Teen daughter of GOP VP pick is pregnant

Started by Warph, September 01, 2008, 03:39:16 PM

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Is this all you people can do?  Dig up dirt on somebody else?  Do you remember that Jesus said, " Ye who is without sin, cast the first stone"? >:( :'( :'(


Honestly its a non-issue as far as Sarah palin is concerned.  Her daughter is almost 18, made a bad decsion and
now is handling it like an adult. 

I know the liberals are all trying to make something of it like shes a bad mom or something.
Should be off limits by the media you know.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on September 01, 2008, 05:15:07 PM
Is this all you people can do?  Dig up dirt on somebody else?  

I certainly hope your comment wasn't directed at me, Wilma... I put this on here because I thought CNN reported this in a more favorable light than most media articles I read.  I know how the family feels because I went through this myself.  My heart goes out to the family  and that's where it should stay, within the family.  Don't forget, I'm a staunch republican and plan to vote the McCain/Palin ticket.  Now as far as 'digging up dirt' on someone, you are probably referring to my threads on Obama.... (that is, if you are directing your comment to me).... and believe me, I plan to keep it up.  Obama's dirty.... and that's not 'dirt'....  That's a fact!  ....Warph
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Kjell H.

Well hello Warph hammer........ You just hit the nail on the head!  ;)
Marshal Halloway


The whole shoddy business of politics in our country makes me ashamed of the people we have elected. All the dirt diggin, inuendos, rumors, scare tactics totally disgust me.I am ashamed of democrats and republicans alike.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I don't think anyone encourages teen pregnancy and it certainly is a problem in the United States. Leave Bristol Palin out of the mudslinging. For those shocked by this teen pregnancy;  go take a look at your family tree and do the math. If you can get by your own kids without any teen sex or pregnancy most people won't have to go too far down the family tree to run into someone Bristol Palin's age that was pregnant at 17 and then got married. Do the math, before you cast stones.

Teen Pregnancy and Birth Rates
in the United States
Teen Pregnancy Rates per 1,000 Girls Aged 15-19, 2000
State   Rate   Rank    State   Rate   Rank
North Dakota    42    1    Oregon    79    28
Vermont    44    2    Colorado    82    29
New Hampshire    47    3    Oklahoma    86    30
Minnesota    50    4    Illinois    87    31
Maine    52    5    Louisiana    87    32
Utah    53    6    Tennessee    89    33
South Dakota    54    7    South Carolina    89    34
Iowa    55    8    New Jersey    90    35
Wisconsin    55    9    Alabama    90    36
Nebraska    59    10    New York    91    37
Massachusetts    60    11    Maryland    91    38
Pennsylvania    60    12    Hawaii    93    39
Montana    60    13    Delaware    93    40
Idaho    62    14    Arkansas    93    41
Rhode Island    67    15    North Carolina    95    42
West Virginia    67    16    Georgia    95    43
Kansas    69    17    California    96    44
Connecticut    70    18    Florida    97    45
Virginia    72    19    Texas    101    46
Indiana    73    20    New Mexico    103    47
Alaska    73    21    Mississippi    103    48
Missouri    74    22    Arizona    104    49
Ohio    74    23    Nevada    113    50
Michigan    75    24
Washington    75    25    District of Columbia    128
Kentucky    76    26
Wyoming    77    27    United States    84



p.s. Warph this is directed at the universe at large not you. I read your post and saw what you were doing.


David, could you follow up on that with the number of teens per 1000 that had sex and didn't get caught or pregnant.


Quote from: frawin on September 02, 2008, 01:03:55 PM
David, could you follow up on that with the number of teens per 1000 that had sex and didn't get caught or pregnant.

•Nearly half (46%) of all 15-19-year-olds in the United States have had sex at least once.
Looks to be 460 out of 1000.

Another stat from the same place is more in line with what my guess would be

•By age 15, only 13% of teens have ever had sex. However, by the time they reach age 19, seven in 10 teens have engaged in sexual intercourse  700 out of a 1000 sounds more like it to me.  See link for more info.



QuoteI don't think anyone encourages teen pregnancy and it certainly is a problem in the United States. Leave Bristol Palin out of the mudslinging. For those shocked by this teen pregnancy;  go take a look at your family tree and do the math. If you can get by your own kids without any teen sex or pregnancy most people won't have to go too far down the family tree to run into someone Bristol Palin's age that was pregnant at 17 and then got married. Do the math, before you cast stones.

AMEN dna, Stuff like what they are sayin about that girl is what makes me ashamed of people. About her and the baby with Downes. Children are sacred and off limits. People who are shocked by teenage pregnancy are either really good actors, really big liars or have been livin in a cave for the last thousand years or so.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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