If our community was given $450K, what would you like done with the money....

Started by L Hendricks, July 17, 2008, 02:04:57 PM

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OH, shows you how observant I am.  Going to Eureka after bit and I shall pay special attention.  Thanks



Buy a Cat 9H with a ripper blade and doze in the fairgrounds.  We could do it twice.


Down, Patrick, down!...Man, who sugared up your Post Toasties this morning???  ;D


If water is what is holding Elk Co. back, then that should be the wish and lots of good things could be possible!

W. Gray

Is there a lack of water in Elk County or is the problem a lack of distribution capability?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Unlike the rest of the free world, the north part of Elk county has never put in rural water.  We have water systems at all of the citys that source from lakes or river.  The problem is the state constantly adds new regs and the expense of meeting those regs.  We are trying to establish a second water district between the greenwood system and Elk county RWD#1 which is sourced from the new moline lake and serves most of Southern elk county and part of Chautauqua county RWD.

Every 50 years or so you should think about infastrusture.


I think I have said before that good well water does not exist in Elk County.  There are wells, but the water is not of the best and the wells go dry.  Most of them anyway.  Most rural people have cisterns to hold the water that they haul from town.  I see a bunch of water tanks go by here everyday as the water dispenser is 2 blocks north of me.

As for a water district that would provide piped in water, the expense of developing one goes up every day.  The population of north Elk County is kind of skimpy making it even more expensive.  But on the other hand, if there were a good supply of good water available, more people would build in the rural areas making it less expensive.  Kind of a which comes first situation.

I think that before any development of Elk County can be done, a good source of water needs to be established.


Update on water district.

My brother out in northwest Union Center now has a meter and water.

Janet Harrington

Yeah, Uncle Dale. Now, if we just had a house there. LOL

By the way, if our communities were give $450,000, I would like to see all the roads that go to all the cemeteries paved or something. It is embarrassing to have a funeral procession go to a cemetery and have to hit all the dips and potholes. How about that for the use of that money?

Diane Amberg

Now that's interesting .Some time back when we talked about rural water someone said the water company wouldn't do anything because there weren't enough people willing to have meters to make it worthwhile to install the pipes. What changed? That's a really positive turn around.

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