Push Poll For Bigoted Americans

Started by Warph, September 18, 2008, 04:57:27 PM

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Apparently Barry Hussein Obuma's race might be influencing voters in the election. Sounds crazy, right? But both Clowns, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and CNN's Jack Cafferty say that Obuma's blackness is to blame for tied up poll results. Video:  http://caffertyfile.blogs.cnn.com/2008/09/16/obama-race-a-factor/

This means that racists might hold the key to this election! It's time to target the bigots, people.  We've designed our own push-poll to convince the country's bigots that Obuma isn't so bad (for a black elitist who knows nothing).  Call up your racist friend and read him the following questions:

Push Poll For Bigoted Americans

Do you refuse to support Barry Obuma?

Are you a racist? (If the answer is no, end survey)

If the answer is yes, would you still refuse to support Barry Obuma if he promised to never date your daughter?

Would you still refuse to support Barry Obuma if you knew he had close ties with Michael "Kramer" Richards?

Would you still refuse to support Barry Obuma if he convinced you he was more "Will Smith black" and less "Martin Lawrence black?"

If you and Barry Obuma escaped from prison together and you were handcuffed at the wrist, and during your daring adventure together you discovered that the color of a man's skin says nothing about the strength inside his heart, would you still refuse to support Barry Obuma?

If you found out that Barry Obuma's favorite comedian was Larry The Cable Guy, would you still refuse to support Barry Obuma?

If you found out that Barry Obuma's favorite Spike Lee movie was "Inside Man," would you still refuse to support Barry Obuma?

If Barry Obuma agreed to take a presidential salary that is 30% less than what white presidents make, would you still refuse to support Barry Obuma?

If Barry Obuma allowed you to tell him he's articulate without giving you any crap about it, would you still refuse to support Barry Obuma?

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Seriously.....I think if he does get elected it is because of race. So many people are voting for him just because he is black. I have heard up to 95% of African Americans are voting for Obama even though some of them may not like his policies. They just want an African American to be president. I bet a lot of white liberals feel that way too. You know...I would like to be able to vote for a minority ( and I question THAT  word)  for president also. I think it would be good for race relations. But only if he were conservative or even moderate and shared at least some of my views. But not this guy!
It's called "White liberal guilt", but it's another example of Democrat racism.

My choice to vote for McCain isn't based on Barry Obama's race. That doesn't even enter into my decision. 
I'm not voting for Obama because he's an elitist, arrogant, ultra-liberal, tax-raising, gun-grabbing, welfare-state-promoting, socialistic communist spouting piece of dog poo.

If you want........... I can let loose and tell you how I REALLY feel.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa could you please clarify for me how you really feel????........lol...I agree 100%



What the all mighty survey and poll takers need is a survey about how blacks feel about whites, and one about how Mexicans feel about blacks, and one about how Asians feel about Mexicans and ...... ::) ::) ::)
The Liberals are the ones who are cry babying around and having to come up with all these race issues and excuses for their inept candidate.

If he is losing, it is because of his history, policies and lack of experience! He should be applying for a job as a city lawyer working for a corporation. THAT is what he is qualified for.
Everything the man robotically says, just reeks and drips with self absorbed power for a one world socialist government.
A person has to be blind and deaf not to "get it".

((And that is only 'part' of the way I really feel. ))   ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Kinda sad when cartoons are telling the truth.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, do you think you could make what you mean and think just alittle plainer. I am amazed when the liberals talk about racism, Obama is the Racist, how do his followers disregard his years of teaching by the Rev Jeremiah Wright, now that is racism at it's worst. Look at Obama's comments about his mother and Grandmother, look at Michelle Obama's comments, that is Racism. Every person that I have asked if they would vote for Colin Powell has answered with a big YES, and many have added "Barack Obama is no Colin Powell". If Obama is elected, his liberal followers are going to find out what Racism is, and I venture they will not like it.


The last I knew Condoleeza Rice was a Republican, and many conservatives/republicans wanted her for a VP Candidate, Racism, I don't think so. Both of Bush's Secretary of States have been of African American decent, Racism I don't think so.


Actually, the last cartoon was a little inaccurate...it should have shown Obama being pulled in a rikshaw by both the press and Kennedy...LOL.

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