Some questions for Obama supporters

Started by mtcookson, September 18, 2008, 02:17:27 PM

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These are some questions posted by a friend of mine at another forum.


1. In 1981, Obama was at Occidental and was transferring to Columbia. In between the two he went on a 3-week trip to Pakistan with Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, two wealthy Pakistanis he met in school. He has never written about this trip in his books and the only mention of it was during a private San Fran fundraiser in which he stated it "enhanced his foreign policy qualifications". What did he do while there and how did it enhance his foreign policy qualifications? I've visited other countries on vacation and I sure don't feel that I'm more qualified for doing so. What went on?

2. After graduating from Columbia, Obama joined ACORN in order to work with poverty-stricken areas of Chicago as a Community Organizer. Per Obama himself, his role was to go into the areas and stir up the residents concerning a particular issue in order to get them to vote a certain way or to support a select issue. Did he actually do anything else other than try to influence people to support ACORNs select issues?

3. Obama entered Harvard in 1988. He was able to get into the school via the help of Dr. Khalid al-Mansour (AKA: Don Warden) who made some calls and pulled some strings and he helped pay for his Harvard education as well. Regardless, how did Obama get associated with this guy to the point that he received favors from him? FWIW, al-Mansour himself is a lawyer, an orthodox Muslim, a black nationalist, an educator, an outspoken enemy of Israel, alleged that the United States was plotting genocide against black Americans in his book "The Lost Books of Africa Rediscovered", is a mentor to Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and also Bobby Seale, used his influence in representing the Royal Saudi family, etc.etc.etc... Where did he meet this guy and why has this person gone so far out of his way to ensure that Obama went through Harvard? al-Mansour has also given over $100k to the Obama campaign. What's the story?

4. What is the real connection between Obama and Bill Ayers? For those who don't know who Ayers is, Bill co-founded the militant organization "Weatherman" in 1969. He was responsible for blowing up statues, planting numerous bombs including a Pentagon explosion that impacted missions in Vietnam, bombing of the NY police department and the capitol building, among others. Their motto was "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents." For some reason, Bill was never convicted of his involvement with the crimes even though he was a fugitive for 10 years with his wife, he told the New York Times in September 2001, "I don't regret setting bombs...I feel we didn't do enough."

The earliest contact I can find between Obama and Ayers was that they were on the board of the Woods Fund together from 1999-2002 (8-person board) although I do see than Ayers hosted a "meet and greet" for Obama at his house in the mid-90's. Obama announced his bid for Senator while at Ayers home as well. They are neighbors and both serve on their community board together.

So, what is the real connection? Initially Obamas campaign claimed they barely knew each other but Ayres seemed to know Obama before they were both on the Woods Fund board as he had hosted a party for Obama prior to that time. What is the truth and why is Obama associating himself with another militant?

5. The Rev Wright issue. Why did Obama feel it necessary to initially lie about hearing Rev Wright, who he had on numerous occasions stated him as his mentor? He was 20 years in that church and was fine proclaiming his closeness to Wright until the news media actually brought it to light, at which time all mention of his association was initially removed off the official Obama website (and at which time the link to the Black Panthers was removed).

6. What was the real point of pretty much calling his grandmother a racist and why did he continually state that he was brought up in a poor household? Street cred for his Senate bid? If that's the case, who else is he willing to sacrifice or should I consider that a 1-time deal?

7. Where are the details of his recent trip to the middle east? It seems he had a conversation with the Iraq Gov head in order to get them to stall a troop negotiation with the current US Administration, which is against the law, but what other promises and discussions did he have with leaders there?

8. Being the candidate of CHANGE, why are all of his financial advisers from failed companies that pressed forth sub-prime loans? Seems to be more to it than simply trying to get people with knowledge into his side of the ropes while blaming the Bush Admin for the whole mess. Seems he would have new people in his corner in order to actually inject change instead of the "same ole people" who have gotten us where we are today. Is there something I am missing here and can you explain it to me?

9. Why did he vote "present" over 100 times while in the Illinois State Senate? Did he not understand that "yes or no" were selections?

10. Why won't he admit that the McCain suggested "surge" in Iraq has worked? Why has he changed his stance on immediately pulling out all troops, thus ignoring the generals on the ground, to saying he would not necessarily pull the troops out initially (see question 7 as well in which he tried to stop troop movement negotiations)? He slams McCain for "100 years" remark yet his current plan is to keep troops over there on a US base which is the same thing McCain has been saying all along, what is the point of this?

11. What is his real stance on oil? He has stated that he is not necessarily interested in lowering the cost of gas as it stops people from driving and was totally against drilling. He has since changed his stance of the subject and is for drilling as long as it is 50+ miles outside US which is not where there is any oil, so where does he really stand on the issue? He also proposes windfall taxes on oil companies, won't that further punish US citizens who are already in a money crunch due to gas prices? What is the real point of his multiple stances?

12. How much does he really plan on increasing capital gains taxes and the like? He wants to take away the Bush tax cuts but then makes statements that he would not do so initially upon being President because it would hurt the fragile economy. If that is the case, won't it hurt the economy regardless or is this simply a "tax the rich" initiative because the "rich" deserve to be punished? Explain his real thoughts on this because he seems all over the board.

13. Where is he going to get the money to support the rest of his healthcare and welfare initiatives? Explain how much I will be liable for and exactly how it will help the people and the economy as a whole.

14. How is he going to give the UN billions upon billions of dollars for Global Poverty, any limitations on what the UN does with it? Any US oversight? Where does that money come from and why should we not use it to fix our own issues first? What coffer does it come from that is not hit via #13?

15. How is he going to fix the current financial institution problem we have concerning sub-prime loans and companies going under? I understand he has a number of the instigators on his staff so should I assume they know a way out of it just as they knew how to get us in this mess?

Diane Amberg

And Phil Gramm is innocent I suppose? The Glass Steagall Act ring a bell?  It was repealed by Gramm, Bliley and Leach.  There is some serious bipartisan Tom Foolery going on here.


Now Diane, you know better than to ask them tough questions on here.  :D :D


Diane and question ask.......about issues arising from the 1929 stock market crash does not make it a "tough" question...

Now .. the list of things that Obama would have to answer to..and the Liberal disciples who are blindly following him..and    IF he could have any shred of honestly in his body ( which we all know the answer to that one) and had to answer would be answers that COULD and WOULD END his political circus in one fell swoop.

since none of the liberals are wanting to answer the LIST of question that Young Mark put up.. ... let me give you one more.

( this isn't as hard for you all to answer, as the list that he put up)  ;)

IF Obama gets in the office.............And IF you are one of the ones who voted for him... and IF you have any legal owned firearms in your home..what are you going to do ..when he has banned all firearms of any kind.. and you are ordered to "turn in your guns"..??
No matter that you only have a shotgun or a home defense little 22 pistol.. What are you going to do? You going to do it?
You going to go against everything in your heart that tells you that this is wrong... and do it?
( remember that Hitler had to disarmed the citizens of Germany before he could take  over his communist agenda and start his terror on the Jews. )

What will you think then.. When you are simply a bleating lamb in a sea of wolves.............

What WILL you do. ?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Hmm...I thought I was unhappy with Phil Gramm, not Obama or McCain. I'm not happy with all of their ideas, either one of them. I've always thought gun control should be a state issue not a federal one. By the way, anybody still want to privatize social security? I think a bipartisan effort should be made fast to figure out what to do with this banking mess. This is hurting everyone, of all parties. Frankly, I find it interesting that the two candidates are still so even, according to the most recent polls. There has not been a breakaway by either, in spite of all the rhetoric by all sides. As for me personally, I am immune to ads that are intended to create an emotional response or create distractions, like lapel flags and lipstick. I'll make my final decision based on who I think will be best  at the time, if I can ever get to real issues that aren't lost in unnecessary exaggeration and name calling. There are buckets of half truths being thrown by both sides. Those 15 questions are fine. I don't understand the Obama stance on some of them. Neither do I understand McCain trying to back peddle and distance himself from things that happened while he was a senator. Why in the world would he want to have Phil Gramm as a economic advisor? Beats me. There is way to much"if you can't attack the issue, attack the person" going on on both sides..


I respect your opinion on all that...

But.. my question was...........

what would you do "IF".........................
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

You are asking me to assume that congress would let him disarm everyone. It's not a valid question. But having said that, I would not. There are plenty of Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are gun owners.( Hopefully not to use to shoot each other. ;D) By the way, don't rob a bank with a pellet gun. Some nitwit here tried it on Wednesday. He's dead now.  There are areas in Wilmington where everyone carries, law or not, and they do have shootouts on a regular basis. The shame of it is, they are so bad at it, that they shoot children and innocent people, often right through the walls. 


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

T'aint! ;)       By the way, I'm going to lead an uprising against our state police for the way they handled that bank robbery suspect who was on the run. It was totally disgraceful!
      They fired 30 rounds and only hit him with six. ;D ;D ;D

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