Obama's "Presidential" Chair

Started by Warph, August 07, 2008, 08:40:00 AM

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Here is yet more evidence of Barack Obama's colossal ego. The photo's (courtesy of CBS News/Allison O'Keefe) shows Obama's seat on the Boeing 757 that serves as his campaign plane.  Emblazoned on the head rest, under the name Obama, is the word "President."  Below is O'Keefe's description of the grand mode of transportation Obama has created for himself:

"Obama's section of the plane rivals that of any first class. Recently the front cabin of the Boeing 757 was retrofitted to install four individual chairs that resemble La-Z-Boys. They are free-standing and made of plush leather with pockets on the sides. There is also a booth which seats four for a meeting or a meal.
"His chair has his name and campaign logo embroidered on the back top -- "Obama '08" on one line and "President" underneath. To one side is a small table stacked with newspapers ready for the candidate's arrival. The table of the booth is always covered in snacks and cheese and is where Obama spends most of his time during flights meeting with staff and sitting for the occasional interview."
-- courtesy of CBS News/Allison O'Keefe

Why so many people are so enthralled with a presidential candidate who gives "narcissism" new meaning is something we can't quite fathom.  From proclaiming himself a symbol of America returning to its best traditions to brazenly designing a presidential seal before being elected, Obama behaves as though he is not just likely to but DESTINED to become president of the United States.  The presidential chair is just one more example that Obama believes nothing he does or says will offend his faithful "subjects".  And maybe he's right.  His enormous self-esteem is matched only by the tolerance of the American public.

We do have one hope, though. In Greek tragedies, hubris (overbearing pride, excessive self-confidence and arrogance) usually led the hero to death or downfall. If it is true that "pride goeth before the fall", then Obama better prepare himself for a rough landing. ....Warph
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I looked at the pictures.. and I don't fault the man at all for having a nice plane to travel in with all the amenities..

but come on..         PRESIDENT on the top back of the seat? ::)

How utterly arrogant! But so typical of what type of person he is.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


found this in one of the other stories.  Said McCain handed these out. 


I looked for this also Flo, you can get one by donating 25.00 to John McCains' campaign. I probably won't get one.  :D


Well to be honest.. I won't either.. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Will one of you please send McCain a ''President" chair cover so they can each have one? Whoever loses has to sell his on E-Bay and donate the money to charity.


The photograph shows a campaign slogan Obama 08, and underneath it says President, which it should since he is not running for dog catcher, but president. Sheezz!


With all due respect..I don't think that is what Obama's staff put it there for.
He is quite "full of himself" ...that one.
But you can believe whatever you want to.. as I will.  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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