What words Do you constantly misspell?

Started by lola330, September 04, 2008, 08:44:19 PM

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In a similar vein what do you say where your regional accent causes people to notice. For me the I  have a group of words that all come out the same and have wide differences in meanings. I blame it on my midwestern roots. How do you say these words. For me when I say them they are all the same.

Still    (used to make moonshine, uh I mean ethanol during my home beer and winemaking days.)
Steel  (that metal stuff we use to make cars from that we now get from China)
Still     (what your mom tells you to do when you move around too  much sit still)

When I say them they are all  stiyll


No, they are still (short i) and steel (long e)  Definitely a difference.

Is creek pronounced creek (long e) or crick?

Is route pronounced route  or root?

Diane Amberg

You mean forty isn't spelled fourty? :laugh: I have my own personal little list of spelling demons that I check, and I do use spell check (FireFox). Receipt, receive, recipe, it's and its, disagreeable, foreword, and auxiliary, are a few on my list.  Wilma, around here, a creek is still a creek and a route is a route, but Daddy used to say crick and ruff (roof) and greeze and zink for sink. David, your corn pone is showing. ;)


Wilma in my mind I say them differently. But what my friends on the west coast hear is exactly the same sound for each of the words. I did my best to phonetically spell what they say they hear me say. What do they know though? When I first came to California they thought I was from the South. If you are from the Midwest or South you know we sound nothing alike.

My dad from Wichita said root and crick. I said rout and creek.
I am the only person in my family that doesn't worsh my clothes.
I was born in St. Louis Mizooura not Misery.
As a kid I drank pop.



We learned by phonics, but I think a love of reading had more to do with language than any method of learning to read. My dad used to read aloud in the evenings, either the Bible or the Book Of Mormon. Sometimes my mom would do the reading while dad cracked nuts under the rocker of the rocking chair. The family also sorted barrels of mixed hardware to resell after it was sorted while one parent read. We also listened to the radio a lot, and I was especially fond of the programs that read stories aloud. All of my teachers read to us, sometimes a book was read a chapter at a time like a soap opera. I was in heaven when they started letting us visit the school library. They even allowed us to bring home Who's Who In The Zoo, a very large book, but I loved that book with all the animals, and packed that thing all the long blocks home. My mom used to holler at me all the time ' get your nose out of that book and go do whatever it was she wanted'. That gives an idea how much I loved reading. I still love to read and read a lot, both on the nternet and books. The internet is like having the ultimate dictionary, I can get lost for hours by looking up just one thing. I used to do the same thing with a big dictionary, start with one word, and it goes from there. They should have dictionarys in doctors' offices rather than old magazines in my opinion. I do however find that some have a Bible and that does help.


BTW  I never said good grammar and spelling were not important.  I said quit picking on kids, which in this case was in regard to spelling.


lola330 in my case I was not referring to your post. I was referring to Wilma who is a champion of good spelling and grammar despite her claims as to her abilities. She and I have a small difference of opinion. I say posting on the forum is casual and grammar and spelling don't matter as long as your post is understandable. Wilma stresses the importance of spelling and good grammar in all situations. Kids listen to Wilma. Adults listen to lola330 don't pick on the kids.



Surely your middle name is Solomon?  ;)


SDM I wish I were as just as Soloman. I bet you also know my posts where I have not been inspired by Soloman.



Oh well, Heck (that's a four letter word isn't it?), we all have good days and bad ones. Some days people can get under our skin and others they cannot. But you my friend are for the most part a very fair person.

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