Started by Ding-Dong, September 03, 2008, 05:00:27 PM

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When I became a member the first time, I thought the forum had a lot going for it and it was a great place to read and post. But as the old saying goes "All good things must come to an end." And in my opinion, the forum has been rapidly disintegrating!!! In the past couple of years, smut and trashy language seems to have infiltrated the posts, along with slamming, insults, disrespectful of others, etc.

Although the forum  still does perform a public service in letting people know what is happening in the area, that's about the only thing positive I can think of to say at the moment, because I am too disgusted with the negative things that are happening on here.  It's time for some folks to "clean up their act!!!" Let's try and make this site a positive and "clean" place to visit, or more folks will be quitting. (And you wonder why)


I think at times we all feel that way and sometimes we do cross the line. I think if you look at the forum as a whole and compare it to others we are way better than most. Try to let the bad roll off and embrace the good things. It is good for you to say this though and I think we will all take notice and modify some of our behavior. Speaking for myself but knowing the other good people of the forum will do the same. Stick around.You will miss us when your are gone. ;D


Diane Amberg

Ding Dong, If I have in any way offended you somehow, I sincerely apologize.



Diane, Catwoman, how could you possibly offend?  I just hope that my dissatisfaction with some things hasn't been found offensive, because I am finding a lot of the posts, especially the Politics, not to my liking.  Once it has been said, there is no need to say it again and that is what a lot of the posts have been doing.  I have quit reading the Politics for the most part and hope that when the election is over that the Forum will go back to the friendly, informative, neighborly place that it used to be.


Ding Dong.. are you only referring to the politics board?
I see no other board that has any differences of opinion on the strong side what so ever..

Is this the board to which you are referring?

I have stated this a few times already.. If there is a board that you do not like.. and the Politics board seems to be the one that ruffles the most feathers... then do not open that door to that "room".
Do not judge the forum as a "whole" by the one board ( or room) that you do not care for. The forum is a big place ( big for our area, anyway) and there are areas I do not frequent only to check to make sure the software is running smoothly.. but I do not want to quit coming into the forum because of those couple boards.
But each one of us has to do what we have to do.. I hope you stay and post in the boards that you like being in..I for one enjoy what you have had to say.. :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Ding.            GET A LIFE.     IF YOU WANT TRASH TALK> JUST GIVE ME A REASON.   You haven't seen anything yet.   

There is a difference between trash talk and just plain old talk.  Try it for a while.  Get engaged with someone.  Offer a differing opinion.  Debate something.   It is a great way to communicate. Where else can you get input from both coasts at the same time.....

Right or wrong keep, Writing and wronging. AS far as people quitting there are over 430 reasons that you are not on target.  I don't see that number getting smaller.   

A city builds a bridge.  The guy on the left says it is about time.  The guy on the right say why are they spending my tax money on such a silly thing, there is a bridge just two miles down.  The gal in the middle with the pregnate daughter says a least now I can get to a hospital before the election.   Who benifits from the complaining?

Go watch tv.


I think that what is meant by "trash talk" is offensive phrases that are not considered profanity but are offensive.  It has been said that if we find it offensive, leave it alone.  How long do we leave it alone before this forum turns into what some of you say other forums are? 

I have noticed that some of our members are not posting much anymore.  I know of some that have said that they don't find the forum what it used to be.  They don't enjoy it because they don't know when they are going to have to skip a post because of the language.  We are not having the fun we used to have.  Why should anyone quit the forum because they find some of it in bad taste?  Don't they have the right to read a thread without being subjected to "trash talk"?  Politics is the worse about this but don't we have the right to read the threads for the good information without having to close our ears to talk that we would never use or allow to be used in our homes?  These offensive phrases do not add anything to the information or opinion, only to the reader's opinion of the writer's character.  And, boy, what it does to my opinion of the writer!

There, I have said it and I didn't even mention the bad grammar or poor spelling.


Quote from: Wilma on September 04, 2008, 02:16:13 PM
I think that what is meant by "trash talk" is offensive phrases that are not considered profanity but are offensive.  It has been said that if we find it offensive, leave it alone.  How long do we leave it alone before this forum turns into what some of you say other forums are? 

I have noticed that some of our members are not posting much anymore.  I know of some that have said that they don't find the forum what it used to be.  They don't enjoy it because they don't know when they are going to have to skip a post because of the language.  We are not having the fun we used to have.  Why should anyone quit the forum because they find some of it in bad taste?  Don't they have the right to read a thread without being subjected to "trash talk"?  Politics is the worse about this but don't we have the right to read the threads for the good information without having to close our ears to talk that we would never use or allow to be used in our homes?  These offensive phrases do not add anything to the information or opinion, only to the reader's opinion of the writer's character.  And, boy, what it does to my opinion of the writer!

There, I have said it and I didn't even mention the bad grammar or poor spelling.
Wilma, that is saying it as good as it can be said, I think you worded it very tactfully but also made the point very clear. 


Hey Teresa, I'm gettin tired of dodgin rocks the last couple days  :P LOL I'm not gonna apologize for being myself so think I'm gonna move it on down the road. I hope you keep in touch  :)

Wilma, fancy grammar and good spelling doesn't make somebody better or smarter or more worth knowing than somebody who can't spell for nothin and say things like ain't and tits up or whatever else y'all took offense to.

Ding-dong, same goes to you. Both of ya know exactly who I am and where I live, if your ever in my neck of the woods stop for some coffee and conversation. Be pleased to have ya. Same goes for all the people I've enjoyed talkin to.

Maybe I'm bein a little fly off the handle here, but I'm cleanin up your forum by removin myself lol I like plainspeakin too much to censur myself at this late date, took me too long to get over never sayin ANYthing  :) I need to get off here and do somthin constructive any way. Peace, y'all
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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