I'm more concerned about this than the election

Started by pam, September 03, 2008, 10:46:03 AM

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I want to hear how this country is goin to keep honoring all these aid promises they make. Who are they goin to borrow it from? Even Isreal doesn't want to take help from us in US dollars anymore! Give me a friggin break! Borrow some more from China? Yeah there's an idea  :P. If sombody doesn't get a grip and get it right this country is gonna go tits up. There are so many countries who take our money and thumb their noses at our backs that it makes me sick. Politicians are to blame. ALL politicians. We are in such a bind over what we owe or have to sell or buy that we are losin all the respect we used to have. Like Russia said, " We'll leave when we are damn good and ready, what are you gonna do about it anyway?"  That lack of respect sticks in my craw.

Our grandchildren and great grandchildren are gonna pay the price for all this you know. The people who are diggin this hole for us are NOT thinkin about how what they do is gonna affect the next seven generations that's for sure.

Same goes for the ones who pooh pooh global warming and pollution. They figure well we have two or three hundred years before it gets bad, I'll be dead it's not gonna bother me. Well, guess what unless you are not goin to have any children and are an orphan it's gonna affect some decendant of yours buddy.

These people can't or won't see past the ends of their noses. makes me sick. And why can't we hold Israel to accepting US dollars? If they are gonna take money from us it should OUR currency. I don't care that the euro is worth more than dollars, it SHOULDN'T be. If we had our **** together it WOULDN't be.
I don't give a **** who gets elected if they start being fiscally responsible and start listenin to people who tell them we got to change our way of operatin or the earth is gonna die on us.

The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) projected in February the country would have a $410 billion deficit at the end of fiscal 2008, but that will likely be a larger figure when it releases revised numbers later this month.
The national debt, which refers to the cumulative amount the government has borrowed and not repaid, is almost $9.5 trillion, the highest level in U.S. history, according to the Treasury Department.

TBILISI, Georgia - A U.S. Navy ship loaded with humanitarian aid steamed through the Dardanelles on its way to Georgia on Wednesday, as the Bush administration prepared to roll out a $1 billion economic aid package for the ex-Soviet republic.

Secretary of State Rice has acknowledged a communique from Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Levni which requests that all foreign aid payments and loans from the United States be made in Euros rather than in Dollars. Foreign Minister Levni cited the rapidly declining dollar and it's disfavor as a world currency as reasons for the request.

"In the spirit of Yom Kippur, the United States will not hold Israel to any agreements obligating them to accept Dollars as payment for their foreign aid. We will translate our obligations into Euros or whatever currency that best fits Israel's needs" Secretary Rice said in the Friday, Sept 21 announcement.

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I noticed recently that you were wanting more young people on the forum. I don't think some of the words used in this post are what I would want young people reading. It seems to me that this distasteful language added nothing to the post and was totally  unnecessary. Some will say that the young people, 5th,6th graders or around that have heard these words before and maybe they have but most of them know they are not nice words to use in public and I don't think we should be encouraging it. I am new on here so maybe I shouldn't say anything but I know some of you that are on the forum and I cannot think that you like this type of tasteless language in mixed company or around children. Banish me if you want but I couldn't pass this up.


Since you are fairly new to the forum, I wanted you to know that for the most part we post things with language that is mild and we take care to not have any cussin'. Sometimes though we get a little passionate about a subject and that barrier drops aside. I must defend the above posting as it is more trutful than offensive. And I wanted to let you know that I have complained about cussin' on the forum as I do not use it in my personal life, (or try not to), but the lady who posted this item is among our most brilliant writers. She is bold and explicit and if she offends you it probably is a good idea to skip her postings. Please do not take this as a criticism of yourself, and if 5th, 6th, and 7th graders are reading this forum you may be certain they read other forums where the writing is much more offensive. I would rather they visit here where they are known and the people who post they in turn know, no matter if there is a little salt on occasion. So long as the forum does not become a sewer, then I see no problems. I do hope this is read in the spirit it that was intended.


other than "damn" used in a quote I do not see any off-color words.  I see some ***'s and that is up to you how you read them.  Sixdogsmom is absolutely right.  Pam will tell you like it is, PERIOD, and that's as it should be.  Leave nothing to "wonder what she meant by that?"


I used the asterisks out of consideration for people that do not like cussin. I cuss when I'm serious about things sometimes, sorry if you're offended but I said what I meant and meant what I said. Thanks for the support y'all :)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I was going to post on this... but.. I don't have to now.  :)
But I will anyway cause I am a windbag.. :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D

What has been said is correct. I respect your opinion Elk@KC.. but personally.. ( and PLEASE do not take this wrong ) this forum is mostly grown adults. ..5th and 6th graders do not frequent this forum much. I mean if they want to be in here that is okay.. but there really isn't much kid stuff in here actually... and some adult mild language will most likely be seen in here on occasion. But also..  some of the language I have heard out of the mouths of some of the kids would make Pam's post seem like it should be on afternoon kids hour show.
I don't monitor it much ( I am to blame occasionally too) And she used the little *** 's so you could have filled in with darn or poop  if you wanted to. ( see? there is a positive to this *** stuff. LOL
What I am saying is...passionate writing sometimes takes on unsavory passionate terms.. (once again.. I have to hold my hand up as a guilty party on this one too) My apologies to anyone who is offended by the posts in here on any level. But don't sweat the small stuff..just post and read the forum and have a good time. 

Quote from: ELK@KC on September 03, 2008, 01:32:12 PM
Banish me if you want but I couldn't pass this up.

  ;D  I don't banish anyone.. LOL 
( I could... but it would take a whoooooole  lot for me to do it)
I am for free speech and everyone opinion matters. It may not agree with mine.. but I still respect and allow people to post what they want.  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


QuoteI don't monitor it much ( I am to blame occasionally too) And she used the little *** 's so you could have filled in with darn or poop  if you wanted to. ( see? there is a positive to this *** stuff. LOL

That's why I used em  ;D
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Pam, I wish you'd get that motorcycle on a smoother road.  All that bouncing is beginning to make MY back hurt. And I don't mean from Tiger Paw Ln to Edsel.   ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: pam on September 03, 2008, 10:46:03 AMSame goes for the ones who pooh pooh global warming and pollution.

Man made global warming or just global warming? The former doesn't exist. The latter is simply the natural cycle of the earth, which there's nothing we can really do about that.

Pollution on the other hand... politicians and organizations like California's CARB and CAFE or whatever they have now usually are going against the WRONG people... the WRONG "polluters". They continually go after cars very heavily when actually cars are not the big issue. As far as pollution goes, diesel vehicles, factories, and similar are much, much, much worse.

For instance, the soot that comes out of diesel engines and some factories doesn't end up in the air, it instead comes back down to ground level and is very harmful stuff. Melting glaciers? I've read recently that they believe the reason may be the horrendous pollution coming out of China. Some of the soot, they believe, is ending up on the glaciers which essentially takes away their ability to reflect heat from the sun and instead "soaks" the heat in causing the melting. Also... I can't remember the numbers off hand but there are actually a huge number of cases of lung cancer attributed to second hand smoke when actually the culprit is said to be diesel exhaust.

I have a lot more to touch on, and will do that soon, but need to get home for my birthday dinner for now. :laugh:


I've seen diesel  residue first hand, nasty stuff. All you have to do is walk along a busy highway to see what's bein spewed out into the atmosphere. I've had the paint ate off my vehicle from emmisions from chemical factories. Preachin to the choir here on pollution, no disrespect intended, I've been fightin it most of my life. I was environmentally conscious before it got to be the cool thing to do. If you can teach me somthin new I am all ears! :) 
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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