Least Favorite Month

Started by Wilma, August 03, 2008, 01:03:50 PM

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Much is said about favorite months of the year but very little about the least favorite.  Mine is.............

You guessed it.  AUGUST!!!!  Why?????     Two words.    HEAT.   CHIGGERS. :( :( :(


February is my least favorite month. For having the fewest days it always feels like it lasts forever to me. The landscape is so gray and cold and it feels like spring will never arrive. August is my second least-favorite, but at least there's fresh veggies -- melons and tomatoes! Woo hoo!

Diane Amberg

Indy, I'm with you for the same reasons.


Well, I have to say March is my least favorite. About the time you think spring might be here and things start to sprout , Mother nature decides to dump 15 or 20 inches of snow followed by extreme low temperatures. When it does thaw, the winds start, and they are so cold and raw. I don't mind the winter months, but spring should get here and stay. I hate the extreme heat of dog days. Every year on my birthday I think of my mom laboring to bring me into the world with no air conditioning on September 1. She also had two other dog days babies; I don't know how they did it!

Judy Harder

My least favorite is February.........mainly cause the winter still on us and I am  (by now) just plain sick with cabin fever and all
the cold and gloomy days. Then if there is actually winter, instead of sort-a-winter...one day cold, one day warmish and then back to snow, etc, that just makes me more depressed and achier...........OH the joys of growing OLDER!!!.

I do enjoy the hot days of summer.........mainly cause it does feel good on my arthruritis and altho I have trouble dealing with the hot hot sun.......at least part of the day I can be out doors without much trouble.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


My least favorite month would have to be February as well. I'm an August baby, so of course this month is my favorite!! Maybe since I'm an August baby I was born to stand the heat. It doesn't bother me.  :-\


Speaking of your birthday Devyn-Leann I see from the calendar it is August 23. Happy Birthday. Also with all the talk of a bakery needed in Howard and the fact that I read a thread where you were making bread for fun and would deliver it on horse if gas got to high. I say I think Howard has their solution in you.

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