Obama won’t Pay his Bill

Started by Warph, July 31, 2008, 11:56:25 PM

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Obama will probably come up with some type of lame excuse on this one:

Obama Won't Pay His Bill
By Henry Lamb  Thursday, July 31, 2008


Reveals a lack of character and judgment

For a man whose only qualification for the White House is his own claim to good judgment and good character, Obama is rapidly proving his claim is invalid on both counts.

On November 21, 2007, the Obama Campaign ordered 1800 pocket-size Constitutions from the National Center for Constitutional Studies, using Purchase Order number 11202007.  The order was shipped to Obama For America Volunteer Headquarters, 300 W. Adams, 10th Floor, Chicago, Il, to the attention of Melissa McNeal.  The phone number listed for McNeal was 312-506-0909.  The order was placed by Becky Deignan, with copies to Bridget Gray and Melissa McNeal.  The invoice total was $965.00.

Obama's campaign has refused to pay for these Constitutions.

Despite repeated attempts to contact a responsible party in the Obama campaign, no response has been forthcoming, nor has the bill been paid.

The phone number above has been changed to 866-875-2008.  It is answered by a recording that sends a caller to another recording that advises the caller to call back later, since all operators are busy.  A second phone number provided on the Purchase Order, 312-501-4448 – has been disconnected.

A visit to the Obama web site provides no way to contact the campaign without providing a lot of information the Obama campaign does not need, in order to collect a past due bill.

A $965.00 invoice may be a little thing to a campaign that has raised $200 million.  It is a big thing when it goes unpaid.  It is an even bigger thing when payment is deliberately ignored.  This is a glimpse into the character of the man who wants to be president.

It's not as if the bill had been overlooked, or misplaced, or forgotten; Obama's arrogance has rubbed off on his campaign workers to the point that they feel no need to respond to phone calls from the people to whom they owe money. 

It is possible that Obama knows nothing about this unpaid invoice.  If he doesn't, he should.  He is the responsible party.  He is responsible for organizing his campaign in such a way as to be sure invoices do not get overlooked.  He is responsible for organizing his campaign in such a way that people who inquire get answers, not recordings.  The circumstances surrounding this eight-month unpaid invoice ordeal reveals a lack of character and judgment that will disqualify him for the presidency in the minds of many voters.

Soaring rhetoric such as "change we can believe it," and "yes we can," and "this is our moment" is meaningless when it is supported by nothing but hot air.  On the other hand, refusal to respond to phone calls and letters about an unpaid invoice – for eight months - says more about the candidate than all the slogans and bumper stickers combined. 

Perhaps Obama's campaign thinks the public will never learn about this, and other unpaid bills.  Vendors who have not been paid by the Obama campaign are welcome to email their claims, supported by evidence, and the whole world will soon know.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

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