Why Are You a Republican/Democrat?

Started by Wilma, July 31, 2008, 04:04:31 PM

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I have been wondering why people are one or the other?  Republican or Democrat?  So I decided to analyze myself for an answer and guess what I found.

I am a Republican because my parents were and because Ike was.  You may ask Ike who?  You younger ones?  In my day Ike was the first 4 star general in the U. S. Army.  He won the second world war.  He was a hero.  He was also the 34th president of the United States.  He was the first president I was old enough to vote for and in those days you had to be 21 to vote.  You might be wondering now why his being a republican had anything to do with me being republican.  Well, after Truman had served the term he was elected to, the Democrats tried to get Ike to become a Democrat and run for president on the Democrat ticket.  He refused to change his politics and was nominated as a Republican to run for president and won.  That is why I have stayed Republican all of these years.

There are times when I have wished that I could vote the Democratic primary ticket, but not badly enough to get me to change my politics.  I don't know that my beliefs are strictly Republican, a lot of them lean towards the Democrats, but I can vote my beliefs at the general election and it doesn't make any difference what your party affiliation is then.


Wilma Ike was a 5 Star General. I am not going to touch the rest of that thread. I want to keep people guessing if I am a Democrat or a Republican.

W. Gray

Ike jumped overnight from Lt Col to one star in 1939. He then jumped to two, three, four, and five stars within five years.

Ike was the third five star general with George C Marshall being the first.

MacArthur was the second five star.

I am guessing the first four star general was John J. Pershing during WWI.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


I'm neither,  i vote libertarian.  I only vote rep for presidential elections.  The democratic party today isn't the party it was.  It has been overrun by progressives who are communist in ecogroup clothing.   :(

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on July 31, 2008, 06:19:23 PM
I'm neither,  i vote libertarian.  I only vote rep for presidential elections.  The democratic party today isn't the party it was.  It has been overrun by progressives who are communist in ecogroup clothing.   :(

I like your thinking, SR...I am a registered Independent, as I have stated before.  I have a deep distrust of anything that is too, too completely any one particular way or direction, whether it be politics or religion.  Anything that restricts our innate right and ability to question that 'authority' is in and of itself inherently wrong.  I have never voted a straight ticket...Never will.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2008, 06:36:12 PM
Quote from: srkruzich on July 31, 2008, 06:19:23 PM
I'm neither,  i vote libertarian.  I only vote rep for presidential elections.  The democratic party today isn't the party it was.  It has been overrun by progressives who are communist in ecogroup clothing.   :(

I like your thinking, SR...I am a registered Independent, as I have stated before.  I have a deep distrust of anything that is too, too completely any one particular way or direction, whether it be politics or religion.  Anything that restricts our innate right and ability to question that 'authority' is in and of itself inherently wrong.  I have never voted a straight ticket...Never will.

Uhmm pardone my ignorance, but what is a registered independant???  Are you lethal or something and have to register that you are??
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


SRKRUZICH, I think you have her figured out. LOL


Quote from: frawin on July 31, 2008, 07:22:58 PM
SRKRUZICH, I think you have her figured out. LOL
LOL thanks :)
BTW i don't know if i told yall my name is Steve :)
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



Quote from: Wilma on July 31, 2008, 04:04:31 PM
I have been wondering why people are one or the other?  Republican or Democrat?  So I decided to analyze myself for an answer and guess what I found.

I am a Republican because my parents were and because Ike was.

Wilma picked the right party.  "I Like Ike!"  Good for you! 

Hang it up, Frank... we all know you are a SUPER Republican (& a good Oil Man, also).  Good for you, too.

Hooray for SRKRUZICH or is it Steve.  No truer words were said about the (ugh) demo-nut party.  Totally Commie.

Come on, CatWomen... you know you're for McCain.  Don't be shy... spit it out.

Joanna.... quit flirting.  Steve's probably married and has 6 kids, 3cats and a couple of pit bulls. 

For anybody else out there in WonderLand that is confused about whether they are Republican or demo-nut or... whatever...., here is a little quiz that came out in 2004 but asks all the right question pertaining to this election.  You might be surprised with your outcome.

"Where Do You Fit"
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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