Howard Old Bank Building - What would you like done with it.....

Started by L Hendricks, July 29, 2008, 07:02:09 PM

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Jo McDonald

I agree, Frank, the lodging seems to always be lacking, year around.  Hunters, travelers, alumni time, and just families in larger groups that come home to visit.
  That building has always been beautiful to me.  I remember as a child going there with my Daddy, and I can still see it in detail,
I was awe struck by how absolutely beautiful it was.
I do hope it can be restored into something that we all can be proud of.

W. Gray

How much money is going to be available to configure the old bank for these various attractions?

Where or from whom is the money going to come from?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Jo, I made my first bank loans in that bank. The first one when I was aroud 14 years old, I borrowed money from Ralph perkins to buy a horse, (I have always thought Earl Garison guaranteed it to Ralph), the second one was for my first car at 16, a 1949 Dodge, the price was $100.00, Ralph told me he would loan it to me, and I was to pay $10.00 a month for 11 Months and it would be mine, I did and it was. That building is  a proud reminder of the past, I would hate to see it gone.


My first thought was that it was a waste of time and money to try to salvage the old Bank building by putting in a Restaurant and Lodging facilities, I was thinking of the population decline and the lack of some businesses. After giving it more thought, the Beaumont Hotel came to mind and i thought of the many times we have met friends and family there to eat and visit and of all the people we saw there eating and that had stayed all night. I think Howard has as much or more to offer than Beaumont and a lot more hard working young people to boot. I think it can be done.

L Hendricks

W. Gray - the money is coming from the private sector - no city or county monies would be used for renovations... Don't know the budget, but again - if money was not an obstacle...
Thanks Frank for your encouraging word - we do have a great bunch of youngsters if we can keep the energy channeled and focused... and yes most of us are committed to the future of our area...


Liz, I think you all must have a cup of sugar, with a teaspoon of coffee in it, every morning with Patrick. It is really neat to see all of the young people working together for the betterment of the community. I knew and/or know most of all of your grandparents  and parents and I know they are poud of everyone of you.

Rudy Taylor

Great ideas, everybody!

It might help if the historic building was owned by a foundation or another entity, then sub-leased to private entrepreneurs. This would keep the whole thing from going into sudden collapse in the event that a particular business venture didn't work out.

At the very least, the building would be saved and new ideas could then be applied.

I also would encourage convergence with Sedan. We're really one big community, you know.

It truly is "a wonderful life."

D Whetstone

I don't have any new ideas here. Just a vote for restaurant, hotel, coffee shop.  The restaurant would not have to compete w/ Poplar and Toot's. Different menue/food.  I know that Poplar serves steaks and good ones at that.  But this would take a steak to a new level.  And when you would eat at Poplar would probably be under different circumstances than the new restaurant.  

I like the idea of having modular or flexible space. Could be used for a private part (wedding reception, class reunion, family reunion, welcoming Dr. Perkins to town, etc).  The coffee shop and cyber cafe could have separate hours.

The new owners know hospitality and they know food. Good food. Great food.  I really believe that if done right and w/ their help, this could draw from many miles around.  The Beaumont Hotel would have nothing on this place.  The Beaumont Hotel is ok but the food is average at best.

I am thinking about Cottonwood Falls as an example. The restaurant and hotel their might be a good example of what could be. Beautiful building, great food, and nice hotel.  Look at all of the other businesses that compliment it as well.  Wester clothing store. Nice antique store. And others.

A cornerstone building and business like this, a restaurant and hotel, could spur the openings of other businesses as well if it brings in tourists and visitors.

The owners want to do something the community can use and needs. Do we need another restaurant? If just to have another place to eat out, No.  But what we do need is something to draw visitors.  We do need to create jobs.  I see this is something that would do both.

This really is exciting.

P.S. My only problem with the Benson Museum moving to the bank building ... the bank building won't be seen or used.  It will then be just another locked building to store museum items w/ very little access to the public.  


Great idea Rudy, in fact i think it would be good to have a meeting with Bill Kurtis and his daughter. They might give you some good ideas about things to do to improve the area and involve some good people. Both people are very impressive have some good ideas.


 A nice eating place,steaks as a special, chioce of potato, veg. and salad.
Open for dining only Friday atfernoon thru Sunday evening, to help defer cost of operating the restaurat.
Rooms to be open every day. This would need one employ everyday.
Alot of work would have to be done. As pigeons left a mess in there.
There is a lot of things that could be put in this place.

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