Obama's Rezko (Auchi) Connection

Started by Warph, August 15, 2008, 02:00:16 AM

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"Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama was again drawn into Tony Rezko's corruption trial on Monday, when the prosecution's star witness placed Obama at a party for an Iraqi-born billionaire who was later barred entry to the United States."
--Chicago Sun-Times, April 15, 2008.

Proof of a meeting between Barack Obama and the Iraqi-born billionaire, Nadhmi Auchi, would be a blow for the Illinois senator's presidential campaign. Obama has repeatedly said that he cannot recollect any meeting with Auchi, a London-based businessman who is appealing a conviction for fraud in France. Auchi was a business contact of Antoin Rezko, a former Chicago developer and Obama fundraiser currently on trial for corruption.With a fortune estimated at more than $5 billion, Auchi is one of the world's richest men. According to U.S. prosecutors, Rezko lobbied the U.S. government to get a visa for Auchi after he was banned from entering the country.

The Facts
So far this is a case of "he said, she said," or rather "he said, he said." According to Stuart Levine, a former Rezko associate turned prosecution witness, both Barack Obama and his wife Michelle were among the guests at a April 3, 2004 party at Rezko's Chicago home for Auchi. At that time, Rezko was trying to impress Auchi with his political connections. The British billionaire would later buy part of Rezko's pizzeria business and invest $170 million in a prime piece of Chicago real estate that Rezko wanted to develop. While acknowledging his friendship with Rezko, Obama has minimized their social dealings. Interviewed last month by the Chicago Tribune, he said that he and Rezko met for breakfast or lunch infrequently. He said that he attended a fundraising event at Rezko's home in Wilmette in 2003, but made no mention of the April 2004 party for Auchi.On the other hand, legitimate questions have been raised about the credibility of Stuart Levine, the government's star witness in the Rezko case. The trial judge has ruled that Levine, a prominent GOP fundraiser, can be questioned about past drug use, ranging from cocaine to ecstasy to crystal meth. Defense lawyers have also questioned a plea bargaining arrangement under which Levine would be sentenced to a maximum of 5 1/2 years in prison instead of 30 years in return for cooperating with prosecutors. After Monday's court hearing, a spokesman for Obama said that he had "no recollection" of the April 2004 event at Rezko's Wilmette home. Obama recently acknowledged stopping by the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago on another occasion when Rezko was hosting a small private dinner for two Qatar bankers in February 2004. At the time, Obama was in the middle of his U.S. Senate race. 

The Pinocchio Test
We will have to wait to see how this story plays out. It took many months for Obama to answer questions about his dealings with Rezko from Chicago newspapers, and new details about the relationship have dribbled out over time. On the other hand, Levine's rather sketchy testimony about the alleged April 2004 meeting with Auchi is far from conclusive.

   ( Most observers feel that this was why Obama voted against the Iraqi War due to being friend(s) with Iraqi's Rezko and possibly Auchi.... but to be fair, we probably will never know.  Rezko wife, btw, is who Obama bought his Chicago property from, way below market value, I might add.  Ah Yes, good ol' Chicago politics... something really stinks with Obama! ...Warph) 

The full story here: http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/rezko/894559,CST-NWS-rezko15.article
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


We cannot........drop all our defenses and expect that all others would follow. They'll just laugh & love that.
I wonder if Barack Obama has armed security around him? ( if he expects US to drop all NATIONAL defenses.. would he be willing to travel and speak with no security to defend him?) Ahhh ..I don't think he would.
For the same principle, he should not vow to drop OUR defenses nationally NOR attempt to remove our second amendment right.( which as a socialist, he would do)

"August 18, 2008:... Poland has finally agreed to allow the placement of U.S. THAAD anti-ballistic missile (ABM) launchers on its territory. Russia strenuously objected to this, and made threats to Poland with nuclear weapons if the anti-missile system was installed. Apparently, the recent Russian invasion of Georgia convinced the Poles that you can never have too much protection from Russian attack."
Sooooo...Obama wants to do away with our missile defense.. None for us and all for Russia, right Mr. Obama??
That's what you would be advocating. Pretty ignorant considering reality.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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