Please .. We HAVE to Vote!!

Started by Teresa, August 24, 2008, 03:45:05 PM

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Okay everyone.. I realize that this should be on the Politics Board..
but it is SO BIG.. and SO EXCITING
that I had to make sure it was front and center..
Please .. now its the time for all of us to rally together and stand as one and vote as a proud unit..

I hope we are looking at our next President of the United States.

Please watch and I hope you agree with me.. and will cast your vote...

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


OK, I had a good laugh while watching, but wow...this is not only impressive and clever, it's downright scary. I have to wonder how many people see things like this and believe them, especially when there are no disclaimers. I understand both the intent and the humor, but I find it troubling that this kind of fabrication sweeps the internet and is often accepted as fact. Photoshop and other computer-editing devices are marvelous tools, but dangerous in the hands of those with no ethics.

PS: I'm not slamming this particular "candidate," as I think he has just as good a shot at turning our country around as anyone has. My guess is his "first lady" has a list of things he needs to do before he accepts that nomination!

Diane Amberg

That's OK, I remember the pre internet days when Pat Paulson ran. And also when the Delaware Blue Hen ran for homecoming king....and won! 

Roma Jean Turner

Priceless.  Is that our Patrick from the forum running?  I'd vote for him.


 T.   >:(  I just hope you already have your concealed carry permit.  >:(

                                                                    'Cause you better be packing from now on..... :'(


  :-\ I have never not got uneven...............

                                                                                              I consider this a shot across the bow.  You have declared war!

Roma Jean Turner


Teresa I hope you have lots of time on you hands.   I will need a campaign manager.



I pick John Gray as my running mate. 


Wow, in just a few short weeks PEP has gone from being nominated for county road boss, then for West Elk school board, and now PEP for president.  What's next, Chancellor of the Intergalactic Senate,  Supreme Being?!?!?!?!


I don't have much time on my hands.. but I'd be honored to be your manager..  ;D
( Already have a pretty good start on that I would say..  ;D

(And yep... I'm always packin'..  ;) )

John Gray for running mate?

**We're doomed".. 
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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