Greatest yard in town!!!

Started by pepelect, August 04, 2008, 11:52:30 PM

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The Elk Konnected (EK)  {cool name}  Community improvement group is getting a contest together.  We need your help.  We are going to see who can spruce up there yard the grandest and the cleanest.  You don't have to have a green thumb to win.  Judging will be on artful use of nature in all its outdoor forms.   Please remove all old car bodies, dead bodies, and other unsightly images to help us become more Konnected to our town.  Show some pride.

Each of the different cities will have a winner. Severy, Elk Falls, Longton, Grenola, Moline, and Howard.   Judging will be done by the first of next month.  Judging will be done by secret paid assassins that will kill your pets if you don't mow your yard.  Houses need to be painted.   Shrubs need to be trimmed.  Grass needs to be clipped.  Flowers will take water if you haven't got the drift.   Unsightly dog houses and old trailer-houses need to be removed if you need help just call.    The yard that has the most improved vision will be declared the winner.    The winner will have the opportunity to be famous.   You will need armed security to keep the media hounds at bay.  Better start memorizing the genius and species of the flowers you are going to need to buy to win.... There might be a tie and then we will have an oral presentation with slides and speeches. 

Just kidding..... Just a cool prize to state to the world that your yard is the best of the city is what you will receive.

Maybe even a sign with your new title.
                        ELK CONNECTED

Diane Amberg

Great idea! Maybe Rudy would put a photo of each yard in the appropriate paper.

L Hendricks

Diane - that is why PEP is buttering Rudy up with the RUDY RULZ on one of the other threads... Rudy, please...

Are you going to call it the EK Best Energized yard award... with the Elk guy mowing... that was too cute... anyways - lets hope people get motiviated to clean up... maybe the Lions should get an award after the clean up the school yard... GO LIONS...

Rudy Taylor

Heck, I haven't even seen the RUDY RULZ post.

I haven't ruled anything for so long that I've probably forgotten how.

When I was young, I "thought" I ruled a few things.  But now that I'm an old guy, I realize that most of those who rule are know-it-all preachers, waspy women and loud men in the coffee shop.

And, for the record --- all Impalas do not pull to the right.

Just crusty old Republicans do that.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Hey, what about us country folk?  I didn't become a master skid-loader and rock-mover this spring for nothing!   ;)  I want a sign so that the mailman and Janet's husband can see it!   ;D


Tobina, I agree! I have a beautiful yard that's kept mowed and an awesome collection of flowers. No junk cars or dead animals in my yard either! There are quite a few beautiful houses out in the country.


The Chamber of Commerce here in Moline used to do that every month. I am not sure why they quit, I thought it was a great program even though my yard never won.  :'( :'(


Devyn; hey!  Where ya been?  Glad you're back.  Maybe you've just been on those other locations where I stay away from (politics... pretty much anything outside of Coffee Shop!)
Anyway, I do have to confess I have some dead things in my yard... the dog is finally getting good at catching squirrels and rabbits!  But he displays them with such pride!   :laugh:


Tobina, I have been working my fanny off. I work as a home health aide and I've been busy. However, I am off now because school starts for me on the 18th.

Our dogs bring up animals also, but I get them out of the yard before they stink up the place. The only things I think that are unsightly in our yard are the hay rakes and the flatbed trailers. It's such a pain to move everything out and around to mow. Billy says I should just mow around it all but that's tacky!! :-[


Devynn and Tobina. I always look forward to your posts along with a few others. Elk County is lucky to have people like you. Tobina maybe I can get your husband to make me a pair of boots? I think I could sell many pairs of them (and a few saddles) here in my part of California. There is a sizable Horse community and Big Hats no cattle folks with Slicon Valley\Dot com money that would pay big dollars? Maybe we can work out a deal? If you look at my picture of my dog "Kansas" you will see him in a field just a 8 miles from my house. Those few Acres go for about $8 million.


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