Started by Ding-Dong, September 03, 2008, 05:00:27 PM

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Let those who are without sin cast the first stone.  :angel:

Whether it be grammar.. or spelling or choice of words ( to some ..a few choice juicy words are NOT the end of the world) and I have said before .. I WILL NOT police this forum with an iron hand.
Grown adults in a grown up world in a grown up forum should be able to deal with some differences of character.

This forum is so mild in all ways that I find it almost amusing that some thinks it is full of smut and insults.
It is not.. It is merely differences of opinion from many differences of "people."

I will say it again. ...................
Close knit people in small towns bicker and differ in many ways.

I will put myself on the chopping block here and say  this.
Six dogs mom and I couldn't be any more opposite ""in the political field"  if one of us lived on  the Planet Mars.
We bicker.. we fuss at each other.. we will NEVER agree in that area. I don't dislike her at all.  I do not know her.. have never met her... but I can say that just because of our verbal disagreements.. we still probably do lots of things the same way and enjoy lots of the same activities.
Another one in the political side is Stacy Howell. She is like one of my own. I love her dearly and would walk across nails if I thought she was in need of anything.
Do I think she is full of Horse poo poo in her political views? Yesssireee..  :D LOL  But she thinks I am too..We both make no bones about it... but still laugh and hug and have a heck of a good time when we are all together.. So we can feel free to tell each other that in a nice way of course..  ;)
Pam and I are on the same page more than anyone knows.. even though we are on different sides of the fence.( and if push ever came to shove in real life.. I would darn sure want her in my corner)
It is the same  with everyone in a way......it's just spread out with all of us here on this forum.

What I am saying is  it's okay to disagree and be passionate about disagreements.. No one is calling names.. No one is talking smack or trash on anyone personally in particular that is posting.
At the end of the day.. I can bet you my kitchen stove that anyone of us who are making big speeches, waving our arms and talking strong talk could call the person who is in direct opposition of them and if that person needed ANYTHING.. the other one would be there in a minute to help. ..regardless if they had met that person or not.

So I don't think the forum has "disintegrated". I think we are getting more diverse people and personality's..and you all must keep in mind that the more comfortable you become with people .. the more you feel comfortable about being the real you. Which means being able to say some things that you might not say if the forum was a room full of strangers.
What is offensive to some is not to others... and I don't think anyone can set back and say that they are "all that" and can judge those others who they think are not up to their 'standards".
Every single one of us ( including Wilma ) makes spelling errors and doesn't use the exact correct grammar every single time they talk or write.  I mean.. come one..  if you haven't said the word damn or hell or any other loose word.. then you obviously are a better person that I am.

Again.. the forum is made up of several boards.. and there is something for everyone here.
IF.. you are the one who thinks it isn't fun anymore... maybe YOU should start some fun threads.. post more in the ones you enjoy and make it fun and not depend on those around you to keep it a place where you want to be.

That's all for now............My engine is clattering and my oil is low.. and I need to shut up for awhile and refuel.. after all.. I can't run out of steam yet.. Six dogs and Pam will gather steam and hammer my candidates to flattened mush if I don't stay on top of things. LOL LOL
Have a good Thursday everyone..  ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Pam......... I was typing when you posted.. but please.. feel free to take a break and come back in...
I take breaks ever so often.. and it does a body good.
I will respect whatever your decision is.. and I understand how you feel. I think that anyone who has very strong opinions and are not afraid to be themselves around "everyone".. well... some just don;t know how to deal with it.
I think that you have had to dodge rocks this past week. and I am proud of you for dodging and coming back strong.
I say " Don't change".. You are real and there isn't a phony bone in your body.
And that is more than I can say for lots of people I know.

Hope to see you back in the forum real soon.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Pam...Please, please don't leave completely.  I have so enjoyed listening to you and getting to read your posts...you are exactly the type of person that I would normally go out and get a beer with...and I really regret never getting to know you while I lived in Elk County.  I have a feeling that we would have been friends.  You are entitled to say your piece, just as much as anyone else is...and those who are being judgemental need to lighten up.  Of all the things there are to be REALLY worried about in this world, this isn't one that even makes a  half-way good blip on a radar screen.  I sure hope you return soon...you add the colors to this white page that makes it interesting!!!!!!!!


I don't think that you should leave either Pam.  I am kinda the type of person unless you really offend me or upset me, I just sit back and read.  But you leaving kinda upsets me.  I think that like Teresa said, we are all entitled to our opinions.  If you don't like what someone says, just skip it.  That's my opinion.  I really don't like the threads about Palin's daughter being pregnant.  I just skipped them.  I didn't even look at them.  It just upsets me thinking about it.  But don't leave this forum Pam because you have never offended me, I don't think that you offended anyone.  So, we all slip and say bad words once in a while.  I always think this way, people can judge me if they want, but the true one judge is in heaven.  And if they don't like what someone has to say, they don't have to read it.  RIGHT PEP!!!  By the way, I think that PEP post are so funny and off the wall!!  Sometimes, I even laugh!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Whatever makes Pam think that rocks are being thrown at her?  I don't find her name mentioned, but if the shoe fits....


Pam--I've enjoyed your posts.  I don't always agree, but that's what makes it so interesting.  Hope you reconsider.


I hate to see anyone leave the forum for any reason. Agree or disagree with the persons opinions I hope we all do our best to keep people from leaving the forum. If we all agreed it would be very boring and we would never expand our knowledge. Whatever we can do to keep all voices I hope we do. Listen to all and change what you can.

Pam take a break and come back. The forum is less without you or any of our members.



Ding-Dong hang in with us too. Listen to all and do what you can to keep all voices. We all benefit.



This is for those forum people that think everying posted should be according to their guidelines.  Please remember that there has only been one perfect person to walk this earth and they crucified Him and to my knowledge no-one has been appointed to take his place.

Rudy Taylor

I find our Coffee Shop posts to be fun, informative and relaxing.

I've never once seen anything I considered to be trashy. In fact, it's not unusual at all to see prayer requests or posts about friends who are experiencing illness or other challenges.

I recently made the comment that the forum has been a positive influence on Elk County communities, helping to pull them together and allowing its citizens to vent their frustrations. But at the same time, they are proposing ideas that will help keep it a viable place to live and work.

I personally don't visit the Politics and Religions categories, but that's my personal choice. I like to read the Coffee Shop, sometimes post, then feel good when I turn off my computer.

Hang in there, everybody.

We're a good "us."

It truly is "a wonderful life."

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