Howard Old Bank Building - What would you like done with it.....

Started by L Hendricks, July 29, 2008, 07:02:09 PM

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Judy Harder


That sounds like a good athletic club. Or a YMCA and part of the wellness part of our survey.

I would worry about an indoor pool in an old building........doesn't it matter about what is under the floor/stone/rock/foundation?

I also wondered about another museum? But, what do I know. I would think you do need a draw that is needed for
Howard people............and then what the county needs. Then worry about drawing the out-of-towners in.

Having some place to take family when they show up is a good thing.......instead of going out of county or as in my case we all
have to visit the Elk Falls bridge and falls at least once and maybe even two or three times.....but, that is just me.

Keep the good ideas coming. Sounds like a lot  of progressive people on here and that is a "GOOD THING"!!!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


OK, after some thought, I'd like to expand on my idea for this building.  I'm thinking of something similar to the Red Buffalo store down in Sedan.  I envision that when you walk in the door (past the sign that reads, "No Ring Zone"), there will be tables and chairs on one side, and some comfy couches on the other.  When you walk in a little further, you find the coffee bar (think Starbucks).  Behind the coffee bar, in the back, there will be a more quite area for those people who want to work.  Soft chairs, small coffee tables, even maybe some cubicle type areas.  Some of the local businesses can sponsor a computer along the back wall for people who just want to go surf the internet.  Put a sign above the computer, "Sponsored by Batson's", and the computer will default to Batson's home page with their weekly specials.  They can have a joint effort with the library, too.  The library can have a small shelf of popular books for people to read.  There can be shelves around the room with items made by locals, and all the computers will have all the locals' websites in the Favorites list.  The room will be decorated with a mix of classic antiques from the area (some old Howard Fair metal signs), and some black and white pictures of local activities/people taken by local photogs. 
Not sure the condition or the layout of the basement, but how about a spa?  Some of the local "magic fingers" can have a room for massages, and someone can do manicures and pedicures, too.  All with relaxing music playing in a quiet, serene atomosphere.  If it's large enough, they can even have some of the local stylists there, too. 
I also still think that a 1-2 bedroom Bed and Breakfast should be upstairs.  Even just for locals to have a "get-away" without having to drive! 


Another museum? No, that was not my intent but MOVING the museum from it's present location to the bank building might revitalize it, marry it up with the industrial portion across the street, and bring renewed interest to the area. There are some remarkable exhibits in that museum; probably one of the best displays of period clothing I have ever seen. And the gown belonging to Judge Roy Beans' heartthrob is enough to take your breath away. The move would also free up retail space along the main street. The museum would probably not take up all the building space and could probably be used in conjunction with a media center/whatever.


The main entrance to the Old Howard National has some fairly steep steps and access will be a problem, that should be kept in mind whatever is done with it. As I recall there are also steps to the side entrance which was to Dr. Buchele's office.

Judy Harder

Just for people like me who know what you are talking about, but I can't decide which
building is the OLD BANK. :-\ :-\ :-\

Could one of you show where it is located.
I think it is Caty-corner to the Cox building, but not sure.

Any one want to draw a map and maybe show were each other retail store/fire station and the like is for us
not-from-the-area people? ??? ??? ???

It would help me picture all of this.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Judy, the old Howard National Bank Building is across the street southeast from the Cox Building. I will see if I can find my pictures of it and post some from 1900, it still looks the same. Cooleys Barbershop was in the basement of it for years, Grover and Carl Cooley were the Barbers. It was just next door on the North from the old Legion Hall. It is straight across the street South from The Gragg Museum.

W. Gray

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Thanks Waldo, Judy there it is. It is a really neat structure. What is interesting is the Old First National Bank used to be where the Howard State Bank is now and when the Bryan Motor Company closed, the First moved to that building, the Howard National built the New bank where the Howard State is now. That was quite a change on main street for those days.


What about a hometown movie theater?  Mmmmm, I can smell the popcorn now!

Judy Harder

Quote from: frawin on August 01, 2008, 01:34:28 PM
Thanks Waldo, Judy there it is. It is a really neat structure. What is interesting is the Old First National Bank used to be where the Howard State Bank is now and when the Bryan Motor Company closed, the First moved to that building, the Howard National built the New bank where the Howard State is now. That was quite a change on main street for those days.

Thanks Waldo and Frank, that is the building I thought you were talking about.
I didn't move to Longon till '78 when I married Charley Croney and really didn't get familiar with Howard, except that Charlie had a daughter and family that lived in Howard. Denola and Max Hileman leaved near to where Wilma lives now (I think) but until then I didn't know there was an Elk County or a Longton or I am still catching up.

So I think I always thought that one was empty for a long time. Wasn't Doc Beucle??SP in the part of town where the clinic is now.That was the only doc we saw to do school physicals.

So I am learning as the forum grows on me.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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