Comparing Barack Heussein Obama to Adolph Hitler

Started by Warph, August 10, 2008, 01:24:44 AM

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Got this in my email this morning:

Is it ridiculous political attack to compare Barack Heussein Obama to Adolph Hitler? After doing a little research I have found there are significant similarities between the two; enough to make a reasonable case for comparison.

Adolph Hitler was 47 years old in 1936 when his campaign was beginning to take control of Germany. Obama is 47 in the height of his campaign for President of the United States. Looking at the backgrounds of both men, neither are qualified to lead anything, especially a country. Both have absolutely no experience in government, world affairs, military, economics, or any area a valid candidate for office would possess. In addition both have questionable backgrounds and associations.

Hitler's greatest talent was his ability to move the masses. Germany, struggling under economic depression, found Hitler's emotional addresses gave them 'hope' and promises of 'change.' Now Obama is promising 'hope' and 'change' when America's economy is in a slump and there is a war on terrorism that appears to be non-ending. Hitler said 'Deutschland Uber Alles' which means Germany Over All. Obama is saying he will improve America's image in the world.

Hitler was a socialist, and he used promises to lure lower-income working people and those on public assistance. Obama is a socialist promising handouts to all, redistribution of the wealth, saving all poor on the face of the earth, and peace at any cost.

Hitler was called the Bavarian Corporal because he often overrode his generals, and many historians believe that contributed to Germany's downfall. Like Hitler, Obama has publicly stated he would listen to the generals, but that in the end he would make all decisions on how to conduct the war on terror.

Another similarity between Hitler and Obama is a major cause for concern. Hitler created the Brown Shirts, a National Force that terrorized German citizens.

Obama says 'We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.' Obama apparently wants American Brown Shirts, but he hasn't bothered to specify exactly how he will organize and fund such a force.

Another Hitler creation was his Youth Corps, and Obama endorses a similar idea. Promising to mobilize youth into a giant volunteer force, he states, "So when I'm President, I will set a goal for all American middle and high school students to perform 50 hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of service a year. This means that by the time you graduate college, you'll have done 17 weeks of service."

Finally, Obama's use of symbols are also reminiscent of Hitler, who brought the familiar Nazi emblem to Germany. Obama has created his own logo and just recently painted it over the American Flag on the tail of his airplane. Everything concerning Hitler and Obama can be researched on the Internet. The evidence is there for all to see.

Unfortunately, there is one more thing similar to the late 1930s: Americans, like the Germans with the Nazis, are not taking Obama seriously, are buying into his socialist freebies, are moved like lemmings by his American Idol appearances, or just plain do not care as long as there is 'Change'. Could the change they will be getting in Barack Hussein Obama be a black reincarnation of Adolph Hitler?

Author Unknown
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-- Warph

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