Teen daughter of GOP VP pick is pregnant

Started by Warph, September 01, 2008, 03:39:16 PM

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Actually, I haven't heard anyone saying anything bad or that much at all about Sarah's baby, Trig Paxson or about Bristol and her pregnancy. I think both sides have tried to avoid that, full well knowing that the American people would not take kindly to any bad remarks about either one.  I think Sarah Palins choice to carry babyTrig to delivery and to commit to raising baby Trig shows the kind of strength, love and dedication this lady has. Having watched and listened to Sarah Palin the past few days I think Bristol has gotten a lot of love and understanding and will do great as a young mother. I think that topic has not and will not be an issue.


 I agree with you on this one Frank. There was an initial flurry about it but like you say most people with brains figured out that wasn't somewhere they wanted to go.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


"I certainly hope your comment wasn't directed at me, Wilma... I put this on here because I thought CNN reported this in a more favorable light than most media articles I read.  I know how the family feels because I went through this myself.  My heart goes out to the family  and that's where it should stay, within the family.  Don't forget, I'm a staunch republican and plan to vote the McCain/Palin ticket.  Now as far as 'digging up dirt' on someone, you are probably referring to my threads on Obama.... (that is, if you are directing your comment to me).... and believe me, I plan to keep it up.  Obama's dirty.... and that's not 'dirt'....  That's a fact!  ....Warph"

Warph, my comment wasn't directed directly at you.  When I saw your attention grabbing headline, I was mad.  I didn't even read the article.  This mad goes back a long, long way to when every time a girl got married, the old biddies started counting on their fingers to see when the baby was due. 

I was mad because this has no place in this election.  I would have replied sooner, but I had an appointment in Wichita this morning and needed to get on the road.  I have had all day to think about it and I was still mad when I heard Senator Obama say, and I would quote if I could remember his exact words.  The gist of his words was this,  Keep the children out of this.  The CHILDREN are OFF LIMITS.  He went on to say that the condition of the daughter had nothing to do with whether or not Gov. Palin would be a good vice president.  He paused a bit before saying "be a good vice-president", but there wasn't anything else he could say that would make his meaning clear.  He also said that if he found out that anyone of his employees had anything to do with this, they would be fired.

What I was mad about was that the media felt that it was necessary to drag this before the public.  I can't understand what they thought it would accomplish or why they felt everybody needed to know.

I am feeling a lot better this evening as I had good news today and a last laugh.  And I mean the laugh was terrific.


Quote from: pam on September 02, 2008, 09:19:58 AM
The whole shoddy business of politics in our country makes me ashamed of the people we have elected. All the dirt diggin, inuendos, rumors, scare tactics totally disgust me.I am ashamed of democrats and republicans alike.
AMEN, Pam...I so totally agree with you!


Wonder if legalized prostitution in Nevada has anything to do with changing the mind set for teens that it is more acceptable and making Nevada's numbers higher? Just an observation. ???


OR.....Maybe it's because there's legalized gambling in Nevada that there's more pregnant teens.  Just a thought.


Girls AND BOYS have been having sex before marriage since the beginning of time. Some pay the consequences of it and some get by and don't.
But to even put that girl in the spotlight to begin with was classless.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

Some of my dearest friends since childhood were pregnant before they got married.  They married the father of their children and lived with them happily until they passed away.  Those young men stepped up, grew up and became good fathers and husbands.  No one could have had a more loving mother than my friends were and still are to their children and now grandchildren.  I am blessed to have them in my life.  They took a lot of crap from people years ago when they were in this situation.  At least back then we all know things were different and sexuality in any aspect was not dealth with openly.   But in todays world with all the open sexuality in every venue to have people come out and attack this girl as if it were the 50's and early 60's is just the heighth of hiprocrasy and meaness.


I believe what happens or has happened to any member of Ms. Palin's family is "family business" and has no bearing whatsoever on the welfare of this country or this election. 


Quote from: Wilma on September 02, 2008, 03:45:37 PM

Warph, my comment wasn't directed directly at you.  When I saw your attention grabbing headline, I was mad.  I didn't even read the article.  This mad goes back a long, long way to when every time a girl got married, the old biddies started counting on their fingers to see when the baby was due.  I was mad because this has no place in this election.

I am feeling a lot better this evening as I had good news today and a last laugh.  And I mean the laugh was terrific.

I was hoping it wasn't, Wilma because that sure didn't sound like you. LOL... you're forgiven :) ... and I know where you are coming from and I agree whole heartely with you.  BTW, you'll have to tell us what the good news was all about.  I think we all need a good laugh  :laugh:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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