Started by frawin, September 06, 2008, 12:49:36 PM

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This one surprised and disappointed me, I checked this out and Biden did ultimately settle for the Plane Rental but never paid this young man for his work, the young man finally wrote off the debt.

For what it's worth.

Family, I feel an obligation to honesty and truth to share with you some facts.  My Father and Mother instilled in me the values and morals of treating people fairly and always being honest.  If you purchase something, you pay for it.  If you borrow something, you give it back.

I have been "stiffed" three times in my 30 year professional career by someone who I rendered services to, gave a finished product to, but who refused to pay for those services even though they acknowledged the services and products were correct, were what they asked for, and were never challenged for not being correct.  I am lucky in having only three, but those three hurt badly.

Joe Biden was one of those people.  I worked on his 1988 Presidential campaign financial disclosure engagement.  I busted it for him and got everything right.  He stiffed me for over $15,000 worth of work.  He refused to pay once he dropped out of the race.  I did similar Capitol Hill campaign financial disclosure work for Bob Dole, Pat Buchanan, and a Democratic candidate for Ambassador to New Zealand.  All of those folks paid even though they lost the election or did not get the appointment.  That type of work is very demanding and very tedious because your efforts are scrutinized by Congress.  Biden did not care.

I am on the Board of Directors of a company that owns a majority position in a private jet management company in Northern Virginia.  They manage jets for businesses and rich folks.  They also charter planes to the public.  This past winter John Thompson chartered over $250,000 worth of air time.  He paid every penny. 

Joe Biden, in his latest unsuccessful run for President, chartered over $150,000 worth of air time.  He PAID ZERO.
He continues to refuse to pay stating his race is over and he is out of money.  He never once complained about his flights.  Joe Biden is a rich man.  He could pay.

Joe Biden is a liar and a cheat.  I know it first hand.
Character is what life is all about.  Joe Biden is a man of bad character and sets a bad example for America.

I feel compelled to share this dark side of a man who asks for your vote and trust.

Best Regards, Bruce D.  Riddle, CPA, CFP
BDR Associates, LLC
2401 Research Boulevard, Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20850


sounds like a personal problem to me. Who is John Thompson?


Personal or not... THIS is the part of the character that is good to have knowledge of
these people.
We, as voters,  are going to be the ones  pulling the  handles deciding who will be in charge of our country. Betcha a buck that no one can say that about Palin...  ;)

Thanks Frank.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Please read the whole article. This accountant could have sued for that money long ago. He probably  took it off his taxes. He is not hurting for money. He made a number of sizable donations to Hillary Clinton. If Joe really still owes that money, it should be paid by his campaign committee. I have no idea what kind of arrangements they had. Joe is not a "rich man" as stated. The writer never meant for that e-mail to be picked up and widely distributed. I hate stinky, smelly politics....On all sides! 


Quote from: flo on September 06, 2008, 01:55:37 PM
sounds like a personal problem to me. Who is John Thompson?
I normally find you to be a neat person to read but had to shake my head on this one...what he experienced ceased to be a personal problem when it impacted his business' bottom line...thereafter, it became a problem of economic ability...when you do work for someone, you are using not only your company's personnel time/abilities, you are also using up parts, etc., that are listed on an inventory and must be maintained, not to mention the amount that you are contracted out to pay to your personnel that won't be paid as easily now that you've been stiffed.  Beyond that, it most certainly illustrates a major character flaw on the part of Biden...the worker is worth his wage and the provider of those services deserves payment for said stiff anyone on their payment, especially when it amounts in the multiple thousands, makes a statement on Biden's character that is truly troubling.   

W. Gray

Er, ah,

John Thompson along with his brother George owned the Thompson Brothers General Store on Main Street in Boston, Kansas.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


I just looked up this unpaid debt email on Snopes, there is an email there in which this Bruce Riddell says the bill has been paid and that this email that was for private family members has about ruined his life with people using his private contact information. Here is the link;

There is also a listing there showing other politicians owing campaign debts bot democrat and republican. The most owing was Guliani .

Diane Amberg


Quote from: sixdogsmom on September 07, 2008, 04:36:53 PM
I just looked up this unpaid debt email on Snopes, there is an email there in which this Bruce Riddell says the bill has been paid and that this email that was for private family members has about ruined his life with people using his private contact information. Here is the link;

There is also a listing there showing other politicians owing campaign debts bot democrat and republican. The most owing was Guliani .
SDM, that is not what it says, it says they can't determine if it was or not. If you go to it says he said he wrote it off.


If you want a clearer picture of what the truth is go to
Diane I was really surprised at your original response that was not what I would expect from you. Why should the young man have to write it off, he done the work and it was owed to him. Doing a write off does not offset the total amount you were oewd it lets you save on taxes to the extent of your tax rate times the amount. If I owe a bill I pay it and when I do consulting for people and they agree to my rate, I bill them if they don't pay I give the bill to an attorney to collect.

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