasty manner.


Rush is pure entertainment tv\radio. Can't take him all that seriously. Atleast Jon Stewart knows his own show is entertainment and that he is still a comedian\humorist. Limbaught, Hannity, Colbert, Olberclown, O'Reilly, etc all are entertainment first truth far second.



To put Hannity and O'Reilly in the same category as Oberclown and the others?

You need to look again my deaf little friend.   ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on September 23, 2008, 04:37:03 PM
To put Hannity and O'Reilly in the same category as Oberclown and the others?

You need to look again my deaf little friend.   ;)

All are more entertainment than reality. Also, your deaf comment is rude.


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