What's on your grocery list?

Started by Tobina+1, August 14, 2008, 11:41:44 AM

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QuoteAnd I also noticed a huge bag of Splenda, Indygal! 


(Pun intended)


I just guess that living most of my adult life where there was no grocery store, I have learned to make do and cook around what I do have.  I've gotten pretty good at learning about subsitutes.  I'm talking about when you don't have baker's chocolate when you're already in the middle of making that cake. Some canned milk in the cabinet is a good thing.  If they don't have it when I go  to the store, just makes me a bit more flexible.  DON'T GET MAD AT ME, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;) ;)


Quote from: pepelect on August 14, 2008, 11:31:45 PM
  You are thrifty so you probally don't have a brand new volkswagon at 50 miles to the gallon so let's assume that you get about 10-12 miles to the gallon. 
ROTFL my old 68 ford pickup gets at least 18 - 20 mpg.  But maybe thats because i don't drive fast.  I think i got passed by Dean Ward one day.  But that isn't here nor there. Since i don't drive in big cities, i get a ride up town and since you can't buy everything you need in howard or severy or eureka, i wait til i have to go to wichita. 

QuoteThat means not counting your time or any thing else like wear and tear on the vehicle you are spending $18.00 before you even by a gummy bear.  That means that I can charge 17% more that them and still save you money.   I challenge any one to fill a grocery cart at both stores and compare apples to apples and find how much we are gouging you.
Well lets see.  examples are simple.  I can get a can of tuna for .56 cents at aldis or even walmart.  .85 cents is what yall charge the last time i looked.
You do have milk fairly reasonable there, but i can beat the price on milk and I can beat y'alls freshness. :D 
I think it costs around 1.80 for a gallon of milk and its fresh every morning.

Since i can't afford meat, I don't buy it. :) Beef has gotten out of my price range.  I raise chickens to eat, and get my eggs pretty much free. Want to get a pig and raise it for food. Wrong time to buy one now though.
I'll get me as many deer this eyar as possible, and eat that during the year so that will save me on meat costs ;)
I buy beans in bulk, i buy my wheat from the co-op for 9.00 per hundred and grind it myself which makes my flour .09  cents a pound or .45 cents a 5 pound bag.  :)  I can probably get my sugar from the co-op also for about 1/4 the price they sell it in the store.
Produce, i live without.  I am working on a greenhouse right now and hopefully will have my tomatos growing up through jan.  Mabye can grow my lettuce and greens and other things in there too.

You do have some good prices on somethings.  Theres a roll sausage thats pretty reaosnable.  CHeese is out of sight.  Can't afford that kind of price for cheddar.  I can make 2 pounds of mozzerella for 2 bucks.  Not sure why cheese has gone so high these days. No reason for it to go that high. (Not your fault i know)
I make my own bread and started doing so when bread went up to 1.30 a loaf at walmart. i won't pay that much when i can make it for less than .50 cents. 

I don't drink pepsi or coke very often, thank God. I just buy when i get to walmart about 10.00 of sams cola in the 2 liter at .67 cents a bottle and store it.  Shrug lasts me forever. My biggest luxury treat that i get is specialty tea that no one but a tea shop carries.

As far as frozen seafood goes, ewwwww  :( 

QuoteOne last note.....Bring me the receipt the next time you get a soda fountain sized ice cream cone somewhere out of town....I bet I can buy a gallon of gas with the difference.
Now its nice to be able to get a ice cream cone in the summer.  :)

Look, not knocking what you got.  I just can't afford it.  IF i could i would go there since it is convenient.  :)  When you only have 100 bucks to get the few things you need you gotta go where you can get it the cheapest.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Hey pep, does batsons buy local producers products?  Like would they buy eggs??
what about cabrielle?  or rabbit?  Hmm I am going to start up hives hopefully next year and hopefully will haev some honey to sell too.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Wow!  Srkruzich, you sound busier than anyone I know!  You should be an inspiration to us all to get back to basics, but I find myself exhausted even thinking about all that you must do in a day.  I mean, I 'get' making your own bread, but grinding your own flour!?!  That's impressive.

I hope that if someone gets a place started where they could hold classes (like I've been told the Extension office used to) that maybe you could give a seminar on making your own cheese.  That is really something I'd like to learn! 

[If the Extension office still does do classes; well, they need to promote/advertise it 'cause I never hear about anything... Okay, I don't get in there much, but I read the paper from front to back most weeks and don't hear about anything like that]

BTW, what's "cabrielle"?

BACK TO THE TOPIC! (sorry Tobina, for the lapse :-[)
   DEAN's Guacamole (I need a brand that's nut free for my DIL's allergie issues)
   Jim Beam... Oh shoot!  Guess it's been a really long week! :laugh:


QuoteHey pep, does batsons buy local producers products?

We bought Bellar's sweet corn at Family Market.


Ok, so you have finally sucked me in. :D No longer to be just a guest but someone with a real user name and password. I have enjoyed most of the input and am ALWAYS willing to try my best to stock everything that people will buy. I have wanted to put up a suggestion box for years but didn't ever think I would get much response so this electronic version is AWESOME.  Thank you to Teresa and Kjell for this forum which is such an excellent asset to our county and beyond!!

I'll start at the top of the thread. Silk Chocolate milk. I have carried it in the small carton and it didn't sell fast enough before it expired. Minimun order is 12. I will order the big ones and see how it goes this time.  (We special ordered low fat sour cream and are having a hard time selling it but would like to continue to carry, so if anyone prefers that, we have it)
Lactaid-we also carried but it was almost twice as expensive as Vitamite so we started carrying that.  i don't drink either so don't know how the taste compares. If I have enough demand for the Lactaid, I will definitely carry.
Bread, buns, etc. -bread truck comes only once weekly on Thursdays. The problem is we must order for the next week on the same day he delivers (a week in advance). So you see, if we have lots of bread sold one week, it will take 2 weeks to get caught back up.  If bread kept longer I would order more. See the dilemma. for the last 2 weeks I have been overstocked on hamburger and hotdog buns. Can't get rid of them.  There is no way to tell how sales will be from week to week so I just do the best I can. I'll keep trying.
Baked Lays BBQ- (delicious aren't they)-Because the store is not big enough yet for what we are trying to accomplish, FritoLay has a hard time fitting such a large selection in the small chip area that we have. I will put in a request to start carrying these again.
If the Our Family vanilla coffee creamer is not to your liking or you really want the fat free, let me know and I'll get it also.
Infusium 23 shampoo-neither my grocery vendor or my drug vendor carry, but we'll be getting a new drug vendor in October because the old one got bought out by a larger company.  So they may have a larger selection. Stay tuned.
I will see what I can do on the razor prices. They are terribly expensive. How is that electric one working? PEP hates his electric one. (maybe I shouldn't admit that he doesn't like something that is electric. :o.) Nivea lotion packets-probably can get, need UPC#.
Duncan Hines-I can get 9 different flavors. Name your poison. :P
Will work on the frozen yogurt thing too. Freezer space is so limiting but I'll try.
Wild rice Mix-certain brand? UPC's always belp so I can make sure I order the right thing.
Millstone whole bean french roast will be in soon.
Tyson Southern style fillets-will need UPC-too many tyson chicken products in catalog to know for sure.
Sorry no luck on Bob Evans sausage. Can't get Bob Evans anything :'(
French bread- we already carry Earthgrains brand on the bottom shelf of bread rack. It's not a bigger seller for some reason.  We also have the Rotella brand which you slice yourself. (what we really need is a bakery!!!!!! MMMMMM!!!!)
We can get Murphy Oil soap but I think Cookson's surely already carries.
Simply Jif Peanut Butter-coming soon
Low Sodium V8-coming soon

I hope I didn't miss any of the suggestions.

We do sell just about anything by the case and charge only 10% over cost. Special orders cost me (or you) no more than a regular order. (and we'll carry it to your car for you.)

I want to express a huge THANK YOU to those of you who do a majority of your shopping at our store! It will continue to get better an better the more everyone shops here. If more people buy the more we can grow. (Not meaning all of our waistlines)
More selection! More choices! Since we put in the groceries we have had an overwhelming amount of customer appreciation for what we have done and it makes the huge remodeling loan feel almost worth it.  Thanks to Howard State Bank for believing in us. (Does it sound to anyone else that I just won a Grammy?)

I remind you that 1% of your local purchases, no matter which local store, goes to county sales tax which in turn comes back to you through our local government projects.

Your purchases also help provide 11 jobs to local people.

The more our county starts working together, the better we all will be for many years to come.  When we support each other, we grow stronger together.  We all need each other!

So keep the ideas coming. Stay tuned for new products.  Any health and beauty items we need to add?  Any other suggestions?


Well THANK YOU julie.

Wow... Is she on top of things or what? :o
Now listen folks.. You can not get ANY one at ANY Walmart to give you personal input like that. And I don't know of any big chain store that will go out of their way to try so very hard to please and to stock what you want.
You can't beat it!

I for one am so proud of our grocery store with all the items that we have. And I realize that some of you are on very very limited incomes..and that is understandable that you have to make that dollar stretch as far as you can. We all do in many ways and areas.

but the most part of why I am so proud of Julie is that fact that "we sucked her into our web"..

Welcome Julie.. and you are doing a hell of a good job.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Right back at ya! You made me smile this late at night. THANKS!! :D


QuoteMillstone whole bean french roast will be in soon.
Tyson Southern style fillets-will need UPC-too many tyson chicken products in catalog to know for sure.
Sorry no luck on Bob Evans sausage. Can't get Bob Evans anything
French bread- we already carry Earthgrains brand on the bottom shelf of bread rack. It's not a bigger seller for some reason.  We also have the Rotella brand which you slice yourself. (what we really need is a bakery!!!!!! MMMMMM!!!!)
We can get Murphy Oil soap but I think Cookson's surely already carries.
Simply Jif Peanut Butter-coming soon
Low Sodium V8-coming soon

Julie, there's no other way to say it .... YOU ROCK! and PEP Rules!

QuoteSorry no luck on Bob Evans sausage. Can't get Bob Evans anything

Ah shucks...

But I'm jacked about the Millstone French Roast....woo hoo!

Thank you! Thank you!

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