Sarah Palin

Started by Diane Amberg, August 29, 2008, 08:45:58 AM

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As I write this I am watching the RNC. For those that see the minute details you will know what I mean. Watch out for little Piper!



I thoght Palin was absolutely awesome tonite. I just hope all of America got the message. If there is any chance of avoiding a complete energy crisis, it is McCain and Palin. It will be interesting the next few weeks.


Because of my Alaska connections I need no convincing that Sarah Palin can do the job. I have followed her since she became Governor due to me having graduated from an Alaskan High School and my contact with friends still living in Alaska. The speech was mediocre and nothing special. It did show that the mayor of Wasilla\ Governor of Alaska can compete with the media savvy big boys.



The only hope of avoiding an energy crisis is the government as a whole. The president OR the vice can't do anything Congress won't let em do. Obama ain't the messiah and neither is McCain or Palin. They are all politicians who TALK a good game, until I see some action instead of a bunch of wind blowin up my you know what I reckon I'm not gonna worship at the alter of Obama OR McCain.

I hate to be the one to break it to ya but speech writers wrote her acceptance speech Frank. McCains campaign manager was on the news talkin about how they had to change it because they wrote the original one for a man..............imagine that :P reckon they coached her? I saw her on tv practicin this afternoon.....but maybe that was media spin.........or a Democratic conspiracy to make her look bad.......or a republican conspiracy to make her look GOOD.......AHHHHHHHHHH what's real?!!!?? what's memorex!? ( in case you can't tell since I'm writin....I'm bein a smart alec :P, little sarcasm never hurt anybody lol)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Pam the tone of your post is basically na na na na boo boo. It is a taunting post the type ding-dong complained about. (Ding-dong correct me if I am wrong.) Your good points are lost in your tone. Sorry Frank I know you can defend yourself. I am not without sin myself just trying to make a positive change.



Lol, I said i was bein a smart alec! I wasn't attackin anybody! Yeah I was takin a poke at the tone of a lot of the past posts about the democrats, geez if you're gonna dish it you oughta be able to take it, at least I"M jokin!

The whole country has lost it's mind as far as I'm concerned. All you hear is how the other side is makin stuff up, have people doin their speech writin, coachin them on what will make the most points for em! Well duh, it's all salesmanship! They are gonna tell you it's a real sweet deal, not that there's sawdust in the rearend and 90 weight in the motor to quiet down the rods! Politics is all about a fancy paint job to take your attention off the big oil leak in the mains and the clankin u-joints!

I'll remember from now sarcasm, they take it serious
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Sarcasm or not poor choice considering ding-dongs post. Many of us could make a change taking ding-dong, Wilma, Dale Smith, and Tobina's comments on the posts in politics to heart. Again I am not without sin just turning over a new leaf.



Well.........I am me, used to be I wouldn't say boo to a goose but luckily I got over that finally, don't see myself goin back to it anytime soon so...........I was taught to respect my elders, so out of consideration for my mother and the fact she lives still lives in that neck of the woods, I'll just leave y'all to it without any dissenting opinions to ruffle your delicate sensibilities.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


your opinion is not the problem Just your tone. I will say no more if you don't get it you don't get it. I still look forward to your post as I said earlier.



Oh I get it, just don't agree with it.  Might I say YOU all don't get it. Ever since I started in here I have listened to how evil the democrats are, how evil obama is, how everything that's happened in the last four hundred centuries or so is somehow ONLY the fault of the democrats or the scary liberals! I listened to y'all pokin fun at everybody who made a speech at the demcratic convention, said a few things but nothin rude. I am a democrat, I would probly be a democrat just out of contrariness if nothin else just because I have always jumped in on the side of the one gettin all the abuse whether they deserved it or not! I'm not ashamed of being a democrat, I'm not ashamed of having more than a few liberal opinions! I've also got quite a few very conservative opinions! I'm not ashamed of them either.

On the other hand, I haven't trashed the republicans speakin at their convention, I've said Sarah Palin seems like a good choice, I said her daughter should have been off limits and the people who drug her into it were pretty classless themselves! I don't care about what the republicans are sayin at their convention, or whether or not somebody else wrote the speeches they are givin or not. I admit there have been a few times I got upset, which ain't the word I was gonna use, but can't be offendin anybody y'know, and gave a little bit of tit for tat. Guess what I'm human, I have a tip point just like everybody else.

Short and to the point, I talk like I feel, I use so-called salt in my language sometimes, sometimes when I'm out workin and hurt somthin I can turn the air blue! Guess what I'm not ashamed of that! I'm 49 years old tomorrow, I've been raised for awhile now, and raised well I might say. I've lived rough, somtimes I talk rough. I ain't ashamed of that either.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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