Just an Opinion

Started by ELK@KC, August 24, 2008, 09:58:34 AM

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I am getting the feeling I need to check with a couple of you before I post anything. Personally I like most of what this WARPH person says and hope he keeps posting. I thought a Forum was for everybody to express their ideas, points of interest and whatever subject, within respectibility guidelines. If I want to be Pro Democrat or Pro Republican that should be my choice, or at least that is what I thought, and personally I think there is a lot or differences in both parties and the Candidates. Just an opinion.


just jump right in there and post your opinion on any subject anywhere in this forum.  We don't always agree but we can agree to disagree, right?  Some are very plain about expressing their opinions and make no bones about name calling - we could very well function without that, but there again, opinions are like a - - h - - - s, everyone has one.  Differences of opinions are sometimes a good thing.  Never too old to learn and I've learned a lot on this forum about a lot of subject.  Glad to have you aboard and again, jump right on any subject your heart desires.


Don't be scared just post your thoughts.   

Let us be your conscience.

No one ever died by giving an opinion on line.  If you are feel pressure from some of us to not post then I am sure that there are people that agree with you but are just shy and don't want to express their opinions either. 

Remember the loudest squeek gets the grease first.

Put on you big girl panties and type away.

Diane Amberg

Uh, around my house, things that squeak are likely going to get a visit from my cat, or a least a spring trap!  :P


Hey pepelect, do you know if ELK@KC wears big girl panties or not?  If ELK  of the male persuasion should he still put on the big girl panties?

Hey ELK post what you want to within the guidelines.  I don't care what kind of panties you wear or what political party you affiliate with.   


I am trying so hard to just stand quietly back in the shadows for awhile and observe.  :police:

( almost impossible for me to do you know...  ;) )

I know it won't last long..Kinda like sealing a leak with bubble gum.. hahahaha
But..... oh well..  :-\

Elk... don't let intimidation ever stand in your way..
Freely type and Post to your hearts content.

Some of us will like it.. some won't.
So what?  Who the hell cares?
Just say what you want.

Oh one more thing.. Welcome to the place where you actually CAN be yourself..
( if you dare to be)  LOL LOL

**today is one of those days when it is best I stay quiet..
kinda like a rattlesnake coiled under a hot rock..  **

Have a good remainder of the day everyone. :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Hey, Elk@KC...you, if I am guessing you correctly, are one of the more intelligent exports to leave Elk County.  You don't have to check with anyone before posting...your posts will more than likely help to lead us poor unfortunate souls back into the light!  :laugh:

Rudy Taylor

It truly is "a wonderful life."


Ha, Rudy!  Well, there are "those" kinds, for sure. 

ELK; the forum is a great place to post your opinion, ask the opinion of others, and speculate on those who don't answer.
We've all offended someone accidentally.  Some have offended people out-right.  Some have been sneakier about their offenses.  But mostly we try and get along.  I think it's important for everyone to realize that when you post on here, you're more than likely NOT going to change someone else's opinions, so there's not any use in getting big girl panties in a wad over certain things.  State your opinion, don't get offended when someone disagrees, and "what happens on the Forum, stays on the Forum".  Teresa and I have haggled it out a few times on here... but she still gives the best dang massage I've ever got (and I still go to her for them!).  Same goes for PEP... he's called me all sorts of crappy names (literally), but he still honks and waves at me, and I wave back (he was just too far away to see the single-finger wave... just kidding!).
Anyway, the most highly debated section is the Politics.  Keep anything really opinionated and political on there.  Otherwise, Teresa will boot your thread over there, anyway.  And, the last piece of advice we've all had to learn the hard way... you don't have to read every post in every category.  Stick to the ones that interest you.   HAVE FUN!


Elk, Tobina said it about as good as it can be said. Ignore what you don't want to read or respond to, jump in where you feel comfortable. If you have been watching and following the forum, which I suspect you have, you already have an idea who you want to avoid and the subjects you want to avoid.  There is only one person on here that really has authority and control and that is Teresa, she will let you know if you are out of line, others will make noises but just ignore them and respond accordingly.
Frank Winn

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